Food heals. You need healing? Eat food. Play the game right or don't play it. There's no reason to add some inane magic chair just because you fail to comprehend already-present game mechanics.
Just magical weapons and books and diamond armor?
Maybe require a chair to be enchanted. This would limit it to a set number of uses before its effect disappeared, either breaking the chair or relegating it to regular furniture.
Profile Manager Is Standalone. You Don't Need To Update For MC Updates.
Also, Stop Teasing About My Habit. I Have Tried To Break It Unsuccessfully.
Stop Being Dicks About It. >
It's a bug that ultimately stems from stackability and the game not taking an empty bucket out of your inventory. Well, it does, but visually it doesn't display.
If you have two buckets stacked, use one to pick up water, lava or milk, that bucket leaves the stack and becomes a water, lava or milk bucket in your inventory. Your display will still say you have two empty buckets though, until you shift it in your inventory or run out of empty buckets completely.
Couldn't find any reference to this on the suggestions board, though I'm sure it's been mentioned before in MC history. Why can't sheep breed to a secondary color? Red sheep + blue sheep = purple sheep, red+yellow=orange, etc. It would also make it easy to get a brown sheep, since most colors combined just make a gross brown color anyway.
Is this an issue of coding or is the breeding system deliberately as is?
There is a little problem with that. You have to enable cheats to do that. Not everyone enables cheats when they make a world
If you need to, you can open your game to LAN and that enables admin commands.
I don't abuse cheat commands like it's creative mode, but if I'm three islands away and forgot to bring redstone dust, I'll drop one in to help craft a map. It's nice to have occasionally.
For amazing islands: "-2670798927750191841" with large biomes
I've found a small jungle/beach island, a medium jungle/beach island, and a large taiga/forest/beach island, all within half a map of the nearest one, so no ridiculously long ocean journeys. If you don't like islands though, you'll hate this seed.
I would also make oceans much, much deeper (nearly to bedrock in some areas) and litter the seafloor with wrecked ships and ruins and submerged mountains riddled with caves and chest full of loot.
These changes are a priority for when the Modding API is released. >:3
Coastal grottos with loot chests would be pretty rad.
Maybe require a chair to be enchanted. This would limit it to a set number of uses before its effect disappeared, either breaking the chair or relegating it to regular furniture.
The sooner 1.4 arrives, the sooner the modding API happens.
If you have two buckets stacked, use one to pick up water, lava or milk, that bucket leaves the stack and becomes a water, lava or milk bucket in your inventory. Your display will still say you have two empty buckets though, until you shift it in your inventory or run out of empty buckets completely.
Is this an issue of coding or is the breeding system deliberately as is?
Terrain just makes more sense, now.
I don't abuse cheat commands like it's creative mode, but if I'm three islands away and forgot to bring redstone dust, I'll drop one in to help craft a map. It's nice to have occasionally.
I've found a small jungle/beach island, a medium jungle/beach island, and a large taiga/forest/beach island, all within half a map of the nearest one, so no ridiculously long ocean journeys. If you don't like islands though, you'll hate this seed.
Thread on it:
A homicidal XP farm.