Quote from redsand
A. Dinnerbone has been working on the baby mobs
B. It's not game breaking
C. Don't judge an update before it even has a snapshot
Shut up.
People like you.
Someone can't take a joke.
I like how everyone is taking your comment seriously and upvoting it without reading the rest. I might as well upvote it, haha.
Is this an issue of coding or is the breeding system deliberately as is?
The merger is causing some bugs for sure, like chunks not loading on time, but as others have said, it will lead to bugs being fixed in half the time as before.
Everything I build is a learning experience, so everything I build is better than the last. Will it suck on a sentimental level leaving a lot of creations behind? Sure, but it's not like you have to delete them. They're still there if you want to revisit them or remake them in a new game. Every world is better than the one before it, though, and I bet you'll find yourself devoting even more time to making cool villages because you'll have a blank slate and cleaner concepts.
I mean, it's not like the building process isn't the fun part anyway. Pretty much everybody loves the creation aspect, so I don't see the big deal.