I wish I knew how the hell to set this up. Sounds great, and all the servers running this are usually great, as well.
If you can set up the official server, you can set up this. Look at the tutorials for setting up the official server in the forum (viewforum.php?f=10). Set that up and get it running first. Then try with minerCPP.
I had to go through the server logs yesterday to settle some "miner drama." So I have a few suggestions for the logging functionality:
*the logs list time, but no date. Please add a date stamp.
*when a user connects, it would be good to list their rank in the log
*it would be great to have the logs automatically archive each 24 hours or when it reaches a certain size.
Lets say you are having a RP server then you say / user 50 miner
Then when someone write /pinfo the will see this:
miner (50)
aka they will have a custom rank but still the same rights.
REPLY :tongue.gif:
wanna know i any liked my idea :biggrin.gif:
Eh..pretty good idea, if this is done, people should be allowed to have "Titles" as well. Though these ^ aren't really necessary.
Could be good to also have a /status command, where you can set "afk" or "brb" then if someone else issues /user it would include online offline or afk.
I can bear the occational lag spikes as long as I get /clearguest back! :sad.gif: at the moment clears what you've most recently drawn.. (that's the case for me with revision 427)
/clearguest and /setguest aren't working for me with 427.
As far as development goes, I agree it's best to focus on stability. The best feature to have would be fewer server crashes.
Having said that, on my wishlist is a /rules command that would display a text file to the user.
I'm getting a problem when using the latest revision. When I launch the server and attempt to connect with the client, client loads but as soon as it's done loading it gives me a error and disconnects the client. The server log has no errors whatsoever. I'm assuming it is a problem with the map, however I've tried many different maps. Any suggestions?
See my last post about dumping with WoM and loading into Omen.
Whenever I replace executable from revision 409 to 410 and up, the new server crashes as soon as anyone connects to it. Do I need to replace anything other than the executable when upgrading? Please help...
Quote from Amiculi »
Quick bit of info discluded there: If you're loading a map from 413 or before, you need to dump the map with Omen as a user and then use that copy. 414 and on currently removes dense and pure, if you still have those properties on your blocks the server and/or your users will crash whenever someone joins.
I was having client disconnects too. Here's what I did: Run older version minerCPP. Load up WoM client. Dump level. Open dumped level in Omen. From Omen Save as to new .dat file. Run new version of MinerCPP with new dat.
bhhenry, here's what it does. If you have a normal block, and delete it with dense/pure mode enabled, the first deletion turns it into pure/dense, the second one deletes it.
If it's already pure/dense, it's deleted on the first click. I can change it, so it always deletes on first click.
It seems like it would be the other way around, as Varriount described -- if the block is pure/dense it should take two clicks to delete, but normal blocks take only one.
Ugh this happens to me also (build 452).
If you can set up the official server, you can set up this. Look at the tutorials for setting up the official server in the forum (viewforum.php?f=10). Set that up and get it running first. Then try with minerCPP.
*the logs list time, but no date. Please add a date stamp.
*when a user connects, it would be good to list their rank in the log
*it would be great to have the logs automatically archive each 24 hours or when it reaches a certain size.
Thanks for all your hard work devs!
Could be good to also have a /status command, where you can set "afk" or "brb" then if someone else issues /user it would include online offline or afk.
/clearguest and /setguest aren't working for me with 427.
As far as development goes, I agree it's best to focus on stability. The best feature to have would be fewer server crashes.
Having said that, on my wishlist is a /rules command that would display a text file to the user.
http://adventuremountain.wordpress.com/ ... nds-video/
See my last post about dumping with WoM and loading into Omen.
I was having client disconnects too. Here's what I did: Run older version minerCPP. Load up WoM client. Dump level. Open dumped level in Omen. From Omen Save as to new .dat file. Run new version of MinerCPP with new dat.
It seems like it would be the other way around, as Varriount described -- if the block is pure/dense it should take two clicks to delete, but normal blocks take only one.
But this is happening with any block I try to delete when dense or pure is on.
An issue report: when in /dense or /pure mode, when I delete a block it re-appears. It goes away when I delete it twice.