For all you that don't know SMP means Survival Multiplayer.
Message From Owner:
Welcome to Blizzard SMP! Hi my name baxter1932. Blizzard SMP is a whitelisted vanilla server me and awesome2555 started one month ago and we reset the map due to the server not going in the direction we intended (If you want you can ask about it.) With a great choice of host there is rarely any lag on this server. We plan on having this server up for years upon years like MIndCrack which was started in late 2010. In this forum post it will tell you lots of information about our server.
Server Information
Note: There is no operators besides baxter1932. Server staff are just helper.
baxter1932 (Owner and Application picker
Fireflare and Goetz will now be picking applications with me!
Hard mode. Which means you die of starvation and mobs deal more damage.
Staff Skypes:
Screenshot Section:
Coming soon with pictures of the server within a couple of days.
Why you will want to join Blizzard SMP:
It has a good welcoming community. When you first join you will be greeted with welcomes and items. With a good choice of host there is rarely any lag and it has 20 slots meant for a small community of nice mature Mincrafters. The people who are on the server are very creative with their builds. You will also want to join because the server will stay up for a long time which lets to to be with the community longer and keep on making project after project. We also will do side stuff other then play Vanilla like possibly a Feed The Beast server and Ultra Hardcore Maps. We chose the best players that are meant for Blizzard SMP so the gameplay on the server will be very fun.
Server Plan:
The starting town will be called Willow-Wood with a gigantic overgrown tree in the middle with plots around the tree , it will look amazing when finished. There will also be roads going off of the tree leading to other towns like a trading town and maybe even a potion town. I will consult all of the ideas with the members who are accepted on to the server,
If you have any suggestions about the server feel free to leave them in the forum comments and we will look at them and see if your suggestion will help out the server,
What To Do When You First Join:
Depending on when you join there may or may not be a spawn town. But if there is thene you may claim a plot that is not occupied by another player. Each plot will be 16x16 and you will know if it is occupied or not if there is a build on it or if there is a sign saying there name on it. You will spawn in a fenced off area with chests. You may take some supplies out of these chests to begin your journey.
We want the best out of the community so if you're accepted please follow all of the rules and do not start drama and make others quit the server to have a luagh out of it. We want a nice community of players where we can joke around have fun while playing the game. Also we're looking for mature players so you must of 13 years of age at least to join. So apply and start your journey on Blizzard SMP!
Pranking is allowed but no pranking that invovles tnt , fire , lava or extreme water. If you're pranking make sure you leave a sign saying it was you. You are also allowed to create pranking teams with other members and prank with them .
Rules to keep the server server aboard and fun
1.No Unfair Mods like X-ray and Flymod
Fair Mods are allowed like Optifine if you are unsure about your mod then please ask.
2.No Bullying Other Players
That Includes racism and harassing.
3.Build at least 1500 blocks from spawn town.
Please follow this rule so nether portals don't mess up and spawn town can be built bigger,
4.Always cut down trees fully,
Not cut down tress look really bad so please cut down tress ALL the way, Thanks!
5.No spamming chat and no typing in full caps.
Spamming chat is really annoying same with full caps. Full caps is good at some points but not all the time.
6.No intense Swearing.
You are allowed to swear but I hope you don't in every sentence,
7.Always be respectful
Please be respectful towards everyone. Instead of people hating you why not make new friends,
8.No Stealing or Griefing.
That person worked hard to get that stuff and build that. Please do not mess with it.
9. No PvP unless agreed upon both players.
Don't go hitting people just for their loot. PvP is only enabled for events or if both players want to PvP.
10.Use Common sense and don't start Drama.
Please do not start drama because once it is started there is a flame war and all hell breaks loose. With out everyone using common sense the server would be a complete mess.
Whitelist Information:
Once you are whitelisted it is your responsibility to keep your self whitetlisted. if you break any rules then you are unwhitelisted. If you are gone more then 7 days with out telling anyone the reason you were absent then you will be unwhitelisted. It is okay if you are going on vacation for a week just make sure you give someone the heads up that you will be gone with a sign.
Application Format:
Answer each question in as much detail as possible. More detail means you have a better chance of being accepted on to the server.
Part 1 Getting to know you
Skype Username:
Picture of one of your builds(Can be done over Skype , Link or Video):
Favorite Building Block
Favorite Biome to Build in:
Part 2: Learning You Minecraft Skills
On a scale from 1-10 what do you rate your self in the following.
Building: /10
Fighting Mobs: /10
Farming: /10
Pranking: /10
Part 3: Advanced Questions:
Expected to have 3+ line answers for most questions.
Who is your Favorite Minecraft Youtuber:
What makes you better then an average Minecraft
If you were baxter1932 why would you choose your self
Oh no! Someone pranked you. What do you do:
Do you know how to work a nether hub:
How many Blocks From Spawn Town are you Supposed to go:
Any Additional Info About You or Your Minecraft Skills:
Current Whitetlisted Players:
Currently there is 9/30 Whitelisted Players On The Server.
The reason for the new post is because lots of people have been inactive and we're looking for new players to join. We also have new staff members! Goetz0111 and Fireflare888 are now Admins! YAY!With in 3 days of the post we should be getting messagges from other members saying they want to still play.
NOTE: Me , Fireflare888 or Goetzz0111 will accept your application within 72 hours (3 days) if you have not been given a response in that time then you can message me , goetz or fireflare on the forums or skype!
Tell them it's better then other video games like Call Of Duty where there is shooting and blood. In a way Minecraft teaches you stuff if you want to learn to be an architect so just tell em that and hopefully they will let you , if you have friends that are allowed more then 1 hour tell them that also make a deal saying if you get good grades you get more hours/minutes on your MC playing time
I know you probably don't want too but is it possible for you to create a skype? I want to be on the same time as you join to show around.