IGN: Required* Name (First name or nickname): Leoman1337 (my real name and nickname is Leo)
Age: Required* 16
Timezone/Country: Sweden (Epic country of PewDiePie) (and Notch)
Do you have/use Discord?: Yes indeed (Leoman1337#0603)
Will you follow the rules?: Of course I will follow the rules
Why do you want to join this server?: Because I want to get into a SMP server that I will enjoy playing in and just having a chill time, and this server has great potential. I also know RagingPotato01 from a previous server and I did have really fun playing on it!
Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?: Yes, but I am not planning on making videos at the current time.
What sort of player are you? (Builder/Minner/PVPer/etc): I am very much a builder and redstone engineer, as I love programming an maths.
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since 2011
Do you have any other multiplayer games?: Yes
Anything else you would like to add: I am managing a server currently so I might not be as active as you like, I am applying here because I want to play from a normal players role if you get me. I hope you get to me quickly. Cheers!
Tell us a bit about yourself: I like to play Minecraft with other people and make new friends. I started playing Minecraft in January 2012 and I've played it pretty consistently since then. I have an almost complete knowledge of vanilla Minecraft. I live in Sweden, near Notch's home town actually, I have much spare time on my hands and I would play on the server everyday if it is fun.
What do you wish to bring to the server? Do you have any goals?: I could bring some nice builds, memes, *knowledge* and activity. In terms of my goals I want to make some friends, have fun, maybe make my own "empire" and help other people!
What is your favorite thing to do in-game?: To make shops, make diamonds, build, explore and just having a chilled time with other people.
Question for server owner: What will happen with the server when 1.14 drops?
Minecraft IGN: Leoman1337
Age: 16
Time Zone: GMT +1
Playstyle (Builder, Redstone Engineer, etc.): Builder/explorer (not good with that red stuff)
Version of Minecraft you started playing in (Alpha, Beta, etc.): idk what version but january 2012
What you believe you can bring to the community: Nice builds, memes, *knowledge*
Why you are interested in joining: I like SMPs, this seems like a serious project. I am interested in playing minecraft with others and just having fun in vanilla really.
Approximate hours per week you expect to play (not counting long AFK sessions): 15-30 hours depending on school and stuff.
Discord (Username and Number): Leoman1337#0603
Why should we consider you (minimum 30 words, maximum 200 words): I am very experienced in vanilla minecraft and in SMP servers. I've tried running my own server but I just found it very hard. If this is an active server with helpful admins I am very sure I would play for a long time. Also, many of my friends play minecraft, I could bring as many as 10 more players to the server. I fell like I could help this server a lot.
Location: Sweden
Age: 16
IGN: Required* Name (First name or nickname): Leoman1337 (my real name and nickname is Leo)
Age: Required* 16
Timezone/Country: Sweden (Epic country of PewDiePie) (and Notch)
Do you have/use Discord?: Yes indeed (Leoman1337#0603)
Will you follow the rules?: Of course I will follow the rules
Why do you want to join this server?: Because I want to get into a SMP server that I will enjoy playing in and just having a chill time, and this server has great potential. I also know RagingPotato01 from a previous server and I did have really fun playing on it!
Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?: Yes, but I am not planning on making videos at the current time.
What sort of player are you? (Builder/Minner/PVPer/etc): I am very much a builder and redstone engineer, as I love programming an maths.
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since 2011
Do you have any other multiplayer games?: Yes
Anything else you would like to add: I am managing a server currently so I might not be as active as you like, I am applying here because I want to play from a normal players role if you get me. I hope you get to me quickly. Cheers!
{I'm a memer.}
And a question. How long have you been running this realm for?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Memes and Minecraft, the two thing I like the most!
IGN: Leoman1337
EDIT: I no longer want to join
I would like to join.
IGN: Leoman1337
Discord name: Leoman1337#0603
Age: 16
IGN: Leoman1337
How long you've played: Since january 2012
What you like to do in the game: I like to build with others and make shops.
Minecraft name: Leoman1337
Age: 16
Reason: I enjoy vanilla minecraft and I want to play with others and have fun.
I would like to join! IGN: Leoman03
IGN: Leoman1337
What should we call you?: Leo
Age: 16
Country + Timezone: SWEDEN / GMT+1
Discord: Leoman1337#0603
Tell us a bit about yourself: I like to play Minecraft with other people and make new friends. I started playing Minecraft in January 2012 and I've played it pretty consistently since then. I have an almost complete knowledge of vanilla Minecraft. I live in Sweden, near Notch's home town actually, I have much spare time on my hands and I would play on the server everyday if it is fun.
What do you wish to bring to the server? Do you have any goals?: I could bring some nice builds, memes, *knowledge* and activity. In terms of my goals I want to make some friends, have fun, maybe make my own "empire" and help other people!
What is your favorite thing to do in-game?: To make shops, make diamonds, build, explore and just having a chilled time with other people.
Question for server owner: What will happen with the server when 1.14 drops?
Highly recommend this server. If decide to join you should think about joining my empire, Leoland. Perks of being a resident of Leoland:
-A cool title in the chat [Leoland]
-Free food
-No taxes
-Easy to get jobs with good wages
Send me a message if you are interested!
Minecraft IGN: Leoman1337
Age: 16
Time Zone: GMT +1
Playstyle (Builder, Redstone Engineer, etc.): Builder/explorer (not good with that red stuff)
Version of Minecraft you started playing in (Alpha, Beta, etc.): idk what version but january 2012
What you believe you can bring to the community: Nice builds, memes, *knowledge*
Why you are interested in joining: I like SMPs, this seems like a serious project. I am interested in playing minecraft with others and just having fun in vanilla really.
Approximate hours per week you expect to play (not counting long AFK sessions): 15-30 hours depending on school and stuff.
Discord (Username and Number): Leoman1337#0603
Why should we consider you (minimum 30 words, maximum 200 words): I am very experienced in vanilla minecraft and in SMP servers. I've tried running my own server but I just found it very hard. If this is an active server with helpful admins I am very sure I would play for a long time. Also, many of my friends play minecraft, I could bring as many as 10 more players to the server. I fell like I could help this server a lot.
Because it's anarchy.
Hacking should be allowed