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    posted a message on The most double doors can be compacted to [TUTORIAL]

    4x1x4 one block under the door
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on My fully fuctioning elevator
    here is a video of me and my friend diggo80 showing off my elevator in minecraft i will make a tutorial when there is enogh demand cause im not going to make it and have like twenty people watch it.
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Minecraft On Steam
    Quote from Gcrafter

    another thing it would help with if competition with terraria on steam

    notch has no problems with terraria he even said he liked it if anything it has brought steam users to him because of the close resemblence
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft On Steam
    Quote from Gcrafter

    changing username, friends list, server list, server lobby, and friend groups

    i think it would be much less of a hastle to do that himself then to switch over to steam
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft On Steam
    Quote from Gcrafter

    i think that if minecraft would be put on steam it would solve many complaints about it

    if minecraft goes on steam it would be heavily weighed down by steams anti-piracy software and steam would make notches life a living nether with all the restrictions also it would no longer be an inde game too many cons and whose going to link the millions of accouts to steam from minecrafts player database
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on moding redstone help needed
    I was do some moding cause I was bored and copied the redstone torch code to make my own redstone torch but I have one problem with the behaveior of the torch and that is that it does not update properly. you can suply power turning it off but when power is cut it still stays off and then in a few seconds turns back on and does not update even if a new block is placed next to it. so if someone can steer me in the right direction to mabey a file that controls tick update priority or what ever that would be greatly apreciated. here are some pics.
    just placed.
    power suplied.
    power cut.
    redstone placed next to torch to atempt manual update.
    finaly after a few seconds the torch updates.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [V1.3_01]Obsidian Tools[ModLoader Compatible][WIP]
    Quote from AlexanderGn »
    mod_test.class — I think it's not good. :SSSS:

    lol i started off testing the modloader and worked my way to the mod and was too lazy to change sorry
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [V1.3_01]Obsidian Tools[ModLoader Compatible][WIP]
    i am glad to say that i have made the mod compatible with mod loader and added the source for the mod loader but some how lost the souce for regular but feel free to decompile and look for viruses let me see what you think for a first time mod
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [V1.3_01]Obsidian Tools[ModLoader Compatible][WIP]
    i know its been done and i even said int the first sentence that it was not original. it may have been a little less obvious but still its there.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [V1.3_01]Obsidian Tools[ModLoader Compatible][WIP]
    This is my first mod so come on its practice and trust me its anything but original. This mod was meant mostly for practice and for enjoyment by me and the mod users, and by me I mean siting at the computer screen screaming while trying to fix the thrown error code. Yes i know I have a weird way of have fun but enough about me lets talk about the mod.
    This mod includes a few things
    :Diamond: New items :Diamond:
    :Diamond: New tools :Diamond:
    :Diamond: A new weapon :Diamond:
    :Diamond: New semelting recipes :Diamond:
    :Diamond: New crafting recipes :Diamond:
    :Diamond: And loads of fun :Diamond:
    This mod is now completely modloader compatible with no of the main files edited
    Here is the download link for the nonmod loader zip file.
    :Diamond: http://www.mediafire.com/?y8qn6zgws33hgz9 :Diamond:
    I will probly try to make a video guide but we'll have to see. Until then here is the text version.
    inside the download their are the source code the regular download and the modloader download.
    1.open the zip file useing windows explorer or winrar or what ever you use
    2.open up to where the minecraft jar is windows is here C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft.(sorry mac and other operating systems i dont know where this is for you.)
    3.go into bin then open minecraft.jar wit winrar or 7zip i think it is.
    4.select the files from the zip and drag them into the winrar. :tnt:(please note that you must close minecraft before draging the files over other wise it wont work)
    5.finally log onto minecraft and enjoy hours of obsidian fun!!!
    Useing the mod!!!
    This mod includes obsidian sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe, and new obsidian items such as an obsidian shard and obsidian ingot. To obtain a Shard you must smelt obsidian, Then you place 9 in the work bench like your making a gold block to get a ingot and with ingots you can make the tools. Have Fun!!!!!!!
    This was made by me with very little knwoledge of moding minecraft and what little i had cam from the guys who made this tutorial on moding.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Modding Problems
    this is suposedly the thing that gets fixed by modloader because when you copy and paste the class files into the jar file then it overites it heres an example. bob here made a new block called ruler joe over here made a block called ruby ore which has its own items crafting recipies and smelting. now say you want joes mod and you put the class files in your jar then you say hey i want to measure my minecraft world and you put bobs Block.class and his BlockRuler.class but it overwrites the block id and parameters from joes and thats where the error comes in but modloader makes it so that they are simpley added to the file instead of it being changed. hope this helps!!
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on New Block Mouseover Name
    or you can just look in the Minecraft.jar/lang/en_US.LANG
    P.S. if its a block use tile if its an item use item lol i found that out the hard way
    P.P.S it is the .setItemName(string s) code from the source
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from gr3nwr35stlr »
    Quote from bittermanhatt »
    Zan, i will send you icecream cake and .01% of my income for the rest of my life if you update in the next 2 hours. or ill hide that body you will someday need hidden. you know what im talking about :wink.gif: (not really actually)

    lol isnt .01% of 10000$ only 1$? thats not a good deal unless u make mils a year xD

    shhhhhhh dont tell him that
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    mabey zmod is a rip off of the unofficial hmod and he needs to wait until hmod updates to fix zmod just a thought
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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