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    posted a message on Ban the user above you #2
    Banned for being out of the water, yet having 133 posts.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Ban the user above you #2
    Banned for Hitler.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Animated Character
    Quote from Gamecubeguy214»
    Why am I getting all this negative feedback for a suggestion that you don't even have to turn on and doesn't even effect the flow of the game? Sure, I know every suggestion will get non supporters, but people come and complain about my poll and say that adding something from a different platform of Minecraft and putting it on the computer is against the rules. I don't think I saw that on any of the rules, so where'd you get it?

    Most of the people who saw this thread don't think it would be worth the developers' time to implement. Also, this is from the rules section:
    • "Do not suggest features that exist in any other version of Minecraft on any other platform. This section is geared towards new feature suggestions."
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Hitches. 50+ supporters!
    This would make minecart system development a lot easier. Support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Lapis Lazuli Tools and Armor...
    Quote from Blootz»
    Reading this entire thread made me chuckle at your ignorance.

    This is obsolete. It has been suggested many times and the community has turned them down.

    No support. This is a very vague and redundant suggestion.

    How is it vague?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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