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    posted a message on The old days

    I have some screencaps of old banter lying around, although you can just look it up as well - the threads are still here.

    Or this...

    Don't have any screenshots from when the forum was still on PHPBB, but you can probably still see how it looked on archive.org.

    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
  • 3

    posted a message on Christmasification!

    Completetly forgot to remove my christmas avatar last year. Oh well, less work for me now!

    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
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    posted a message on Staff Quotes
    *revives thread*

    [23:30:43] <Akynth> Wait, what? Are you working extremely part-time?
    [23:30:58] <Britten> Sadly. My boss hates me and is trying to make me quit
    [23:31:16] <-- Britten ([email protected]) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
    [23:31:43] <Akynth> Hm ... that boss has tentacles everywhere!
    [23:31:51] <Lord_Ralex> yeah
    [23:31:51] <baggerboot> just like that
    [23:31:53] <Lord_Ralex> those bosses
    [23:31:55] <Lord_Ralex> suck ass

    And throwing in a bonus:

    <CentrallyProcessed> If you like C#, I do recommend D
    <CentrallyProcessed> very nice language
    <baggerboot> pretty sure the unofficial motto for C# is "it's like wiping your **** with silk"
    <baggerboot> so yes I do like C#
    <Nimphina> CP likes the D
    <CentrallyProcessed> I have a book on D sitting in front of me
    <CentrallyProcessed> A big, thick, D book
    <baggerboot> CP studies the D
    <baggerboot> CP likes big, thicks D's
    <-> Nimphina is now known as Nims|away
    <Nims|away> Will D later
    <Fishfish0001> ಠ_ಠ
    -*- Fishfish0001 walks aweay
    <CentrallyProcessed> http://i.imgur.com/fB7JRU5.jpg
    <Nims|away> I'm sure Fishfish0001 would love d
    <CentrallyProcessed> I wasn't lying
    <baggerboot> shame it's soft though
    <baggerboot> I prefer hard ones
    <CentrallyProcessed> The thickness makes up for it, though
    <CentrallyProcessed> It's a good weight in the hand
    <baggerboot> and it's black, which is another advantage
    <CentrallyProcessed> You can also see it online, free, for 45 days
    <Fishfish0001> Does it have a protective cover?
    <CentrallyProcessed> Nah, you have to buy those
    <CentrallyProcessed> but as long as you're careful about using it, you shouldn't need one

    (this one happened a while ago, and while it technically violates rule #74, nobody else posted it, so I'm doing it instead.)
    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
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    posted a message on TF2 Match Against PMC Staff
    Might join, maybe. Schedule is kinda full for the coming month.
    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
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    posted a message on Flat Earth Theory still has believers? Really?
    They don't actually believe all this.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Suggestion: Allow moderators to view previous warnings in the warning modal
    For brevity's sake, the title of this thread is not entirely correct. To word my suggestion more carefully: To allow moderators to see, in the warning modal, whether a member has received an informal warning before, allowing them to determine whether or not to give an informal warning.

    Because this data will be presented directly in the warning modal, it should make it less likely for a moderator to give out an informal infraction when a member has already received one before, or vice versa.

    How could this information best be presented? It should be noted that the warning modal already shows a "Warning points (Active / Total)" statistic, which however is not sufficient because it wouldn't show informal warnings, as they have no warning points attached to them.

    If you have any suggestions, please leave them here. I'll think about it a little more and I might make a suggestion myself if I come up with something.
    Posted in: Administrators & Moderators
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    posted a message on How to report trouble members for Member Administrative Review
    It has always bothered me that there were some members who would have a huge list of the same warning, but because they were always spaced about a month apart, they would never get more than the occasional short posting suspension. Usually the administrators would eventually learn about these members, as they had a bit of a habit to become somewhat infamous, but it's good that we now have an official procedure for this.
    Posted in: Staff Guides
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    posted a message on Business wise is it a mistake for Mojang to not at least start on the ground work for MC2?
    Java is what makes Minecraft as mod-friendly as it is, so switching to a different programming language would mean modding would be impossible without an extensive API. Considering that they have promised such an API for Minecraft for years now, without any results, it seems unlikely that they would be able to provide it for "Minecraft 2" within a reasonable amount of time.

    As a result, they'd be better off sticking to Java, and if they're sticking to Java, they might as well stick to the game that they already made. Minecraft has a very iterative development process; it would make more sense to continue to improve the current game than to throw it all away and start over from scratch. Apart from switching to a different programming language (and even that isn't completely impossible - just way too much work), most features that could be added to Minecraft 2 could just as well be added to Minecraft 1 instead.
    Also, releasing a Minecraft 2 would split up the community, and probably make a lot of people unhappy because they would feel more or less forced to upgrade.What it comes down to is that developing a sequel would cause quite a few issues, and there wouldn't really be too many advantages to it. They could definitely do it, and they would most certainly make a lot of money in the process, but it seems Mojang would prefer keeping their community happy to making a lot of money (which, by the way, they have already done). They seem less like a company focused on maximizing profit, and more like a company focused on making enjoyable games.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on overflow test
    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
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    posted a message on Staff Show your picture!
    Quote from jefe

    Veterans Day Battle Rattle 5k when I was deployed (I cheated and didn't wear my helmet) (on the left)

    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
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