- bacon_avenger
- Curse Premium
Member for 13 years
Last active Sat, Aug, 20 2016 06:37:19
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cjx23 posted a message on Can I Co-Own a server?Posted in: Server Support and Administration -
Survivzor posted a message on Port forward a server without router accessthe whole point of hamachi is that it is a software only based virtual private network.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
that means that it would be as if all the people on you hamachi network were network shared with each other as if they were all locally connected together through the same hub. ( I.E. can see each others network shares)
It would be far far safer to bring your dad in on this to access the router for port forwarding than to use hamachi.
As a system/network administrator, and from a security point of view, i would totally persecute anyone who installed hamachi without first clearing it with me. -
Syfaro posted a message on Win7 x64/x32, WinXP x64/x32?If it's a dedicated box, go for Linux (Debian is my favourite, but people seem to think Ubuntu is easier to deal with). Way better for running servers, it doesn't have to dedicate resources to the UI, extra tasks, etc.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
To install Java, you do:sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jdk
Then make a server folder:mkdir ~/minecraft
Then enter that folder:cd ~/minecraft
Then wget the server:wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft_server.jar
Then start a screen:screen
Then start the server:java -Xmx2G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar
(or however much RAM you have)
You should also install the openssh-server and then you can connect to it by sshing through a free program called putty. You can find it's internal IP address by doingifconfig
Go for 32 bit if you've got less than 4GB of RAM, 64 if you've got more. -
SilverKytten posted a message on Need help? Look no further!Having run a server both on Linux and windows for about nine months, now, I know the ins and outs of most plugins - And I find it fairly easy to learn how to work plugins that are new to me. I'm here to offer help to anyone who needs it, with a few stipulations. If you can fill out the form, below, using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, I'll add you on the messaging service you choose, and see about helping you out.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
• I will not do emails - Instant messengers are a must.
• I will not reply to comments here, unless absolutely necessary, and will not bother helping anyone who cannot form a sentence.
• You must be able to send/receive files, or already have a way to remotely access the server files
• I will not run your server for you - I have my own server to worry about, and I'm only doing this to help get people started. I will, however, answer any questions you might have, at any time.
• If you do not know how to start up a server, read this guide. I will not set up your server, for you. You need to have an existing server - This is only for plugin help.
• When posting errors, please use pastebin, or pastie - Any comments that do not use these for errors will be marked as spam and deleted by a moderator.
[b][color=#400000]Age:[/color][/b] [b][color=#400000]Messenger:[/color][/b] [b][color=#400000]ID:[/color][/b] [b][color=#400000]What you need help with:[/color][/b] [b][color=#400000]Server IP:[/color][/b] [b][color=#400000]Any error messages you have gotten:[/color][/b] [b][color=#400000]Miscellaneous information:[/color][/b]
Rmarmorstein posted a message on Server Plugin Installation Services!In my opinion (no offense) it is better for people to set everything up themselves, with support of the community. Not having somebody do it for them. It is better for them to learn, and get help, then have someone do it for them.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
No offense -
cadika_orade posted a message on HELP! PermissionsEx is being a PAIN!Posted in: Server Support and AdministrationQuote from webrosc
a pre-made one would mean you don't know how it was made and then when you want it changed you would have to ask for help.
By starting with a guide like this you will learn how its done and will be able to make changed and fixes yourself
So very, very true. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life. -
bbqroast posted a message on Why Skype?Posted in: Server Support and AdministrationQuote from AmberK
It's also depriving of information (in regards to other people who find the thread won't find an answer, they find "oh just add me on skype").
Not to mention it's essentially requesting that you contact someone with personal information (your skype account) and give them some form of contact outside of mcforum. I'm actually a bit questioning on whether this is really okay or not.
I agree with this.
We do have a lot of younger Minecrafters on the forums, which means people running around adding random people on Skype probably isn't the best thing. Many people will include a lot of detail in their Skype accounts which really should only be shared with friends/workmates.
I mean, if someone posted their home phone number, what would you do? Because most people on Skype have those details.
Once again I stress the point that this is a forum, and the idea of a forum is to share information (instead of just emailing customer support). Skype does not provide this openness, we ask people to Google before they post. But all the solved threads they come up with will just end in "skype me". I have had this happen to me numerous times. -
YourMCAdmin posted a message on Lockette: In Depth Tutorial!Hey folks! I like making tutorials for the plugins I use on my server, LegitLand!Posted in: Server Support and Administration
I noticed Lockette needed a new tutorial video, here is the one I made for my server people!
Have any plugins or mods you need tutorials for? Send me a message -
funfunfunsleep posted a message on Remove creepers without bukkit.So you don't like bukkit because you feel pressured by your users to give into their demands. Going out on a limb here, but that doesn't sound like bukkit's fault.Posted in: Server Support and Administration
I use bukkit on my server. But I market it as vanilla, giving the users only one feature that is not vanilla, and that's nerfing creepers. Everything else is for protection, server management and logging. Users ask me to install this and that, but I repeatedly say, "this server is vanilla, if you don't like it, go elsewhere". I'd suggest installing bukkit and sticking to your word. You're the administrator and providing a server, as well as a service to the MC community, if users want more, they can go elsewhere. - To post a comment, please login.
Any machine can be used as a server really, it's just a matter of how much extras you want/need. Some people don't consider anything that doesn't support IPMI and ECC with a iLO interface to be a server.
I've see minecraft servers running on Core 2 duo desktop machines 24/7 for years. Yes, a 'server' chip is meant for 24/7 operation, but most desktop chips will do just fine.
Define mid sized. With a minecraft server, currently your main concern will be the performance of single threaded jobs (vanilla and bukkit are not really multi-threaded).
Another comparison site: http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Xeon-X3430-vs-Intel-Core-i5-3550
Keep in mind that with the Xeon, the supporting costs may increase. Generally, only workstation/server class boards support Xeons and most require ECC RAM, vs a desktop board that uses the i5 will not.
The AMD has a better 'bang for the buck' factor and can potentially be overclocked (which would increase the cost of running it due to increased power draw and additional cooling from the extra heat), but that's about it.
Comparison page: http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/356/AMD_FX-Series_FX-4100_vs_Intel_Core_i5_i5-3550.html
Look at the basic settings page you linked to at http://i.imgur.com/m2sM4Hm.png
Your IP is a private IP. This means that something else is 'in front' of your netgear that is doing NAT and blocking connections from the outside from reaching your server. Whatever that device is, it needs to have port forwarding set up to point to the netgear.
Considering that one of the most often used tactics by griefers is to claim to be from $BIG_MINECRAFT_REVIEW_SITE and ask for admin/ops privileges to 'review' a server, it's not surprising if you got banned for saying you are reviewing a server.
Whoever banned you probably thought that you were going to ask for admin/ops and decided to just 'nip it in the bud', as it were.
This is why the reviewer section of the guide exists.
On line 59, the prefix for the corporal group, is not spaced far enough in. Add one more and it should work.
A few other things:
Line 42, the prefix for the admin group, you ended the line with a double quote, where it should be a single quote. This causes the following error on the YAML parser at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ , which makes your file as it is, invalid YAML, causing PEX to not fully load and run. Look in your server log file, and I bet you will see a similar error it in:
BTW, you have the admin group using the '*' node, you don't need the rest of the nodes, '*' in PEX gives the group that has it access to all permission nodes already. Just make sure to read the PEX wiki on the potential "gotchas" of using it.
What chat manager plugin are you using (you have to have one for prefixes to show up)? If you are trying to use the chatmanager plugin that comes with PEX, your prefix lines are in the wrong place (they don't go under options).
Your permissions are valid YAML. What chat manager are you using? You have to have one for prefixes to show up.
Since the forums are community run, if you want the absolute last word and the wiki page and the posts from others on here are not enough, you could always try sending a message to the devs themselves. According to the mojang web site, the group currently working on Minecraft are Jeb, Dinnerbone, EvilSeph, and Grum. Their email address is on the mojang web site, you or your parents could try emailing them and see if they respond?
I've tweeted Marc this thread. Hopefully he will be able to chime in as well and that will be enough for your parents, seeing a reply from a Mojang employee.
That being said, PEX isn't perfect and to do some of the things it does (which is what made it my permissions plugin of choice), it pretty much as to go against how Bukkit does what it does. I've yet to find a permissions plugin that is as flexible and powerful as PEX.
Ralex is working on a plugin as well, and he was able to get a debug mode similar to the one PEX has, but I don't think he feels the plugin is ready for prime time yet, but I look forward to see what it can do once it's done.