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    posted a message on GreenToGrey Server

    Thanks to Br00rsan for the image


    No donations, no children as moderators, no ******** (OK... Some ********). Join this server if you think that the people who come on asking for a promotion to moderator should be kicked without question. Join this server if you like playing minecraft, but are willing to play it with a few modifications and mechanics added through plugins. Join this server if you want lenient rules that are based more on common sense than strict guidelines.


    Command Signs

    Players will not have access to /home. I want players to have to build roads and transport to get home, or risk the chance they don't spawn at their beds. The only real warp command that will remain accessible is /spawn.

    The only players that can cheat will be those that I place a large amount of trust in. People I know in real life, people who have been on the server for years, and so on. Nobody is going to be getting stacks of diamonds because I like them, but I do occasionally like to fill your inventory with cobble when you complain about needing some.

    There will be very few. Use /help to know what you can use at any time, because it will change as I update permissions and keep track of how the server is doing.


    Mod's are picked based on who you are and how mature you are. Asking for mod will disqualify you from becoming a mod.

    You may complain about any mod or mayor actions in the forums.

    The rules of the server are simple. If you are mature and act in a decent way. No hacks, no x-ray, no cheating, no murdering (PVP is enabled), no griefing, no spamming, etc.

    If not, we will ban you and dance happily on your sign-dirt grave.


    The Server uptime below is inaccurate. It was down for about half a year recently, when I went off to college and my internet got unreliable
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on GreenToGrey Server
    The server is no longer economy based.

    It is now a fairly average minecraft server with some plugins. No more useless restrictions and constraints, just fun minecrafting.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    Quote from mdb1099

    My topic about a very complex trap was trashed because I used a lever instead of a pressure plate. Most of the Minecraft Forum community is made up of jerks, just get used to that. :L

    I would not care if it was a simple statement one time "id rather have the bugs fixed" Everyone here pays no attention to the fact that its been said a thousand times, focuses on dinnerbones statement, or says something useful and gets buried by the other two. I don't mind jerks, I hate the idiots.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on New Village Pavement Blocks?
    Jeb: The only man who can troll with a texture pack.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on The larger biomes are awesome. (Latest Snapshot)
    I am about 50/50 with this new thing. I do love the option, and its an awesome feature.

    I also like being able to access different biomes without walking for a very long time... It does add use to minecarts though...

    Screw it. Large biomes are awesome.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Snapshot 12w18a Is Here For Testing!
    Everyone. The server is LOCALLY HOSTED. That means that With or Without an internet connection you can still play minecraft because the server is on your computer instead of being placed on the internet.

    Jeb is not stupid. He will not be killing off the fanbase with some change like that.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on 1.2.5 Netherrack Fire Glitch
    Quote from Mettan

    Fire burns players and items too, I don't see your point.

    One block per inventory spot is far more a big deal than burning the player really.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.2.5 Netherrack Fire Glitch
    Quote from Mettan

    I guess for now you'll just have to deal with temporary fires.
    I don't see what Fire can do that something else cannot.
    Incinerator? Lava. Lighting? Torches, glowstone, lava. Setting stuff on fire? Lava. Killing things? Swords, bows, lava.

    Now that I think about it, Lava is REALLY useful.

    Problem is is that it also burns the player, and items. It can also only be carried one block per inventory slot. Really makes it useless for a lot of things.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Quote from Zachxlmao

    What do you mean by "just right-click on the "1.0.0 line" in the Installer and disable it." what 1.0.0 line ? Where do I find it ?

    It seems this question is getting ignored. It appears that either nobody knows, or they believe all who ask this question irrelevant noobs who should be killed.

    I wonder which one it is...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Adventure Mode/Adventure World
    I would like to see an adventure mode where some things, such as picks are not craft-able by the player, and many more things can be found in chests. Perhaps make tools no longer break, and increase the number of ruins that spawn in the world. Make some blocks breakable, but most blocks no longer editable. Such as making it where the player can break stone, but it takes a while, and it would drop no block (so you could get into caves and things, but make it very hard to even try to dig a mine.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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