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    posted a message on [1.2.3] Hack Slash Mine (Java 7-10 now supported! Stability improvements!)
    Is there a texture pack that's included with this mod? as i thought i saw on the yogcast that there was a texture pack that came with the mod but i don't know how to find it.

    any idea as to if this is even true or where i can find it?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Ha see i told you this page would become a high traffic thread once everyone gets back online!

    and you really have been a busy bee! lots of nice updates to the thread and new content added!

    i wonder what new things will be discovered at PAX today!

    and keep up the good work! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Quote from SabbyKat

    Meh. Guess I'll do it. Off I go!

    Your my hero of the day!

    and once everyone gets back online tomorrow i'm sure this will be a high traffic thread seeing how its a hot topic already and pretty much covers most of the stuff from Pax!

    +1 Notch's for you! :iapprove:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Quote from SabbyKat

    Up we go!

    Still wanting to hear if folk want just a FAQ, or if they'd like a more detailed list, with pictures for the ADD folk, and blah blah blah. Don't wish to waste my time if no one is interested! :smile.gif:

    well it is 2:26am eastern time right now so tomorrow you will probably get more people looking at this!

    and you said you would try to find decent videos of gameplay from pax. i know that would interest me if you found some good ones!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mob Confirmed
    Quote from juxta86

    As if spiders weren't annoying enough now they fkn poison you too? Tuts...*gets the newspaper ready for swottage*

    Notch needs to add this item now...

    Requires 6 paper in this shape

    :Iron: :Iron: ::
    :Iron: :Iron: ::
    :Iron: :Iron: ::

    where :Iron: = paper

    once used on spiders it instantly kills them and has 30 uses (it is only made out of paper!)

    And then all of our spider problems will be solved!

    until the spider-jockeys come... then were in trouble...

    :Spider: Rawr :3
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Quote from SabbyKat

    This is for FAQ, not 'Enderman is the end of minecraft!'. Please refrain from such posts.

    Enderman will be easily defeated mobs, while adding in an element of... fear from rapidly looking around without caution. Now, if they spawn in dark caves... that will be quite... an issue. As they're black, in pitch black caves, and I accidently look at one, hear it scream, teleport behind me and hit me, I'd likely scream like a little girl if I didn't expect it. :tongue.gif:

    if they were in caves i'm pretty sure id panic when i looked at em on accident and end up not playing minecraft for awhile... and my little brother would probably freak and not sleep for a week or so!

    But other then that it should be pretty easy to adapt to endermen. for example i plan to wear a pumpkin around for the first few days of 1.8! better safe then sorry!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    another thought on goblin villages is that if he added them maybe they would raid the human villages every now and then as well as your base of operations!

    so you could have a battle between the goblins and the towns folk! helping the towns folk would get you rewarded with useful blocks and tools such as wood blocks and Pickaxes or hatchets? and maybe helping the goblins would result in you being rewarmed with weapons or armor of some sort?

    ahh the possibilities! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Hey no problem! Looks nice and more organized now!

    Also referring to NPC villages i don't know if he ever confirmed it but i thought i read somewhere that he was considering adding hostile goblin villages that attacked you every now and then. but it might just be some rumor rather then something that came from notch.

    however i do kind of like that idea.

    Btw did you read that the blacksmith still needed a bit of work considering that in a few of Notch's tests with npc villages the blacksmith managed to burn down the town (or at least his shop) because his furnace is powered by lava! :tongue.gif:

    :VV: :VV: :VV: :VV:
    :wood: :wood: :wood: :wood:
    :wood: :bookshelf: :bookshelf: :wood:
    :wood: :Furnace: :Lava: :wood:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Bow = Huntsman?
    Quote from ShinQuickMan

    But there's no headshots with Minecraft bows! [/nitpick]

    Well notch did say he was working on a system for critical hits so we might just have a headshot system!

    also regarding the huntsman it might just be time for me to break out the sniper skin!

    Now all we need is a yellow potion that when you throw at a mob it lowers health and defense....
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Good! seems like my first goal in 1.8 is to find a pumpkin patch and collect as many of the orange things that i can find!

    and then its off to study my new Creepy ( if not scary) neighbors!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Awesome thanks for the FaQ although it may not clear up most of the spam threads it has helped clear up somethings that i was unable to find on the wiki since all of this is newly found out stuff from Pax.

    also just out of curiosity do you happen to know what effect the pumpkins have on the Endermen? because word on the street is that wearing a pumpkin has some effect on them. if you happen to know and add that to FaQ i would be grateful!

    one last thing any chance that the gameplay footage from Pax has been recorded and uploaded somewhere that i can find and watch it? I kind of want to see the Endermen in action.

    Many thanks!


    just saw that you updated the FaQ with the info on Pumpkins! you must have updated it right as i posted this!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mob Confirmed

    although it doesn't sound too different from the normal spider (i assume its pretty much the same except it poisons and that its blue) but any new mob is fine with me!

    now the question is if any other sub mobs have been planned thus far! as variety is the spice of life!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Endermen or Farlanders?
    I don't really care which name they get but i know when they get put in game and i run into one for the first time i'm going to panic and will either fear quit or quickly switch to peaceful mode!

    call me a coward but i signed up for minecraft not resident evil! :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on RUNESCAPE Skin maker! [Taking Requests]
    just looked at what you did with bandos and it looks really sweet! nice job mate!
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on RUNESCAPE Skin maker! [Taking Requests]
    i see what your saying but could you kind of make it look like theres horns on the side of the cube head? i know i've seen textures of horns used before in this video: if you look at honeydue you can see he kind of has horns. but if you can't do that i guess i could always go with normal hair preferably curtains (not long curtains) you can see it on this page http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Hairstyle thanks for working with me btw
    Posted in: Skins
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