Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Minecraft Pocket Edition - Farming Seeds >>
by autophil
66 143,338
Quick Patch public alpha (with patches for 0.6.1) >>
by autophil
240 50,604
Staff policy on post deletion? >>
by autophil
8 360
Jailbreaking iPhones -- illegal? >>
by autophil
34 1,681
Fake blur XMPP? >>
by autophil
13 1,861
Do snowballs work in multiplayer? >>
by autophil
0 541
Why is this thread locked? >>
by autophil
10 554
Pocket edition section names >>
by autophil
3 286
Can't access new pocket edition sections. >>
by autophil
0 291
Changing thread ownership? >>
by autophil
1 307
What do you listen to while playing MPE? >>
by autophil
52 2,042
How can we avoid redundant/useless threads? >>
by autophil
7 561
How big are pocket edition maps? >>
by autophil
23 11,689
Why can't I create a thread in the forum? >>
by autophil
2 449
Air swimming bug >>
by autophil
13 2,070
Weird slabs bug... >>
by autophil
5 477
What are your survival rules? >>
by autophil
17 910
Need testers for a root-only patcher (closed for now) >>
by autophil
32 1,092
Minecraft PE map format? >>
by autophil
2 630