-Hit the start menu
-In the Search programs and files bar type "%appdata%" Without quotes
-Click the file that shows up it should be "roaming"
-In this list should be the ".minecraft" folder where the files of minecraft are kept.
-For example the one marked "Saves" are the saved worlds. This is where the maps go. When maps are placed here they will show up when selecting a world to play on in minecraft.
Mods are slightly more complicated though, usually requiring file openers such as "7zip"
Be sure when you are getting these maps/mods that you click on the right download links as many websites that host them have tons of buttons saying "download x here"
There are modpacks such as tekkit, Feed the Beast and many others that actually use separate launchers so that you don't have to mess around in the files. When downloaded they will show up in the "roaming" folder as ".tekkit" or whatever was downloaded
Hope this helps. If you need specifics or more help there are plenty here able and willing to answer questions. Just beware of the trolls.
experience with tekkit (looking for users that are not playing on more than 2 servers already): I'm no expert but I know my way around.
Are you interested in helping mod?(Basic stuff like banning the griefers and contacting me for the major): If it is truly needed. But I'm sure there are plenty who are willing to provide this service.
Hello, I haven't played minecraft in a while and I wanted to get back into it. Currently I am studying at Washington State University to get my chemical engineering degree. My favorite sport is american football.
A. Player Name (this will be used in the server whitelist) bcgmrtwinkles
B. Why do you want to join? This sounds like a truly unique minecraft experience. Also the post was maliciously entertaining. C. Will you survive your first night? Yes! Bring it on!
D. What's your least favorite way to die? Unnecessarily falling off a cliff/ into lava. Facepalm*
Hey i am a mod for Wolf City Server. I will post a link in a second. It just banned a few people who had been griefing, but the owner is VERY nice and all though the community is smaller now, it is also nicer. We are currently not public, still fixing permission and such, and are still in the building process. I really love the server. You should really consider it. We are going to get factions soon and You should really come check it out! Thanks!
-In the Search programs and files bar type "%appdata%" Without quotes
-Click the file that shows up it should be "roaming"
-In this list should be the ".minecraft" folder where the files of minecraft are kept.
-For example the one marked "Saves" are the saved worlds. This is where the maps go. When maps are placed here they will show up when selecting a world to play on in minecraft.
Mods are slightly more complicated though, usually requiring file openers such as "7zip"
Be sure when you are getting these maps/mods that you click on the right download links as many websites that host them have tons of buttons saying "download x here"
There are modpacks such as tekkit, Feed the Beast and many others that actually use separate launchers so that you don't have to mess around in the files. When downloaded they will show up in the "roaming" folder as ".tekkit" or whatever was downloaded
Hope this helps. If you need specifics or more help there are plenty here able and willing to answer questions. Just beware of the trolls.
age ( Over 18 Preferred ): 18
experience with tekkit (looking for users that are not playing on more than 2 servers already): I'm no expert but I know my way around.
Are you interested in helping mod?(Basic stuff like banning the griefers and contacting me for the major): If it is truly needed. But I'm sure there are plenty who are willing to provide this service.
IGN: bcgmrtwinkles
Hello, I haven't played minecraft in a while and I wanted to get back into it. Currently I am studying at Washington State University to get my chemical engineering degree. My favorite sport is american football.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Location: United States
Additional info: I haven't played in a while. I may be kinda bad.
-Over 18 (or at least has maturity)
-Good community
-I don't want a server that has a ton of abandoned homes and half built stuff
-Non commitment (I don't expect to be online a lot)
-Being lag free is a must and the server must be fun
Thank you for reading and any suggestions for servers is greatly appreciated.
2. Age: 18
3. Country and language spoken: United States, Spanglish
4. How long do you think you can survive without dying? 983.23 seconds
5. What do you think will be the cause of your first death? Falling off a cliff
IGN: bcgmrtwinkles
AGE: 18
Says I'm not whitelisted
IGN: bcgmrtwinkles
Clan association (If applicable): None
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 6 months
Time zone: Pacific Standard
Age: 18
Time spent on Minecraft daily: an hour
B. Why do you want to join? This sounds like a truly unique minecraft experience. Also the post was maliciously entertaining.
C. Will you survive your first night? Yes! Bring it on!
D. What's your least favorite way to die? Unnecessarily falling off a cliff/ into lava. Facepalm*
Age: 18
Ever been banned, if so why? No
Experience with Minecraft? Played off and on for a year
Experience with Minecraft Servers? I've been a mod on a couple servers only because they needed them. I prefer to play as a player.
What race would you like to be(need two race options)? Gnomes or Dwarves
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I'm a good builder and fair with redstone. Locking mechanisms and music are my specialties. ~@~, @~@
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes
Age: 18
I found this server while browsing through the minecraft forums.
Sounds like fun. I'll be sure to check it out.