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    posted a message on What is your desktop background?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on 1.9.4 Multiplayer The most scary thing ever
    How does this person have 600+ posts?

    And yeah, lag :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on So much "RPG" hate?
    But its not becoming "RPGCRAFT" its not adding a story, not adding any specific goal you need to complete. All its doing is offering more customizing options and benefits to doing some things in game. Its like adding more fish to increase the desire to fish... if you get what im driving at. All you would do by adding skills is add more customising and the incentive to go out and fight mobs.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 10

    posted a message on So much "RPG" hate?
    Ive been looking over a lot of the threads here on this forum and have been wondering, why as a community does everyone (or at least a decent percentage) not want there to be RPG elements such as skills in minecraft.

    Reasons for RPG elements (skills, boss, quest) -

    They add new gameplay elements to the game, and make it feel more polished
    You do not have to use them if you dont want them, you can still play minecraft the same way you have for the past year

    Reasons against-

    It ruins minecraft?

    Honestly how would adding skills ruin minecraft?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on A Mature Complaint thread...
    I would like all of you to read the following post before flaming me for bringing up complaints with this pre-release and patches. Even though I know that is impossible, a man can dream eh?


    Updates to the Neither -

    While the new blocks are aesthetically pleasing (as well as new ruins or whatever you wish to call them), as well as the new monsters... there is no real reason to travel to the neither. None of these blocks are game changing or necessarily useful in the normal world.


    Mushroom Biome -

    I know I will get yelled at for posting about this, but why is this needed? A cow covered in mushrooms and huge red/brown mushrooms are not needed, and make the world ugly in my opinion. If you can honestly tell me why this should be kept then I will retract this statement; however you can get mushrooms everywhere in the world, no need to make an ugly island with a red cow...


    NPCS -

    Only thing I really have to say here is, like almost all of you, I hope the texture changes asap


    Other Game Mechanics -

    Hunger should of course be toggle-able, I dont see why this isn't already implemented the point of minecraft is the ability to play it how you want to play it, not having this feature to turn it off makes it a bother.

    Counter-Arguments -
    "Play Creative if you dont want a challenge" - Why is there peaceful mode still then? People want to have the survival game mode, lets face it, its really fun! However having to look for food etc. is annoying! Why cant I just turn it off without having to mod my game???


    Comments on the points I have brought up here is very much appreciated, however take into mind these are of course opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Beauty of 1.8
    Have any of you seen anything beautiful with the new terrain in minecraft?

    Here are a couple pics that I have taken, just loving the new night/day system and lighting.

    Post your pics as well! :smile.gif:

    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Beauty of 1.8
    Here is a nice panoramic shot I got in 1.8 :smile.gif: Im loving the new lighting system!
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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