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    posted a message on Help With New Crafting?
    Turtle egg.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Millenaire Mod? Norman village help!
    I'm in Village d'Artisans and having the same problem. It's supposed to be 18x18, and I have a 20x20 area cleared for it, but the village won't build the estate or the huge plot.

    There's a basement to it, so I kind of wonder if maybe there are holes beneath my plot that need to be filled before they'll start construction.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on I may have convinced my friends to get the PC version
    I never played PC because my computer couldn't handle it and the last time I tried it was the first alpha release. I didn't understand it at the time, just seemed weird.

    After buying the 360 version, looking up info on the internet and realizing everything it was missing, I wished I could play the PC version. Fortunately I just bought a new laptop that can run the game easily, so I decided to jump into the full version.

    That's not to say I don't enjoy the 360 version (I much prefer using a controller to a keyboard), but playing it definitely led to me buying the full game. Buying both is still cheaper than a full 360 game anyway.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Clay = fuss? Why?
    Bricks help make your buildings not all look like crap. Stone, wool, wood and glass can only go so far before everything ends up looking pretty similar.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Multiplayer lag/different physics
    I'm about to post it in the bugs list thread but want to see if anybody else has had similar problems.

    I invited a friend to my world the other day to show him some TNT contraptions I had built, including a TNT cannon. I tested them beforehand and they worked perfectly in single-player, but when I was hosting my friend, I guess the redstone charge lagged or something and the entire cannon blew up. We restarted several times and got results that varied but were consistently substandard. The one time it did shoot the projectile TNT, it only flew about five blocks.

    Does multiplayer (not split-screen) cause redstone or the game in general to lag? Any similar experiences from others?

    PS: Nothing else seems to lag in multiplayer, just that TNT issue.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Need Active & Legit Minecraft friends [No Griefers]
    Quote from N7shadowguru

    Also I'm looking for female gamers as well because I hate being all by myself without another girl to talk with till my friend comes on and she is busy most of the time and isn't able to come on all the time
    Seemed weird. Internet says you're not a girl.


    Posted in: MCX360: Quick Sessions / Minigames
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    posted a message on So, No map sharing whats so ever
    Quote from gutsgear123

    Not right now. Man your are spamming the forums with your questions. Go up top and there is a forum where you can post Questions at.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Where's Creative Mode?
    Quote from TacticzTuRtLE

    Why do you think it's named Mine and craft.
    :IPA: :Bench:

    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Converting Old Worlds to New Ones
    I look at it like this:

    Everything I build is a learning experience, so everything I build is better than the last. Will it suck on a sentimental level leaving a lot of creations behind? Sure, but it's not like you have to delete them. They're still there if you want to revisit them or remake them in a new game. Every world is better than the one before it, though, and I bet you'll find yourself devoting even more time to making cool villages because you'll have a blank slate and cleaner concepts.

    I mean, it's not like the building process isn't the fun part anyway. Pretty much everybody loves the creation aspect, so I don't see the big deal.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on ***New fun thing to do****
    Are you sure the swastika wasn't a sugar cane farm?
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on this game is fun but i get bored/tired of building sometimes
    Quote from MURROAK

    it is sad i exuasted my map me and about 10 other players built all we wanted. when you talk about total miner make me want to get on it. i bought it never gave it a chance fortress craft gave me a headache total miner seems very simular to Minecraft. The sad thing is these sevelopers dont have near as much money asMinecraft and yet they manage to out shine them with.features. this update wait is redonkulous why realease a game with so little planned out and tell us this is a hard change to 1.8 when it should of be figured out

    Quote from maces006

    you can't just copy and paste the code from the pc to the xbox as the pc is java and xbox is objective-C, and also they have to create new code for the xbox interface, and they have to figure out what each part of code is doing in the game so that they can make sure its works properly.

    I have found on this forum that there seems to be an inverse correlation between punctuation use and understanding how game production works.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why are monsters spawning in my extremely well lit house?
    Could a mob spawner under your house cause this?
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Will they ever add split screen for non HD TV's
    I can't imagine playing xbox games in SD. Seriously, you can get a solid 22" HDTV for less than the cost of a 360. If you're playing current-gen console games on an SDTV, your priorities were backward. (In the US, at least. Idk about the ubiquity of HD sets internationally.)
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Crackle crackle. Woof! Woof! (muttering whispers)....
    I turn my portals off with water when I'm not using them.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Dungeons
    Quote from ianianian

    I haven't found any yet while playing on the gargamel seed.
    Keep looking, they're there. I've found 7 or 8 on gargamel.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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