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    posted a message on Does the compass work? 1.3
    Sleep where you want your spawn point to be, then create a new compass. I don't know if that actually works, but maybe.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Texture glitch with wooden stairs in the snapshot
    Same with wooden slabs.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Why are jungle trees still broken?
    Quote from Flenken

    From the wiki:
    In Survival mode, all types saplings have a 1/20 chance of dropping when leaves are broken or wither except jungle saplings which have a 1/40 chance of dropping.

    I'd say it's a matter of it being by design, and not a bug.
    So yeah, basically jungle trees aren't sustainable? I don't understand that. I get that maybe they don't want people creating infinite jungles in their worlds (though I don't know why they'd step in to prevent that), but there should be a reasonable expectation of at least one sapling per tree in my opinion.

    The good news is that with 1.3, you can just give yourself more saplings.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on online play with new local servers in 1.3?
    Can you copy a local map into the server files?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Large Biomes and why I think they are a great addition.
    Quote from PrinceDeo

    From my experience, it's the complete opposite. I find them easier to find now, and they are more abundant. I found 2 villages in one desert biome of roughly 1500x1500. I ran AMIDST to compare identical seeds, and there are over twice as many villages in large biomes than in default covering the same area.
    Agreed. I had one map (entirely plains) with three villages in it, and an adjacent map (mostly desert) had two more. Before large biomes, I was lucky to find one on a map. The fact that deserts and plains are so much more vast now makes village generation much more common in the right areas. If you spawn in the middle of a jungle though, you're boned.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on ATTENTION! THIS MAY BE THE END OF MCPE!
    The first step by the judge will be to tell Uniloc to sue the right people. Legally, getting an injunction against "Mindcraft" wouldn't do them any good, and they can't get a ruling against a product they didn't include in their patent infringement claim.
    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on MCXBLA idea
    Easy crafting is the only thing i can think of on the XBLA version that isn't on PC.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Do we want emerald tools or not?
    Weapon racks? Shields? It would almost have to be an entirely new element of the game. I like the laser idea, but there would have to be a distance limit to prevent lag -- maybe 15 meters (17 including the blocks), so it could never span more than two chunks?

    I don't know. Even in real life, emerald is pretty useless outside of jewelry. So unless you want the game to have enchanted pendants or something, I don't see the point.

    On the other hand, I have a hard time seeing the point in trading for emeralds if you can't do anything with them. For PvP trading, it's not really needed, but I guess it works for servers that have jobs.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Better to use glass panes or blocks for windows of a house?
    Panes look better in a large window, but in houses i always use blocks for consistency. The panes just don't look right. I'd like them more if they had some sort of sill border.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Does the average height of each biome vary from one seed to the next?
    It's weird to me that every biome is at sea level though. Basically every biome other than swamp could exist at a higher altitude. In fact, I wish taiga would only generate at high altitudes.

    I love the large biomes though. I flew through a jungle yesterday that took up maps, plural.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [BUG] Chunk loading 12w27a
    I've had similar issues on 12w27a.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Birthday Seed
    I spawned at the intersection of jungle, plains and extreme hills, with a river running through, starter caves and a basin, and swamp and taiga nearby. 02221988
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [16x, 32x, 64x, (128x, 256x)][1.3.2] Synthetic Reality <OVER 500,000 DOWNLOADS!>
    First, this pack looks amazing. Second, I'm new to HD packs and this thread is incredibly long. I tried the search function but didn't see the answer I was looking for, so to anybody who can answer:

    How do I choose and activate alternate textures?

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Good Laptop for Hosting?
    Quote from dnlchong

    Check out how to build computers, and then be amazed.
    How old are you? Have you ever tried to build a laptop? While building a desktop can save money, notebook parts are so limited and often proprietary that you end up paying pretty much the exact same, if not more, than it would cost to just buy one. Plus, you don't have any warranty for when the soldering on your dumpster parts break.

    The fact is, for $400, you can't get a laptop capable of hosting a server, short of paying $400 to go to Thief School.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Infinite lava source?
    It's great for molding nether portals and farming obsidian and cobblestone.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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