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    posted a message on LupusX's Resource Pack - Now supports 1.7!
    Quote from LupusX

    I'm glad nothing is horrible ;)

    About the netherbrick: It's a very known issue all over the MC-world that different textures work differently good for different builds. However, my intention is that everything (unless there are some extreme cases) should work, if it also works in the original pack. So what makes the netherbrick incompatible?


    As I said it is a non issue, when I work with Netherbrick I expect it to be that deep dark maroon color.
    But I'll say it again, it's a non issue as the builds don't look that different.
    I'm not saying you should change it at all. It's a personal preference.

    I mean I saw a pack that made Netherbrick look blue almost like lapis... Now that REALLY throws off builds that use netherbricks.
    Also if your nether is redder it make nether forts look ohh so garish.

    That's the thing with texture packs, if you want it to work well with every build you have to take a less creative route and in the end it starts to look like an alternative default.

    Just keep going on your current course what you have is good.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Any good texture packs?
    Quote from CyrusOfSky

    I really wish these forums or Google existed. Then we'd know for sure...


    You are ruining peoples opportunity to plug their packs!
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on HELP!
    Is that so.

    Well, good luck with that.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on 64x64 Under construction tell me what you think
    I find it odd that you showcased your grass dirt and stone re sized. But not the ore which would really be a better display of your skill.

    It's like showing a girl you have been online flirting with a picture of just your armpit when she asks what you look like...
    Even if you look decent or even excellent your armpit will not impress anyone (except of course those oddball ones with a fetish). Most people show their face.

    Show us a workbench or furnace something with detail, as mundane as it is cobblestone is also a good block to demonstrate skill. Shows how well you can tile textures and is a pain to get just right.

    Dirt and Grass, while it's important they look good, is never the focus of a player and wows nobody. Also grass is a multi texture block, if you want to show it make sure you have both textures done before showing.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone want to help texture a mod?
    Still need more INFO on the mod.

    Nothing must be more annoying then putting work in to a sub par mod that either didn't release or sucked major balls.

    What are some of the mechanics? What is the mods scope?

    As was stated, the artists would like to know beforehand as to whether wasting their time is worth it.

    I think Balduran knows this 1st hand, I remember seeing a thread where Bal showcased a bit of their work. Some of it they claimed was for a mod that never took off due the mod author's what was it, "spergyness"? It was a LotR one IIRC.

    So yeah OP, you may want to show the people here what you have so far and what you intend to do.

    Because every texturer here can totally afford to wait until your mod is fully done and just make a texture pack for it.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on (Discontinued) Thorns (Got plans for the future.)
    Quote from infinitkiwi

    I think so. Try not to, you're so talented!

    I disagree, being hard on one's self is what makes a person good.
    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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    posted a message on Rezupack - V4.0 now available - [32x to 512x] [WIP]
    Quote from Deonyi

    The grass looks odd. Too cartoony.

    Reads title.
    "Vectorized Cartoon Texture Pack [x512] [WIP]"

    Yeah, I totally agree with Deonyi, Waaaaay too cartoony for a cartoony pack. lol! /sarcasm.

    @ the actual pack. So far so good, the dirt and stone does not look very umm... Vectory?... due to the detail but yeah I wouldn't change it.
    Vector art can actually get very detailed to the point it no longer looks like vectors.
    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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    posted a message on MyTexturePackWithNoNameYet 1.5.2 (WIP) (Looking for input)
    Quote from glman99

    This is my main reason for waiting, I figured the flowers would make it tile worse, and look wierd. I was just trying for something unique. I honestly wish some type of CTM/Randomized textures could be implemented in vanilla. Nevermind though. I'll probably make a quick finish that tiles, and come back to it. I just wanted it done, so I could get a feel for the pack's style. But yeah, I've realized 16x grass isn't gonna be to spectacular. I really appreciate your input :D

    Yeah, grass isn't that important to make awesome. Never let grass get in the way of the progress of your pack.
    Really don't, if you work through your pack top left to bottom right like you are reading words. You will never finish if you are stuck on grass. (as it's like the first texture)

    But keep in mind, if you do make your grass mind blowing, it will reflect well on your pack and yourself.
    But don't let it block you.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.5.2] Revised Default
    inB4 "settle down! I hasn't put the pictuurs up yet GAWSH"
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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