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    posted a message on Furniture

    Unfortunately, there's a list of features that they have confirmed will not be added, and furniture is on that list.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on End Ideas

    If endsand falls up in the overworld, would it just keep go up until it hits the height limit or does it keep going and dissapear?

    Edit: Also, how would it behave if the player stood on it? would we fall up with it and then be knocked off at the height limit? Can you place a block on the side of it while it's falling perhaps, as a dangerous way to get to a high place if you can time it right, without pillaring up? Sounds interesting.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Summon a wandering trader that is unable to despawn.

    Short answer is my family and i are working on a large scale adventure world, so far a several year project, and if it was possible i intended to use it for decorative purposes.

    For instance, at various significant locations around the world there would be mid-sized boats, something like a sloop, which would have a trader and some various items.

    Perhaps also a few larger boats, like a spanish galleon. It's just for lore really, it doesn't have any particularly practical use.

    Thank you for the help!

    Posted in: Redstone, Commands and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Summon a wandering trader that is unable to despawn.

    I thought so too, but named traders despawn, link to example It's an intended feature, but i wasn't sure if there was a workaround.

    Posted in: Redstone, Commands and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Summon a wandering trader that is unable to despawn.

    Is it possible to summon a wandering trader with commands that will never despawn? I'm using Bedrock edition.

    Posted in: Redstone, Commands and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Some Farming Oriented Ideas

    Maybe the recipes could be improved a bit, as cornbread in real life contains no actual yeast or flour, and as such is not really bread in the normal sense. Although it doesn't seem viable, perhaps there could be some way of grinding the corn to make cornmeal, the recipe could also involve milk and egg, almost like cake but more simple. Just a thought.

    Also, sashimi is just thinly sliced raw fish, while it can have rice on the side it doesn't usually contain it.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 3

    posted a message on verticals slabs

    I play bedrock, and as such i don't think mods should have an impact on suggestions. People saying that you shouldn't suggest something because it's already a mod is an odd argument, seeing as things that were mods have been implemented into the game on more than one occasion.

    From a standpoint that doesn't take mods into account, I can't see why not.

    If performance made a difference, they likely wouldn't have implemented so many arguably pointless or decorative things already. Stained glass, terracotta, concrete, flowerpots, etc. What purpose do any of those things serve besides decoration?

    Essentially, i can see why many people don't see the point of it, but what reason is there to argue that it shouldn't be added, and how would it adversely impact someone who wouldn't use the blocks gameplay?

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Summon a chicken that is immovable, or has slowness.

    Sorry, i should've mentioned it from the beginning. I am on bedrock, i just know absolutely nothing about commands and as such am just guessing. So i must've misunderstood.

    Posted in: Redstone, Commands and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on New weapon idea: Gun

    At this point it's not constructive, it's an argument.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Summon a chicken that is immovable, or has slowness.

    Great, thank you! I'm not sure how you go about turning up active chunks. Also, the building where this will be is about 2500 blocks away from spawn, so if i'm understanding correctly, that'd be a lot of chunks.

    But i can figure that out, i appreciate the help very much.

    Posted in: Redstone, Commands and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Summon a chicken that is immovable, or has slowness.

    I'm not sure if this is possible, but for decoration purposes i'd like to know if there is a command to make a chicken either immovable so it won't walk around, or with a slowness effect that lasts so long it might as well be. All i need is for it to not move.

    Posted in: Redstone, Commands and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Chairs and tables.
    Quote from DuhDerp»

    There are three distinct mods, though the third one isn't really all that close to your original description.

    Chisels n Bits -- no technical functionality, which means no custom beds you can sleep the night away in or spiral-opening spaceship doors. You can mix and match materials in the same block space, but all the tiny bits are block-shaped and therefore any slopes or curves will necessarily retain the blockiness. Some people like that, others don't. CnB does really well in the fluids department, basically allowing nearly all fluids to be bitted (I imagine there are some that are either not compatible due to obscurity or weird issues, or which simply cannot be bitted for deliberate technical reasons).

    Little Tiles -- essentially the same mod as Chisels n Bits, but it fixes most of the annoyances found in Chisels n Bits (moreorless LT = Chisels n Bits but faster). There are also certain features found in LT that don't exist in CnB at all, such as custom doors that can open/close (not only in the standard Minecraft way, but you can customize the duration, delay, and the entire animation process), custom chairs you can sit on, custom containers you can store items in, and custom beds you can sleep the night away in. Additionally, all of these things can be nested in each other to accurately model any real-world complex construct (ie, a piano you can tickle, a deluxe tackle box full of stuff in trays that fold out to get to the stuff below, etc).

    Forge Multipart -- this gives you a very limited set of microblocks that can be placed in a limited set of pre-configured spots within a block. You can still mix-n-match materials, but you have less control over placement compared to the other two mods.

    Good to know. I wasn't aware of any of these particular mods, Little tiles especially matches the suggestion. Thank you,

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New weapon idea: Gun

    There are tons of things in Minecraft that can influence kids and are not really right, and guns seem like a kids toy compared to them (not actually serious).

    Assuming that you mean that experiences in Minecraft could lead to the information aquired being applied to a real world scenarios, here is my take on it.

    • Destroying terrain to build structures.Destroying terrain to build structures is an interesting point, considering it's something we do in real life regardless of if it was in Minecraft or not, people have to live somewhere. That certainly doesn't make it right, but what are we supposed to do? We make a living fixing and building homes. I personally don't see that as a bad influence.
    • Chopping down trees to build structures. I live in a place surrounded by logging areas and paper mills. IRL you can't just go chopping down trees anywhere, there are specific areas for that. Unless it's your own yard, and still, it's not like a child young enough to be influenced by that would have acsess to a axe,, or even be strong enough to swing it.
    • Steak gives the most food in the game, encouraging you to kill Cows. Gonna quote myself for this one-- "I suppose it depends on your personal beliefs, but as long as it's being done in a humane and non wasteful way, then eating meat shouldn't be considered cruel." Also, if for some crazy reason the child just tried to hurt the cow, they'd likely get stomped. Cows can be dangerous.
    • Automatic mob farms are a thing. Well, i guess it depends on what kind of farm you're referring to. It could be compared to factories,
    • TNT and Flint and Steel (equivalent to a lighter) are in the game. They might not nesscesarily associate Flint and Steel with a lighter, but ignoring that, in the United States,(Don't know about Canada) you can't legally buy a lighter until you're 18. Also, i don't think TNT is a particularly harmful influence, seeing as it's not something you can go out and get IRL.

    You could go on...

    Of course, those are just my opinion, and i could be wrong. But i really hope people know the difference between real life and games enough for it to not matter. My logic is just that if it's not an easily acsessible danger, it should be fine.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Merge/Combine Minecraft skins

    Done. Dont have discord, however. Linked as a downloadable attachment instead.

    Posted in: Skins
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