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    posted a message on -=- Aphelion Build Team -=-
    1. What are some past experience you had with another team of builders? I've been on "Fire Flare" (a building team,) and have been a member of "The Colony," a creative server in which i have reached the highest rank possible besides staff. I have also done many collabs with Mitchellol, who is on your team.
    2. What is your main style of building? My favorite types are medieval and modern, and i am learning how to build nordic structures.
    3. How many hours do you spend playing Minecraft a week? Variable: 4 - 10 hrs, sometimes over 14 hours, but finals are approaching. (I will be more active in the summer.)
    4. What is your time-zone? EST
    5. Age: 14
    6. Would you give up some of your free time to develop/build? yes
    7. Why do you want to join Team Aphelion? What is the main reason? I am inspired to take my mc building career to the next level and i would like to join up with one of my friends on the team.
    8. Tell us something about yourself. I am a creative person, and i tend not to get into any arguements. Fun Fact: I am on the robotics team at my school.
    9. Pictures of some of your builds (the more you post, the more we will be able to examine your skills): Most of my screen caps are gone because i got a new computer, but here are some: http://www.minecraft...-extra-awesome/http://www.minecraft...spring-mansion/I was a part of this project:
    10. Ign (In game Name) azarjeazar777
    11. Do you have a Skype or use TeamSpeak? If so what are your account name(s)? Skype: azarjeazar777
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on can zombie vilagers just spawn?
    Quote from 123nart

    If you play on a survival world(or creative I guess) for a while, you'll see some for sure.
    i said that 1 year ago wtf
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I need YOU to help me out.
    Quote from ProfessorCaveman

    I usually name stuff puns (smart and weird like that, hence the username) but I can't think of anything that you would like. However, if you find a Pegasus you could call it ghost!
    Your username is not a pun; it's an oxymoron.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Need building ideas for a modern city
    Quote from SnakesRaven

    All you have to do is look around in the city where you live. What do you see?

    Sky scrapers, shops (bakery, butchery, ...), museums, court house, police, fire department, hospital, an army base, airport, harbor, parks, subway, railway station, factories, canals and boats, statues, town squares, library, town hall, a post office, schools, universities, pubs, swimming pool, soccer stadion, jail, construction sites, zoo, concert halls, opera house, car park, amusement park, parlement, ...
    >assuming he lives in a big city
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on weird message after testing an adventure and die
    Quote from Blitzgrutel

    I think I have correctly set the spwnpoint, as explained in the wiki and vrious places on the web. But After testing the thing in adventure mode, after several deaths I suddenly spawn far away at the first place I spawned when creating the world, and not where I set it.

    And this message was there:

    "Your house was missing or obstructed"

    What does it mean?

    flatland has a random spawnpoint each time you die, sleeping in a bed will fix this
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Airship Sofia
    Quote from madsa101

    Thanks dude, but yeah I can see what you mean. Maybe if I extended the wooden framework around the balloon down to the cabin?

    Like this:

    This is my first Airship so thanks for the advice,

    Don't see the point of that comment but anyway thanks Skrillex
    I'm not insulting lol. Its plump, like a fat child.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Airship Sofia
    aww its like a fat little child
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Desktop Background Pictures of "Airius"
    I guess I post sucky screenshots :(
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on The Victorian Spring Mansion
    Quote from MadeByMinecraft

    hey mitch
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Desktop Background Pictures of "Airius"
    So I decided to go reminiscing on my old builds and i thought it would be a good idea to take some screenshots with a central feature, which would be good for desktop backgrounds. So yeah, this is my first post on this sub-forum.

    This is a Steampunk city named "Airius." I didn't contribute much to the overall construction, though I did help some.

    Here is a general overview of the entire city. Maybe it is too noisy, not the best picture for a background.

    Here is a sky mill in one of the outlying islands.

    A tree in the nighttime...

    I didn't really like this one, but this is one of the turbines under the city; it keeps it afloat.

    This one is cool - a picture for the ground looking up at the city,

    The two halves of the city.

    So yeah, you can use one of these for your desktop background.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Can anyone help me, help my son, with adding Minecraft Mods?
    perchance check your minecraft is in the right minecraft version, many mods have not updated to 1.6.4 yet
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on BUILD CONTEST [DESERT LIBRARY]
    THE NEW DUE DATE: 10/21/13

    Sorry for being inactive!
    Thank you for noticing.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Timelapse build
    Quote from Mojokojo

    Any more critique from anyone? I'd appreciate it.
    you got your logo from proximity, didn't you?
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on TELL ME WHAT TO BUILD

    A mansion. That's what I built, I have it uploded on Curse
    that mansion made me cringe
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on What should my road be built of?
    Quote from LordofDiamonds

    Every time I try to install it, it fails. I'm not a guy that knows how to do all that stuff I'm mostly just good at the game itself
    you need to get the new launcher


    just re download it
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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