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    posted a message on GreenToGrey Server

    I've done a ton with this server at this point. Lot's of minor changes and movements with plugins. Lag should be greatly reduced from before (oh, so many ram issues)

    I really hope you come over to the server page, apply, and enjoy. Dedicated and good users are as important to the server as the owners and mods. More important actually.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on GreenToGrey Server
    The server is no longer economy based.

    It is now a fairly average minecraft server with some plugins. No more useless restrictions and constraints, just fun minecrafting.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on GreenToGrey Server

    Thanks to Br00rsan for the image


    No donations, no children as moderators, no ******** (OK... Some ********). Join this server if you think that the people who come on asking for a promotion to moderator should be kicked without question. Join this server if you like playing minecraft, but are willing to play it with a few modifications and mechanics added through plugins. Join this server if you want lenient rules that are based more on common sense than strict guidelines.


    Command Signs

    Players will not have access to /home. I want players to have to build roads and transport to get home, or risk the chance they don't spawn at their beds. The only real warp command that will remain accessible is /spawn.

    The only players that can cheat will be those that I place a large amount of trust in. People I know in real life, people who have been on the server for years, and so on. Nobody is going to be getting stacks of diamonds because I like them, but I do occasionally like to fill your inventory with cobble when you complain about needing some.

    There will be very few. Use /help to know what you can use at any time, because it will change as I update permissions and keep track of how the server is doing.


    Mod's are picked based on who you are and how mature you are. Asking for mod will disqualify you from becoming a mod.

    You may complain about any mod or mayor actions in the forums.

    The rules of the server are simple. If you are mature and act in a decent way. No hacks, no x-ray, no cheating, no murdering (PVP is enabled), no griefing, no spamming, etc.

    If not, we will ban you and dance happily on your sign-dirt grave.


    The Server uptime below is inaccurate. It was down for about half a year recently, when I went off to college and my internet got unreliable
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trying to find a way to change fog distance...found this.
    Have you thought that someone programming a device would have thought of that already?

    Anyway, what is the big deal about the screenshot? can you edit that text to say anything you want?
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on will local servers replace singleplayer?
    Quote from cinamon

    if local servers will replace singleplayer does that mean i can install mods on my singleplayer and then when i open the local server other people will have accsess to my installed mods too?

    Eventually, yes. I think it won't be like this until 1.4 when the full mod API comes out and mods will be able to be sent from server to client though.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    I think it was the... First or second reply that said that they wanted all bugs fixed, there is an upvote arrow for a reason. I say idiots for a reason. I WANT all these people to consider what they are doing, insults are one way of going about this. Especially when its a 1/2 insult not direclty aimed at a single person.

    I gave plenty of statments of what I "wanted" directly in the first post, where I asked a SPECIFIC AND DIRECT QUESTION. I did not want opinions, I did not want people compaining that they want all bugs fixed and that this is a stupid thread.

    EDIT: Heck, i'm derailing this more than anyone else did. Let us please just move on now.

    BUG: one tick sticky piston glitch
    EFFECT: allowing a sticky piston to only push a block if it gets a one tick signal
    USE: many redstone contraptions use this fact
    REPLACEMENT: Perhaps a block that can be toggled between sticky and normal with a seperate signal of some sort?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    Quote from mdb1099

    My topic about a very complex trap was trashed because I used a lever instead of a pressure plate. Most of the Minecraft Forum community is made up of jerks, just get used to that. :L

    I would not care if it was a simple statement one time "id rather have the bugs fixed" Everyone here pays no attention to the fact that its been said a thousand times, focuses on dinnerbones statement, or says something useful and gets buried by the other two. I don't mind jerks, I hate the idiots.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    Well... Screw this.

    I am not even going to take the time to count the number of people who didn't bother to read past the title of the post. I intended this to be a good interesting discussion about the different bugs that were useful in game, why they are useful, and how features could be added in if the bugs were removed. That small hope was killed the moment Dinnerbone posted (I am not complaining about that, devs that are active in the community are awesome).

    I think I understand much more about these forums now. If any of you mods see this, just delete the thread, its trash anyways.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    1. I highly doubt that.
    2. I did account for the "all bugs squashed thing". Read the last question I asked.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Bugs we DON'T want fixed.
    I was recently thinking about this, and with all the bugfixes that are sure to be happening with 1.3 I think this should be brought up.

    I know there are bugs out there that allow great things to be made in Minecraft, some of these may break the game, some may not, I don't care. What matters is that some of these bugs allow very cool creations/looks in the game, and actually turn out more useful in the game than they are not in the game.

    What are some of these "bugs" that you would like to stay in the game in 1.3, why do you want them in the game still, and if they were removed how could Mojang add the same functionality to the game?

    If you are here to say "I want all bugs gone" please refrain. This thread is for the bugs that are useful and don't hurt game-play in any form. I also would not like to see any bugs that are clearly not "feature" bugs. Half the idiots posting here don't read past the title anyway...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on What new ORE would you add to minecraft?
    sulphur ore for gunpowder, fossils for bones, those would be easy and have use already.

    I don't think the game really needs tons of new ores, it needs more game-play really.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Survival can, and should be, improved (Part 2: Electric Boogaloo)
    I do see what you are saying in this post, and like it a lot.

    - I can't see mojang changing the graphics, although you may dislike it they have become "iconic", and are not going away anytime soon.

    - the 360 version on minecraft has a lot of improvements over the pc game in the fields that you are talking about, the new crafting menu lets players know how to build at first. The tutorial system, the fact that you set the difficulty before you start the world.

    - NPC villages are falling to the "potential" category to me at least. They seem to be turning into "trade and quest" centers instead of sim city style "become a king, lead a village" style

    - I can see mobs spawning in a light level of 4. Imagine instead of mobs being sprinkled around at night, they instead came in packs, swarming out of cave systems and out of forests.

    - I do agree with the need for more special type mob abilities, zombies breaking down doors are awesome, and many of your suggestions were.

    - I think that also the current "easiness" of minecraft has helped to spawn the smp community. the prison servers, the faction wars, and many other things can be attributed to players looking for more challenge. Not necessarily a good thing for the devs, but it HAS helped the community.

    all my thoughts for now.

    I can also see the "blind defense" that you speak of in this very thread. Having fun being a "complainer?"
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What is the most annoying thing to deal with in Minecraft?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Weird 'box mob'!?wait, what was that?
    That is a texture bug. It was probably a chicken with a messed up texture.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Sheep grow in less than 5 minutes
    Quote from Brae53

    What would it do? They grow back their meat?

    You should be able to use shears to get the leather off of cows. After they eat you get to reshear them for more leather.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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