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    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    Now that I've finally broken my streak of failed Jams, I present to you - a once in a lifetime exhibition:

    Join me as we have a look into the nature of humanity... through artistic meaning.

    ...What do you mean I'm pulling your leg?

    Please sit down, sir. There's no need for protest. All shall be explained soon enough...

    Minecraft Version: 1.12 (or snapshots)

    Map Type: Linear Branching

    General Difficulty: Normal (4 - 7)

    Click here to download the map!

    Direct Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2sq95o78gyu3dym/Darkest_Hour_-_An_Eye_for_Detail_V1.01.zip


    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Darkest Hour - A CTM Series by blade933

    It's been a long time...

    Far too long actually, hold on.

    *grabs feather duster, cleans up cobwebs and dust*

    Okay, that's better.


    Okay, so it's been a while since I did... anything here. I've left this thread to rot, and I think now it's time for a clean-up. And a possibly, excessively large update on things.

    So, first off, since I want to get things fresh around here, I'm gonna be changing some things around: New fonts, new info on upcoming projects/builds, so on and so on.

    So, first things first: Heart of the World is no longer gonna be Heart of the World. After about 2 years on and off of trying to get it done and switching formats over and over, it's finally settled on being a 12-objective, intersection-based CTM called Rite of Passage - both for me and you. (;

    So yeah, my full-on CTM is finally getting done, and I'll be updating the thread with some images of the work you'll be expected to suffer fight through in the future. My plan is to finish sometime around summer for testing (I'm hoping for early summer, but you never know).


    Next, some planned mini-CTMs and other projects. I'll be having one in a couple of weeks (a failed Jam map that I want to finish because I love what I've done so far) and maybe one or two down the line. Names/info will be released as planned release dates come up. Some basics for what to expect:

    A failed Valentines Strawberry Jam map: No natural regen; you instead gain health from killing mobs (coming in a couple of weeks). See edit below for details.

    An easy mini-CTM: The start of a series of easier CTM/mini-CTM maps (in about 3-4 months).

    A frost/cold-based mini-CTM: Where the land is slick with ice and the water will freeze your bones (later, sometime in the fall/winter).

    In addition, one of those maps (the second mini) will be the start of an off-shoot CTM series of this one called Brightest Hour. Essentially the polar opposite in terms of difficulty, Brightest Hour is planned to be a series of CTM maps that are on the easier side, generally for people inexperienced with CTM maps or for those who want an easy map to learn the basics of CTM or return to them. The first map for it will be released here, but once more maps under the Brightest Hour series are released, I plan to give it its own thread.


    So, in short, the threads gonna be cleaned up, new maps are planned out and on the rise, I hope to finish my main CTM map sometime this summer, an off-shoot series is in development (the first map with be a mini), and some info's gonna be getting released shortly. More to follow (if I ever actually follow up on this.)

    EDIT: Okay, plans have changed because life. My failed Valentines Map has been put on the backburner and something else has come to take its place... You'll see in about a week.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    -Whirling Phenomena (Map Version 1.1, Minecraft Version 1.11)

    Difficulty: 11/10
    Overall Enjoyment: 1

    A short summary of my experience with this map.

    This map is huge! That means it has huge guts! RIP AND TEAR!


    This map is a horrific, bloated, and terribly unbalanced mess – a map with very little checks and balances, excessive mob spam, randomized loot and so many other problems that I can only feel sorry for any poor soul who thought this would be a good map to play. This map is one of the worst maps I have ever played, and you should know exactly why.

    Comments: Warning - Map Spoilers (duh) and Wall of China.

    Good lorde, where do I start with this map? A map with problems that pile on more problems to try and create “difficulty.” A map that thinks inventory wipes in the early stages of the game with very little resources is perfectly okay. A map that proves that size does matter in that if it’s super large and long, then you’re not going to have a good time.
    This... is Whirling Phenomena. Now let’s rip through this mess of a map.
    The first problem is one that becomes obvious once you start the map: Everything’s too big! The starting area (Surface Blast) has more space than a football stadium, and there’s nothing to break up the emptiness except for a couple of dilapidated houses. Later areas continue this trend, with areas like Alchemical Cove and Floodgate Fortress being way too large for their own good.
    This is just one massive, long bridge of Floodgate Fortress. There's more where that came from.

    That only exacerbates the next problem: The map doesn’t give you enough resources. While at later stages in the map there are ways to circumvent this problem, at the early stages (think First intersection) this can be absolutely lethal. Extremely large areas with plenty of darkness for natural spawns makes traversing and dungeoneering a chore, and that’s also not helped by the occasional inventory wipe traps that exist.
    It also doesn’t help that the loot is completely randomized. By a loot table. Yes, the loot you get in most chests is determined by RNG. You could be hoping to find a bit of bread in one of your chests, though you’ll usually just find 7 Powered Rails, 11 Regular Rails, 27 Brick Blocks, 3 Spider Eyes and 2 Gunpowder. Any food that does come out is handed in morsels, which doesn’t help when areas are as large as football stadiums. Chests are just loaded with garbage that I’d never use in any stages of the game, and better equipment and gear is randomly doled out. Not even Yogg-Saron can help you here.
    Yes, these Flower Pots and Daylight Sensors will really help me. Yes, really. Such a help.

    It’s also a pain in the bum to build railways everywhere due to the sheer scale of the map. Yes, you heard me right, Railways. You think after being able to start using teleportation in MC 1.4 and beyond, we’d finally be able to start teleporting people instead of having players waste eons creating railways that only prolong the playtime in an extremely un-fun way. Due to the size of areas and location of railways, building them and making them is its own kind of pain and suffering. At one point, the railway location to/from one area was so long that I just cheated in a command block and made coordinate teleporters because it is that bad.
    Actual map balance is also something that is basically non-existent. There’s no honeypots to limit natural spawns, loot is usually handed in a box of RNG, and mob swarming is a common thing in this map. The mob swarming in this map is made worse by the fact that it uses 1.9 combat, so either you spam click doing little damage in hopes of escaping, or you slowly time your hits and wait for the mobs to consume you like slime. Also, there’s no shields in the first four dungeons. Yes, you heard me: NO SHIELDS – something that is basically absolutely required in the early game due to the broken skeletons. (Do note that if there is actually one this early in the map, please tell me since I never saw a shield until Intersection II) Thankfully, Fort Tomber (the third dungeon) plentifully makes use of skeletons by the boatload, so… there’s that.
    There's nothing like mob swarms in 1.11 to really dampen the mood.

    In addition to the regular monument, there’s also the bonus banner monument, that when all gathered together reveals a special secret, and by secret I mean coordinates. Coordinates that lead to a special trading place that let you buy all the stuff you want. FOR STICKS. Yes, you can buy diamonds, mob spawners and spawn eggs, and Intersection V loot boxes with all the RNG you could want FOR STICKS. I didn’t even fully complete the banner monument. I only had about twenty of them when I guessed where to go and found it. The moment you find this area is the moment the balance for the map pretty much shuts down as you can buy whatever you want or need for some tree branches.
    The only hard thing about finding the banners is you need to get one to be able to start gathering the others. I only got one because I happen to spot something obvious in one area of the map – some other banners you’d never know were there unless you had the clue. Example: The one at the monument is super obvious when you see it, but the one at Intersection 1 has no indication as to where it is. At the point you find your first one, you get a clue that pretty much spells out the location of the next one for you. You’d have to be an idiot to not know where the clues take you to – they’re not cryptic, they’re not mysterious, and not subtle in the slightest way.

    Anyone want to take a guess? Anyone? I don't think you could guess it, could you?

    Two boss battles exist in this map, and the difficulty variance is super high. The first one (in yellow) is super-easy: Nothing but a wither skeleton with some added health and whatever natural spawns appear. The later one in red, on the other hand, is absolutely hellish. In addition to a boss that deals about 2.5 hearts with full diamond armor while wearing Protection FIVE diamond armor, is immune to arrows and had enough health to be considered for a role in The Division as a boss fight, he spawns in a bedrock diamond-shaped room (way to be creative) that also has Flame Bow specter skeletons (a.k.a strays) that ride on bats, charged creepers and witches. Put that all together and you have one of the grind-iest bosses I’ve ever faced in Minecraft: he’s so grind-y he belongs in a bad MMO.
    This map also loves to just kill you and clear your inventory. There are plenty of traps where you run the risk of dying and losing everything, either to lots of TNT, lava or void. There’s no in-between as to the danger of the traps in this map. They are either super obvious and easily avoided or disarmed, or super hidden and you won’t see coming at all. Even the final dungeon has an inventory wipe, and it involves a bed and a floor of glowstone. You can already guess where this is going.
    Aesthetically, everything is either too bland or too colorful. The walls of most places are only of one kind, and when they’re not they are a terrible mix and mish-mash of blocks without rhyme or reason like in Cemetery of Ash. Caves and caverns were either over-smoothed or had obvious brushstrokes – no middle ground. Also, most of the buildings are boxes – nothing but boxes with some little ornaments like rail-guards and archways. The only thing I did like the look of was the building in Alchemical Cove, but even that was still box-y and blandly colored. But other than that, everything else was either bland or an absolute eyesore – so bad that I wouldn’t be surprised if I need to see an Ophthalmologist in the next few days.
    You were destined for... greatness? No, I meant blandness. Extreme blandness.

    On a brief side-note, some people may ask me: Is this map worse than NTWICCTM? Well, I’m gonna say yes, it is. NTWICCTM started good and got worse as it went on. This map started terribly… and got worse as it went on. The final dungeon of this map was on a level that matched NTWICCTM’s horrid slugfest, though I imagine some could see it as being even worse. And I’ll tell you all about it.
    1. The first part is climbing a poop volcano. This part is fairly easy if you’ve got the wing set in Cemetery of Ash, which I did.
    2. The next part, once you reach the top, is Pain Waters 2.0. Yes, that area from Legendary by Vechs, but much worse because:

    a. There are Guardians that swim in the water and lava, so you’re getting blasted by lasers from every direction. Hope you got some good food and armor!

    b. There’s no air pockets. There’s no chance of getting air so you better bring some Water Breathing potions (or just have a creeper in Lime Wool explode and get infinite water breathing from that)

    c. You’ll also want fire resistance since the Guardians with all their lasers will be shooting you all over the place. It’s impossible to keep straight when you have ten lasers locked onto you at all times.


    3. Once you get through that and fall into a pool of lava (or, if you’re like me, used an ender pearl), you cross a big bridge over void with natural spawns. Nothing too hard.
    4. You then reach a fake wool box that has a path behind it with lots of pressure pads and brown carpet. I imagine some of it is booby-trapped. There’s also a bed at the end of this hallway… in the Hell biome. Over glowstone. Over the void. Another inventory wipe, and right in the middle of the final dungeon!
    5. Next comes a square plaza-like area with lots of square buildings and cubes in the middle. Lots of natural spawns and mob swarming here! Behind that is a bedrock castle, as in just bedrock. Oh, and all the mineral blocks you could want. And more mob swarms with ghasts, blazes and custom zombies. Exploration is easy if you still have the wings.
    6. Once you reach the top, you have to go down into a room full of punch skeletons and charged creepers. One of the spawners hides the path downwards into a room full of shulkers and shulker spawners. Hope you brought some TNT.
    7. After that, you enter into bedrock halls with many charged creepers and charged creeper spawners. Note that if you’re wearing the Protection Five armor from the Red wool boss, you’re still likely to be one shot from the creepers here. Bring a lava bucket/a lot of shields and plenty of ladders/blocks.

    8. Once you get out, you’re outside the halls with empowered ghasts that can blow up the available stairs. You’ve also got blazes shooting you from every corner, so bring more fire resistance!
    9. Once you climb back up, you enter into a checkerboard floor room with half the blocks being holes into the void. If you have feather-falling, you can just fall and want ahead to the next room – not really hard, even with the ghasts shooting at you.
    10. After that, you enter a big empty room. But it’s not. Nope, it’s everyone’s favorite: Barrier mazes! Yes, mazes in which you have no idea where you should be going or if you’re going the right way without an excess of torches. Get out of that (and mind the gap) and you are now staring down a dozen blaze spawners and a couple super-powered ghasts.

    11. Once done with that, you enter a long fall and head down into a hallway with barriers as the floor. It’s completely safe except for the last bit right by the final room with the wool, which is just a hole.
    12. Congratulations, you’ve finally made it! The black wool is yours and so is this great treasure! By the way, you do know you have to travel all the way back, right? Through the painful waters, bedrock castles, and exploded hallways? No teleporters or railways. (Even NTWICCTM had a shortcut out of there once you finished the final area.)
    Oh yes, I just loooove those blocky, chunky bedrock castles. So much FUN!

    I don’t know how anyone could think this was okay. I don’t how anyone could think this is balanced. This map is an unbalanced, ugly and absolute mess; a dumpster fire not even the fire department could put out; a guide on how not to build a CTM map. Problems upon problems that pile on to create an absolutely atrocious experience. The only reason I beat this map is so I could tell you just how truly awful it is. Please, spare yourself the agony of this map: You’d get the same amount of pleasure playing this map as you would hugging a cactus.

    Aesthetics: 2
    Creativity: 1
    Gameplay: 1
    TOTAL: 4

    (Apologies for the Wall of China. I did try to get it into a spoiler, but for whatever reason the spoilers don't seem to be working)

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    I just wanted the actually OP of the review (not 3 other people) to think twice.


    ...to think twice about what? Writing the review? Saying what I said about the map in the review?

    I didn't set the forums on fire from writing it. I got, like, two comments on/about/debating it. I didn't start a war over it, did I?

    As for why I wrote it, I kinda already said at the top of the review. I chose to do Inferno Mines because it was a map I had played years ago and decided to redo it solo, given that I had more experience in CTM maps than I did before when I played with rose-tinted glasses on.

    If you want to add the review to the OP, feel free to. It doesn't seem like it's welcome, either way.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from KacperNFS»


    If that was the design for the monsters/areas, then they are both terribly and absolutely flawed.

    On the Zistonian Pigmen:
    If that is the intended "mechanic" for such a mob, then it is absolutely grotesque and disgusting for a number of reasons:
    1. The zombie pigmen spawn invulnerable for approximately 3-4 seconds (never entirely sure) so you can only push them around for a bit.
    2. They are fast, strong, and durable in one powerful mob. If even one of these aspects were lessened, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe.
    3. They also have Knockback II so they can just push you away from the spawner.
    4. (and most importantly) One alone is tough. Two or more are nothing but an absolute nightmare. Even if you clear one spawner out, you have more Zombiepigs coming from other angles waiting to knock you in a corner and start pummeling you to death.
    5. I really hate the idea that I need a specific item to actually break a spawner or do an action (not talking about items with special actions, mind you) unless it's actually an interesting gimmick (like, say, Ragecraft III's Phantom Ruins - no, it's not unique, but at least it wasn't super annoying). Sure, having a Smite/Bane of Arthropods sword helps with certain enemies and Efficiency can help with breaking spawners quicker. That doesn't mean that ones with super-high levels should be required/necessary just to defeat a mob, pass a dungeon or break a spawner.

    As for Eternal Battle:
    How am I supposed to know that I'm to shoot the button? From the distance I'd need to cover to actually see the button, I might as well as just go and press it myself if I'm that close. When my brother and I (years ago) first played it, that's what we thought we had to do - brave the potions and hit the button (with our hands). Made our way over, barely survived the swarm of potions, thoughts of victory and accomplishment in our head and... teleported right into lava. All of our stuff gone. Unless you'd have seen someone do it or knew about it ahead of time (and knew about hitting wooden buttons with arrows, which I imagine some players don't), there was no way you could tell that a wooden button was in place.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    I remember when Vechs maps were all the rage...

    I'll show myself out.

    Honestly though, Vechs' maps were what got me into CTM maps in the first place (and pretty much why the genre is here in the first place), but there's no doubt that even the best mapmakers can end up making a bad map. I'm just wondering if Vechs will ever return to the CTM mapmaking scene (and I'm not talking Super Hostile Online, that doesn't really count IMO) and if he does, will he be able to stand out from the rest of the community? Since we have maps like Myriad Caverns (which is essentially a good, modern Veches map), Ragecraft III (the current pinnacle of CTM mapmaking) and many other great/terrific maps, I'm not sure if he'll be able to compete if he just sticks to his roots rather than try to grow out with what is available now.

    (Then again, it's Vechs. He could probably make a bad map and still make half a million downloads.)
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    I decided I wanted to try reviewing more CTM maps, so today I chose to do an old map from long ago:

    -Inferno Mines by Vechs (Map Version 3.1, made for Minecraft 1.5.2)

    Alright, I'm done with this map.

    See you in the after-life.

    Difficulty: 9

    Overall Enjoyment: 3


    I first played this map with my brother through rose-tinted glasses: Having only played Vechs CTM maps, I had little idea of the community that actually surrounded it. So, after a number of years and more CTM experience under my belt (both playing and creating), I decided to revisit this map, wondering how it would stand the test of time after extensive growth of the genre.


    I should have chosen to stay home. As in, "lock the door and never leave home."


    So let's dig in to the dumpster that is Inferno Mines, shall we?


    There are dozens of problems to go through, so I'll start with one of the obvious ones: the loot has no balancing at all. It's all randomly placed into the map with no care, and the problems can easily be seen going on. Every chests is filled with piles of coal, weapons, armor, potions, and so forth in uncountable numbers. Upon completing the first area of the map (and going through Skylight C), this is what I had in my inventory when I finished the first dungeon:

    The first dungeon. The first dungeon.

    And this just kept going on. Before I even got to the second intersection, I had almost full iron armor. Heck, in Hane's Disgrace, there a giant piles of Minecarts Chests that give you all the armor you could ever need, even a full set of diamond armor. In the fifth/sixth dungeon. Vex had little to no balancing in his loot, and it really shows when you can get full diamond before even completing half the Monument.


    Since the loot is obviously out of whack, the only way to bring the line of balance in tow is to up the ante with the mobs in the most unfair way possible. Witches with super-speed and high-jump (and this was in 1.5 where they had 31 second poison with super accuracy.), Skeletons with super-speed and Punch II bows, Zombie knights with two Flame skeletons on top, a super-durable cactus mob with an extreme level of thorns. And lets not forget the worst of all: The Zistonian Pigmen. Quick enemies with high damage, Fire Aspect II and being invincible for a few seconds once spawned (in addition to their spawners summoning more within seconds), you've got a recipe for an absolute disaster. I've never faced a mob that I have despised more than the Zistonian Pigman.


    And that's just counting the custom mobs in 1.5. There's still your usual slew of blazes, creepers, poison spiders, etc. But normally, they come in swarms. Lush Ruins has rows of spawners spitting out cave spiders left and right, Everforge suffers from a hectic skeleton infestation, and Eternal Conflict is nothing but an endless mob of zombies and wither skeletons. When the map isn't using its super-dangerous OP mobs, it's swarming the player with regular mobs.


    Oh, and let's not count out the Fleecy Mobs. They were either super easy to defeat or extremely tough - never in-between. The Fleecy Mob in Salire Castle was easy to beat - I just stood a distance while I mowed it down with my bow. On the other hand, the Fleecy Mob in Black had me killed about three times before I finally got the wool. The only real "challenge" might have been trying to pick up the wool while seven other copies of the Fleecy Mob had spawned as well.

    That is just one row of spawners out of the dozens in this dungeon.

    The dungeons themselves could pick up where the rest of the map dropped off, right? There's still some redemption, any hope at all? After all, this must be his best - his opus magnum! Surely, he pulled out all the stops to make his dungeons sparkle and shine, right?!


    *Cue TF2 Engineer saying "Nope"*

    Most of the dungeons themselves are fairly bland and boring. All of them take place in the sandstone-laden caves they lie in, with little variation between colors or blocks used. In addition, areas usually consist of only one of two block types with little mixing of materials. Most of the areas are Veches' standard, blocky style. Very basic pillars of stone keep the roofs from crumbling while standard, banal walkways keep the gameplay "going." Though there were a few areas I liked the looks of (Flame Citadel and Vexian Gallery come to mind), they don't make up for the absolute dullness produced by every other dungeon in this map.

    Well, I think this looks nice IMO. Despite the very basic design.

    And I'm just talking in terms of aesthetics/design, not specifically gameplay. And that's what really kills it for me. The map could be super ugly and if the gameplay at least had some heart to it, maybe I wouldn't be so demeaning to Inferno Mines.


    But NO. The difficulty curve was a wild roller coaster that never sat firmly in one spot. At times, it's heartless and brutal. At others, it feels like it's not even trying to kill me. The gameplay in this map feels like its trying to make you quit playing the map rather than giving you a reason to keep pushing on.


    Allow me to give a few examples to you:


    Lush Ruins: A large open cavern with large piles of mossy bricks everywhere. Most of it feels empty and dead, and where there is life, it is in volatile abundance. Creepers, skeletons and cave spiders all pour out of the rows of spawners that lie everywhere in this area. Also, there's the occasional death potion spawner that gives you every bad effect in the game at one, and if you don't have a milk bucket/some way of off-putting the damage, you're dead. It felt like someone made an RPG, forgot to add most of the RPG elements, and where they did, it was completely unbalanced.


    Zistean Blast Caverns (I don't remember the name completely, it's in Intersection III): This may have been just a standard, boring old dungeon if not for the armies of Zistean Pigmen everywhere. Heavy damage and serious Fire Aspect, just one of these mobs could easily cut a player down. Just one hit would deal two whole hearts of damage (not counting the fire) while I was wearing full iron armor. On Normal. Even if you do manage to kill one, the spawner keeps pumping out more of them. And when there's more than one Pigman spawners, it's just made much, much worse. I died almost ten times in this area trying to clear out the spawners to get to the wool.

    Don't worry, I'll get to Eternal Conflict soon.

    Zistonian Battlecry: Nothing but a straight-forward run towards a wool box, blocked by super-thorns, Zistonian pigmen and creepers. All seems normal until you get right up to the end and then a swarm of ghasts and blazes descend upon you. I was trapped behind the glass to the wool box due to the mob that grew right outside. The only reason I was able to escape alive was due to ender pearls (which, again, the map gives in abundance, along with everything else.)


    Eternal Conflict: This area was one of the worst dungeons I had ever witnessed, taking everything bad about this map and stuffing it into one dungeon. First, you are thrown into a wooden pseudo-fortress where swarms of zombies and wither skeletons come pouring in. You get a bunch of snow golems and an occasional iron golem to help you out, but unless you can get out of the fortress, they're just going to keep building up. Once you manage to escape that, you have to go to the castle in the corner and slay a Fleecy Mob to get the Black Wool - don't forget all the other mobs that come to his aid. Finally, you have to go to the other side of the map to get to a teleporter that takes you out of the dungeon that has death potions (the ones like in Lush Ruins) pouring down on you constantly. And once you get out of the dungeon, you don't teleport to a safe spot where you get the chance to calm yourself or catch a breather. Nope, you end up in mid-air. In the Vexian Gallery. Right above lava. I actually died and had to do the whole dungeon over again because of that death.

    This map didn't feel like fun. This map felt like I was being held prisoner by a sadist - a sadist who wanted nothing more than to see me crying in agony and pain. This map is a gauntlet of pain and frustration to see how long it takes the player before they through their computer out of the nearest window in blind, seething rage. I didn't enjoy my time here, and I wouldn't recommend this map to any poor soul who would want to even consider it.


    Aesthetics: 3

    Creativity: 4

    Gameplay: 2

    TOTAL: 9

    Edit: Forums decided to mess up order, bolding and so on, should be fixed now.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Darkest Hour - A CTM Series by blade933
    Quote from vixianmix»

    When is Heart Of The World going to be released?

    Yeah, I haven't updated the thread in quite a long while. The map has a whole different name, different focus (intersections instead of open-world) and just a bunch of different changes I never put in here since I've been so focused on building it. I'm probably get that all updated in a few days with some more info on the changes (and show some of the work I've put in, which is a lot of work) but if I'm going by the time I have left for building it, I'd say late September to early-October, but due to how my building goes in waves of either "I want to do a lot of work!" or "I don't feel like doing any work," I wouldn't say it's super accurate.

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    Welp, so much for my Wave 2 map: Was way too ambitious on the project. I wanted to try and build something large like Sketch's "All in a Nutshell" but, like I said, too ambitious a project. Gonna do something simpler next time. I at least have some nice dungeons/designs I can use in other maps, so there's that.

    Anyways, be prepared to meet your Doom. Next week. In Wave 3.

    (Now for the evil laugh part:) Muahahahahahahahahahaha!

    (Yes, I'm doing something inspired by the new Doom game. The game is tons of fun and I want my map to be tons of fun just like it!)

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Strawberry Jam V3 - A CTM Map Building Jam! Jam #17 over - check out the maps!

    Another Jam round is coming up! Can't wait to see what we get with the theme of "Apocalypse." Also,

    *looks at new Google Doc for jam maps*


    (Someone always gets my name wrong...)

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] RenderXR's Untold Stories Series

    *blasts down door with a shotgun*

    Look who just finished your map! (Myriad Caves):

    Also, my emerald collection, organized by number (I plan to go back and get the rest of them later.)

    Overall, this map was a lot of fun. I only died about 10 times in total, but some moments were just as frustrating as the deaths.

    And now for some thoughts on the dungeons:

    (Grove?) of the Novice: Not a lot to say on this area, a good starting zone that got you prepared for the rest of the map.

    Cavern of Victory: The Monument area, can't really complain too much, though I do have one complaint really: I feel like there needs to be a little more space for tree-farming. There's not much space on the surface (with the Monument being there) and not much either underground.

    Lumenspire Caverns: 1 Death here as a result of the cave spiders beneath the surface. Here, I learned that Cave Spiders are literally Satan himself in 1.9. (Considering the fact that at this point in the map most players won't have a lot of food on them, I feel like you might want to remove a few of them from that dungeon or replace them with something not-so rage inducing.)

    Bandon Mines: A very large, maze-like mineshaft. Not much to complain about here (I did like the call-back to Goliath, though. That was fun.)

    Forsaken Cliffs: This area was surprisingly easy, considering I managed to get a bucket of water from the Drizzling Cove and just make my way to the wool using that, so I can't really say anything about this one.

    Drizzling Cove: 2 Deaths here: one from a creeper, another from one of your TNT traps. I quite enjoyed exploring the waterfalls and cliffs of this area, and the Sapphire gear was fun to use! (Too bad it was short lived as I broke the helmet in Crystallized.)

    Dunes of Inferno: A very nice area: the castle was a challenge to conquer, but I got it! Not much to say here.

    Corrosion: This was a fun and interesting area. I liked the play on the classic "dozens of towers, one has the wool/objective" style with the broken pathways and dizzying heights. 1 Death here from walking back into a creeper (A lot of my deaths actually came from creepers, surprisingly. Pretty sure it's because of how damage is calculated in 1.9+ now. That creepers are naturally rude buggers.)

    Crystallized: This was one of my most favorite areas in the map if just for the aesthetics alone. The area was absolutely stunning with the beautiful crystals/crystal trees around the place. I almost died here (twice) but it was not enough to stop me!

    Forlorn Legacy: And this is my most favorite area of the map: A large underground town/city with a massive castle as the dungeon. I really enjoyed this one, even if the mob spawning sorta got out of hand. I actually had to run a bunch of chests on minecarts back to base because there was so much loot to get (I'm a looter, it's what I do!)

    Midnight Miasma: This one was tricky to traverse being a large, jungly area. My complaint here is that it is kinda hard to find compared to other areas being up a random waterfall in Forlorn Legacy.

    When You Go Up, You Gotta Get Back Down(?): This dungeon was interesting, but I felt like it could've been handled better. I didn't die once on it (probably cause I had Prot 4 diamond gear on) but it plays more like trial and error than an actual dungeon. The first hole I went through just ended in lava. I had to swim through the lava just to get to a hole that'd let me pass. It happened multiple times to me, and truthfully it felt kinda unfair that if you made a mistake and went through the wrong hole or bumped the corner of some lava *whoops* you're dead and have to restart. (Oh, and let's not forget the shulkers near the end of it. God, those were the worst.

    Fluffscape: ...uh-huh. (Similar complaint to Miasma: hard to find in a small waterfall in Crystallized.)

    And now for the "evil" dungeons.

    The Miner's Dream: This was my least favorite of the dungeons for a number of reasons:

    1. The path to get there is very long. Going through Forsaken Cliffs and then dropping through one large cave to get to it, compared to the others in which the sign distance was normally a hop, skip and a jump away.

    2. The explosions are very random. Sometimes, I'm not even close to an ore pile and I'll suddenly hear explosions going off in the distance. Other times, I'll return to a stone spire I already cleared up of spawners only to hear the hiss of TNT (and spiders. Many screaming spiders.)

    3. It felt the least inspired of the areas and looked kinda drab. The way the walkways and the caverns looked was such a contrast to how the rest of the map looked and felt.

    Also, I felt like this was nothing more than a resource area like that one place in Goliath, so I only came back for the wool once I got all of the other wools. I only died once here from a bunch of exploding creepers and then straight into the lava.

    Dragon's Vengeance: And this one was freaking awesome. Climbing the dragon's tail/back was both exciting and nerve-wracking! That, and the dragon looks awesome! Only one death here from a super creeper (I never actually saw it, so I never knew if it blew up its own spawner or not.)

    Delusion: This was an interesting dungeon, and it worked quite well (and was also quite infuriating at times.) Having the dungeon be surrounded by barriers meant you could never know where the skeletons on the other side would be able to shoot you or if they can even get to you. I will say, however, that some of it was just very annoying: the no-floor, no-wall maze with zombie spawners was annoying as heck, and it was also really annoying having to travel all the way up and all the way down (if you didn't get to the wool, that is.) There's no shortcuts to be made, so if you need to restock or you die, you have to travel through everything. 2 Deaths here, one from a creeper I couldn't get away from (darn skeletons), and another from a baby zombie that knocked me off the edge near the top. (Here, I learned that baby zombies were literally Satan.)

    Death's Pass: This dungeon was okay. It wasn't really as hard as I expected it to be (except for the final room, because that was crazy and cool.) Plus, the other rooms (except for the throne room) were fairly bland, just being reminiscent of a stronghold. If the rest of the dungeon was more like that final room - in terms of aesthetics and stronger mobs - then this would've been better.

    And some more general thoughts on the map:

    Overall, this reminded me of your first map (Goliath, which I played and beat) - a very fun map with some rough edges. Most of the areas were pretty fun, though I had some I liked more than others. My favorites here had to be Forlorn Legacy, Crystallized and Dragon's Vengeance - they all played well and looked wonderful - in fact, I'm pretty sure they're some of your best work to date! On the other hand, there's dungeons like Miner's Dream and Death's Pass, which feel bland and uninspired. They look (aesthetically) very basic compared to the rest of the dungeons, and to me they feel either too hard (Miner's Dream) or too easy (Death's Pass).

    Some of the shortcuts I didn't really like - the ones with TNT to open the way, specifically. In the one between Crystallized and Drizzling Cove, I used it and not only did a piece of TNT come flying at my face despite getting a fair distance away, leaving me with two hearts, it didn't break all the way through. I had to dig through the rest of the way to open it up. Speaking of shortcuts, the teleporter from the Monument to Midnight Miasma and vice-versa kept putting me in solid blocks, leaving me to suffocate.

    For the beginning, I started with a sword and a shield as weapons, but soon switched over to sword and bow. The loot given out was plentiful and helpful, so running out of loot wasn't much of a problem.

    Despite some of the map's flaws, I had a lot of fun with it. I'm probably gonna come back to it later to try and find the rest of the emeralds.

    Bonus: I also had fun decorating my base, because I'm that type of person:

    Here, my enchanting room:

    My brewing room on the right:

    A nether wart farm on the left:

    A "railyard" that I used for dropping off loot from Forlorn Legacy, up the stairs:

    And a carrot farm in the side room:

    I also made this nice stand since I wanted a good photo of the Monument:

    I might try and write a review of it later on the CTM Community thread. It was a lot of fun, and I hope you get some of those problems worked out! (For the record, I played on version 1.1.3 of the map, so I have no idea if some of these problems have been changed/fixed in any way.)

    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from SirBrock»

    So I haven't played this game in 2 years and a couple days ago I decided to play it and go back to my favorite thing about it, Making CTM maps. I worked a little bit on a map and decided to play test it in the most current version 1.9 and It's impossible. 1.9 completely breaks CTM maps, This new combat system is awful, The attack cool down is the worst thing ever implemented in this game. The only way I can get around it is if I make the player wear a certain item that negates the cool down effect which I refuse to do because that means the player will loose an armor slot. Are all future CTM maps going to have to be made and played in 1.8?

    Honestly, that's quite an exaggeration. We've already had multiple 1.9 CTMs that show you can make a good CTM map with the new combat (Krose's Supposed Golden Path and Kaladun's The Red Count are nice examples, IMO), but I'd say that it's harder than before. Though some of the other changes do kinda make up for it:

    - The new Repeat and Chain command blocks make setting up commands easier than ever before. I never liked setting up lots of clocks to do it all, plus it removes some of the lag from those massive clocks. Plus, there's the new scoreboard "tagging" system so I don't have to make 100 different scoreboards for everything.

    - Elytra offer a new opportunity for travel in maps - glide through the air in a skylands-based map, soar over large open-world maps. Plus, they're a ton of fun in their own right! (In fact, I'm making a mini-CTM that uses them as the main transport!)

    - The new potion effects such as levitation offer new opportunities for mobs and dungeons (and traps - levitating straight into a lava roof isn't really pleasant, I imagine.)

    - Since armor and attack speed is directly related to a datatag like damage and knockback resist, there are more opportunities for custom items to be made.

    So I wouldn't say it is impossible, but I would definitely say it is harder to do. I certainly feel like they could've done much better with the combat - some new weapons would have been awesome. I'm not angry with it, I'm just disappointed in the update, really - they had the opportunity to do something awesome with the combat, but all we really got were cooldowns and a shield (Sidenote: Did you really have to compress the banner images on shields, Mojang? Why can't I have my awesome shield designs look just like my cool banners? Why? Why?!)
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Smitje1991»

    How do you guys feel about CommandBlock traps? I don't mean, player approaches a diamond block and suddenly dies, but more in the way of the player trips a tripwire and now the hallway in front of them has a lava floor or a mobspawner gets placed. The options are endless but would it be an interesting thing to encounter?

    I think command block traps would be cool - open a chest and suddenly BOOM walls break off to reveal shulkers and if you get hit, you'll be flying right into a roof full of lava! Though I'd say don't go crazy with it - opening a chest and changing all of the floor to lava seems just a tad cruel. They would be awesome to use, but what I would say is "Don't go crazy..." well, too crazy.

    Also, ViCABO...
    Quote from ViCABO»

    This looks pretty amazing Blaze, but...

    I think that you should not use that type of block to the castle.

    Is a Frosted Castle?

    Use stone, cobble, stone bricks, quartz, and ice, a lot of ice. xD

    Yeah, there's a reason that second area is called the Snowbound Mines and not the Snowbound Castle. I wanted something simple for that area - just some rooms and platforms, nothing super-detailed. It's just a icy mineshaft, really.

    (Or if you are talking about the first area (Everburning Citadel), I wanted a nice floor that contrasted with the walls, and I thought the Cyan Stained Clay was a good match. If you've got a better suggestion though, I'm all ears.)
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    The flames surround you... Brimstone burns at your throat...

    You look forward, and you see the blazing walls towering skyward... Dark warriors stare down from above...

    The Everburning Citadel awaits.

    This dungeon is very W.I.P right now - I'd say I only have about 5-15% done. Since this is the final dungeon for my map, this one is going to be huge. But since I love what I've done so far, I have really wanted to show off what I made for a while. So, here it is!

    On the other hand, I have something cold as well.

    Enter - The Snowbound Mines!

    This dungeon's a shorter one - it's really just to prepare you for the upcoming dungeons with some iron tools/resources. I have about 40-50% of it done, so this one will be finished quite soon.

    Any feedback and suggestions are always welcome!

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    I can't wait for Minecraft 1.11: The Septum Immoriel Update. Then again, I may have to.

    Well, Searge just recently showed off some new features in the SI update from his Twitter, and the update looks awesome so far!...

    Don't worry, we'll be getting the update by 2027. At best.

    (Really though, Fangride finish that map sometime this millennium so I don't have to put in a joke about you not having finished Septum Immoriel in my map. Also, because it looks awesome and I want to play it.)
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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