I like snow. I really like snow. I really really like snow. So, upon starting a new world, I always find snow. Then I make my home in the snow area. Then I build the biggest wall I can around the entire snow area, so only I can be in the snow area.
I also only like birch trees. But there were many trees that were not birch trees in this particular snow area one time... and I killed them. I killed them all with fire. I lit them all on fire and watched them all burn together. All so I can have the nicely sized and pretty looking birch trees.
Now I have nightmares of endless tree-genocide...
- azzanine
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Nehpets posted a message on I may have a minor case of evil-itis.Posted in: Discussion -
Wanderer posted a message on Mojang consists of real, live people. Treat them the way you should treat friends, elders, AND strangers.Posted in: Discussion
I'm dismissing you because if you read the entire first page you'd realize your argument against me has already been discussed and finished. Here, for the sake of your convenience, I'll quote my psychic pre-rebuttal of your post.Quote from Pinkamena_314
Wellllll apparently you think the power of reasoning can be beaten by arrogant dismissal and personal attacks, 'cause that's what you're using now! Complaint against Mojang that you can't actually deny? "Chasing ghosts, upvote the rah-rahs, BOO HOO whine some more kiddies!" I guess we're seeing your true colors now, huh? You're all nice and respectful until you find an argument you can't refute then you just try to beat it with verbal barbs and needles!
It's alright though! You're showing your weakness and insecurity, buuuut that's not so bad compared to some others here. I'm still tempted to get mad over that lessons comment, but hey, I can tell that you aren't trolling and at least you didn't say you want to murder me!
Quote from Wanderer
I love feedback, both positive and negative. You are correct that it is what moves the game forward and allows the developers to home in on the right path to take. What I do have a problem with is the incessant and nonstop stream of people who scream "MOJANG IS RUINING TEH GAME!!" and don't even provide a half-decent reason for calling Jeb or Dinnerbone talentless, soulless, and greedy.
I don't want you to stop wanting more, and I don't want you to stop speaking your mind. I never said I'm happy with the game's current state or desire for it to stay the same, free from the community's meddling. I just believe that if you are going to act like every update is the end of the world and you won't play the game anymore (which is a total farce), you're NOT giving feedback. You're throwing a temper tantrum and sending unwarranted hate in the direction of a remarkable and talented game company who has surely entertained you for many, many hours on end.
Do we agree on that? I really hope we do.
I don't think you're stupid. Just that you've skipped past the point of the thread, which is philosophical in nature. It went right over your head. What you're arguing over is proof that the intention skipped past you (or you skipped over the intention). -
Wanderer posted a message on Mojang consists of real, live people. Treat them the way you should treat friends, elders, AND strangers.In today's internet age, it's ludicrously easy to access enormous amounts of totally free high-quality content. This is good for everyone!Posted in: Discussion
It's also good that people feel free to express their thoughts and opinions. This is great, and it allows the idea-machine to crank out what the people want at a much higher rate.
What I personally find unacceptable is that these two factors combine to create a certain type of person[ality]: The kind of person who takes for granted the hard work done round-the-clock by the great minds at companies like Mojang in a respectable effort to constantly add more content to games like Minecraft... For free. There's no monthly subscription, no Paid-For Downloadable Content, absolutely nothing that they want from you aside from a smile on your face.
You are given, absolutely free of charge, WEEKLY changes (the snapshots) to improve the game and add more content in an attempt to make the game "Perfect".
Yet people accuse Mojang almost constantly of being lazy or greedy, when at any time they could stop providing free updates and provide one piece of downloadable content each year for a fee.
I bought Minecraft for $10 in the BETA phase of the game's release. I never expected it would still be updated constantly years later, and be honest - you didn't either!
I got my ten dollars worth within a day of purchasing the game. In fact, I first pirated the game for free, and less than an hour later I was in such awe of the game that I gladly forked over an hour and a half worth of wages because I could not in good conscience deny the developers money that I felt they deserved tenfold.
I beg people to understand that Mojang is a group of living, breathing people who do their very best to produce ever-better content in an effort to please not just you but every one of the more than nine million people who have purchased the game. They don't create ANY update without considering the massive base that they are developing for, and they do everything that they do with the very best of intentions.
You, the reader, must understand ONE THING if you want to understand this post: That the developers who work hard at Mojang are people no different than you. The developers pour their hearts and souls into this game that they take pride in, and they do it for no reason other than taking pride in this game and wanting it to be the very best it can possibly be.
So the next time that you are unhappy with a feature in a snapshot, or you are unhappy with the direction or focus of the game, I want you to stop and think: How many other places can I get a game like Minecraft? (none) How many game developers continue to update a game for no fee, and never ask you for more money? (few) How many people outside of myself are very pleased with the update in question? (usually many)
And most importantly: Why are you so upset in the first place?
Answer: Because Minecraft is a one-of-a-kind game. Minecraft created a genre of its own, and it's so unique that you have an attachment to it.
If the game is good enough for you to have an attachment like that, how can you possibly take the developers for granted in the way that some of you do?
Would you ever walk up to Jeb at MineCon, stare this hard-working man in the eyes, and tell him "You suck and I hate what you've done with the game"?
If you would do that to poor Jeb, I want you to restart Minecraft continuously until the text on the title screen is throbbing "Awesome Community!". I want you to think about whether you're playing a part in making the community "Awesome", or if you're someone who isn't counted as part of the "Awesome".
Always strive to be Awesome.
Every day, try to act 20% cooler than you did the day before.
That doesn't mean "Act Cooler Than Your Fellow Man," it means "Act Cooler To Your Fellow Man."
And remember that everyone you speak to on the internet is a human being with just as many merits and faults as you. Don't just give Mojang a break, but give other people who are a part of this "Awesome Community" a break, too. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that either of you are wrong.
If you think that Mojang deserves better than what some of the people in this community give them in return for all of their hard work, don't forget to up-vote this post. -
tirpider posted a message on Mojang is Out of Touch: Why Jeb and Dinnerbone need to go the way of Notch.This is silly.Posted in: Discussion
I made it to page 6, and I couldn't stand it anymore. (baited, I guess) The whole thread reads like 4 adults surrounded by children.
Folks like the OP drive me nuts. They imagine that because they spent a dollar, they are entitled to some sort of say in a persons bussiness. Perhaps a twisted iterpretation of "The customer is always right."
If you came into my cafe, demanding that I should put my tables back where they were last week or retire, I'd ask you to leave, calling the police if needed.
Perhaps a mature dialog with the devs themselv's would be helpful, (it's worked for me in other endevors, Mojang can't be THAT different a company,) though I doubt you could arrange that now, after hate-baiting everyone you possibly could. Who wants to take time out to deal with an angy mob?
Some folks work for profit, while others work for pleasure. I personally don't care about what you did with your $20. There are other places for you to put it.
You can suggest that ignoring or activly angering a 'customer' will lead to future lost profit. I'm pretty sure that the creators and current developers of Minecraft are secure in thier profitability, regardless of the screaming guy being escorted out. -
freddyJkruger3 posted a message on Why Should Girls Be Treated Different in Video Games?! (formerly WROS)Why should Girls Treated Different On Video Games?!Posted in: Discussion
(Formerly WROS)
A group pushing against unfairly/creepy treatment from
boys on Minecraft, and the Internet
Deticated to anyone who's suffered this
This is for girls on servers, who are treated unfairly or creepy by the boys.
A long time a, I joined a server one time, a boy said "We can boss you around because this is a boy's game". I left and deleted it immedently.
Today, I joined a spleef server to watch the spleef players. No boy would leave me alone. They were squatting up and down repeatedly. I left. I went on my favorite server and just minutes ago, all the boys did the same and said rude remarks about me being a girl. I told the owner, and he didn't care.
I am SICK of this behavior! I am DONE with trying to shove it off. I want to have rights being a girl. It's always like, "This is a boy's game." No it isn't. It's anyone's game.
I payed for this game to have fun. No, I used too, not anymore.
Help me by spreading this message. If your a girl who's treated like this, just say what you want. It's your choice.
And this is my message.
Freddy -
13thMurder posted a message on Why Should Girls Be Treated Different in Video Games?! (formerly WROS)Argh, this species...Posted in: Discussion
The only way minecraft could be a "boy's game" is if one was required to use their genetalia to operate the controls. That is not the case here, and i very much hope no one does that... How people try to draw a connection between what's in their pants, and what they can do with virtual blocks is beyond me, though i can say beyond a resonable doubt that such a connection doesn't actually exist in any form.
Perhaps you should look into finding a server with more mature players. There are plenty who would ban for something like that. The world will always be populated with people that we wish just weren't there. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot we can legally do to make them go away, so tis best to just avoid them. -
Staonopao posted a message on Why Should Girls Be Treated Different in Video Games?! (formerly WROS)All right, so I've read as much of this thread as I can stomach... going to write my reply now.Posted in: Discussion
Firstly, I want to commend you, the thread starter for taking the initiative to speak up about this issue, especially at the age of 10! You're absolutely right that sexual harrassment is a huge problem among gamers, both online and at gaming events (LAN, MineCon, etc.). I hate to stereotype, but it stems in a large part from gamers being nerds who either do not get the attention they crave from females, or who are socially inept enough to not know how to interact with other people... or, of course, both. You're far from the first person to have raided this issue, but again, good on you for doing so.
Quote from DARKSWORD95
Or maybe you could stop parading around the fact that you're a girl? Here's a hint: nobody cares. If you stopped trying to brag about the fact that you're not a man, nobody would bother you... but when a girl on the internet consistently brings the fact that they're a girl to conversation, to the point that it's their sole character trait it gets really old really quick.
This is the typical "blaming the victim" mentality. You're essentially absolving guys of responsibility for their actions. Girls, and everybody else, should be able to play games online just like you, without being constantly sexually harrassed or threatened. No matter how many used-up excuses you spout, that's the bottom line.
Would you say the same to people who are harrassed for, say, their sexual preference, nationality or skin colour? That the problem isn't that racists are racists, but that, say, Afro-Americans have to be so damned different with their own culture and music and whatnot?
Listen to yourself. You're being pathetic.
Many of the people who play MC are children. I don't know if you were ever sexually harrassed as a child, but I imagine it must be highly unsettling .Nobody feels sorry for you other than self-hating, pathetic excuses for men. Complain when you've actually faced true adversity, maybe then we'll care.
She's not a "woman", she's 10 years old. Get a grip.Quote from kyi2604
I am ashamed of all of the women who say they are standing up for women's rights when they say they deal wth these situations by leaving the games and allowing the immature boys to drive them away. Educate these people that sexual harrassment is not allowed. Stand up for your rights to be who you are, no matter what creed, sex, age,religon or what ever else you stand for. Rise above them, play the game for the game, By leaving them behind you, all you are doing is letting them get away with it. WOMEN need to stop the harrassment not just give in to it.
Blaming the victim again. If there was an agreement between guys and girls that certain skins or whatever meant you were asking for sexual attention, that would be an entirely different. No such mutual understanding exists, however, and so you may dislike "attention whores" all you want, but common decency dictates you keep it to yourself and leave them alone. It's not that hard.Agreed. Most girl internet gamers, may it be a stereo type, are attention whores. Face it.
This goes for real-life situations just as much, of course, and is also of course true the other way around. Just if someone here is really dim enough that I have to point this out to them.
Gee, really? Wow, I wonder whyI play on a faction server and girls make factions "Girls" and only girls can join them....
Different issue entirely. Start a new thread.Actually it is from my experience that females on this game, and others, get privileges and extra attention from the boys, even from the admins. That irks me a lot. If anything, the bad attention is severely overshadowed by the positive attention females get in online games (and specifically Minecraft). -
Whiplashr posted a message on Notch, actually release them properly before making moreWhat is it with this ongoing whining about pre-releases. It really makes no sense.Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
I'm trying to figure out the motivation that makes so many people so worked up about it. You can't wait for the final version which is coming so soon? What, you are upset because you can't play with certain mods.. as certain modders are waiting for final version?
What is the real problem here? This whining is ridiculous. 1.8.1 is the current version. Most mods support it. If you choose to try 1.9 pre releases, great.. but too bad if it's not to your standard of completion, or your mods don't work. Stop whining and trying to screw up the entire process for your own selfish reasons?
Maybe try other games for a week or two? You can't live without Minecraft for a little bit? You can't be satisfied with it, where it is, for a couple weeks?
Why do these threads keep coming up? There is nothing at all wrong with the pre-release procedure. These threads are just silly whining with no conceivable rationale behind them. - To post a comment, please login.
As I said it is a non issue, when I work with Netherbrick I expect it to be that deep dark maroon color.
But I'll say it again, it's a non issue as the builds don't look that different.
I'm not saying you should change it at all. It's a personal preference.
I mean I saw a pack that made Netherbrick look blue almost like lapis... Now that REALLY throws off builds that use netherbricks.
Also if your nether is redder it make nether forts look ohh so garish.
That's the thing with texture packs, if you want it to work well with every build you have to take a less creative route and in the end it starts to look like an alternative default.
Just keep going on your current course what you have is good.
You are ruining peoples opportunity to plug their packs!
Well, good luck with that.
It's like showing a girl you have been online flirting with a picture of just your armpit when she asks what you look like...
Even if you look decent or even excellent your armpit will not impress anyone (except of course those oddball ones with a fetish). Most people show their face.
Show us a workbench or furnace something with detail, as mundane as it is cobblestone is also a good block to demonstrate skill. Shows how well you can tile textures and is a pain to get just right.
Dirt and Grass, while it's important they look good, is never the focus of a player and wows nobody. Also grass is a multi texture block, if you want to show it make sure you have both textures done before showing.
Nothing must be more annoying then putting work in to a sub par mod that either didn't release or sucked major balls.
What are some of the mechanics? What is the mods scope?
As was stated, the artists would like to know beforehand as to whether wasting their time is worth it.
I think Balduran knows this 1st hand, I remember seeing a thread where Bal showcased a bit of their work. Some of it they claimed was for a mod that never took off due the mod author's what was it, "spergyness"? It was a LotR one IIRC.
So yeah OP, you may want to show the people here what you have so far and what you intend to do.
Because every texturer here can totally afford to wait until your mod is fully done and just make a texture pack for it.
I disagree, being hard on one's self is what makes a person good.
Reads title.
"Vectorized Cartoon Texture Pack [x512] [WIP]"
Yeah, I totally agree with Deonyi, Waaaaay too cartoony for a cartoony pack. lol! /sarcasm.
@ the actual pack. So far so good, the dirt and stone does not look very umm... Vectory?... due to the detail but yeah I wouldn't change it.
Vector art can actually get very detailed to the point it no longer looks like vectors.
Yeah, grass isn't that important to make awesome. Never let grass get in the way of the progress of your pack.
Really don't, if you work through your pack top left to bottom right like you are reading words. You will never finish if you are stuck on grass. (as it's like the first texture)
But keep in mind, if you do make your grass mind blowing, it will reflect well on your pack and yourself.
But don't let it block you.