IGN: ariozo
Age: 19
Reason you want to join this server: Liked the factions and look like a good server
What Class are you interested in playing: Bandit, if is there too much Slayer is good
What is the name of my Ferret: Pandora
Will you try to play solo or join a faction/Player City: Both, but ill try to join a faction
Game Name: ariozo
Age: 19
Faction: Rogue
Second Faction of choice: Demon
Why you want to join: because i liked all this thing of faction, i want to play on a cool server and i have found one
Game Name: ariozo
Age: 19
Faction: Rogue
Second Faction of choice: Demon
Why you want to join: because i liked all this thing of faction and i love minecraft
Age: 19
Reason you want to join this server: Liked the factions and look like a good server
What Class are you interested in playing: Bandit, if is there too much Slayer is good
What is the name of my Ferret: Pandora
Will you try to play solo or join a faction/Player City: Both, but ill try to join a faction
Faction: Snow Bandits
How will you impact our server: i am a great hunter, and like to build great things
Age: 19
Faction: Rogue
Second Faction of choice: Demon
Why you want to join: because i liked all this thing of faction, i want to play on a cool server and i have found one
Rules? I accept
Age: 19
Faction: Rogue
Second Faction of choice: Demon
Why you want to join: because i liked all this thing of faction and i love minecraft
Rules? I accept