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    posted a message on Fixing Java Memory in Windows Vista 64 *SOLUTION*
    Quote from Saratar

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -cp minecraft.exe net.minecraft.LauncherFrame

    Yeah, you overthought this. Install 64 bit java, you're using the 32 bit one. 2GB memory restriction for 32 bit programs is a system restriction because using a 32 bit number you can only reference 4GB of unique bytes. Some of the address space is reserved by the operating system, so you only get 2GB. Just because you can modify that doesn't mean it will behave predictably or safely. If it allocates memory outside of the 4GB threshold that it can modify, it still won't be able to modify it. It's probably not safe to let the program use the operating system's reserved space either.

    TL;DR just install 64 bit java
    (64 bit for windows is the last one in the list)
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from emanresu11

    Is flexible portals compatible with the Aether? And the download does not work for me, the error says "the server where this page is located is not responding"

    The aether mod is incompatible with pretty much everything. That being said, yes, it probably is.

    ==EDIT because I posted this after forgetting what I came here for==
    I fixed a bug in WugApi that could sometimes cause a client crash if you used a portal on a multiplayer world. You can reinstall it without force updating, just drag the files from the wugapi download into the jar. If you only want to update the one specific file, the only file that was changed is BlockPortalX.class .
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from DjGyarados

    Lol, derpworld xD. Weird name, but i'm trying it out anyways. It looks really cool.

    Edit: WUGapi edits alot of base classes -__-
    But it's okay , cause it's really cool.

    Would it be hard to make my own dimension ?
    I've got a bit of experience in coding.

    I want to try and make something like skylands.
    How can i make the world generate so that there's the void at the bottom ? ( Like the Aether )

    I know it does -___________- its horrible
    but, it does it so other stuff doesnt have to. most of them are classes that had a gui creation in them, so the override could be hooked in. like, 1 line edits. its a shame that I even had to do it. On that note, however, most of the classes it touches can be overridden by other classes if necessary, this will just cause the gui overrides to be absent in some places. for certain combinations of class replacement and gui override, this totally does not matter and you wont notice. If you need to install wugapi with another mod that it conflicts with, install wugapi first, it will probably still work ok.

    making a dimension isnt really that hard. theres a bit of overhead you need to do, like setting up the biomes and stuff, but a lot of the time you can just borrow from the overworld to make that work. derpworld is a dimension I created as an experiment, and the vast majority of the time I spent doing it was spent gazing at the existing world generation code trying to understand its incredibly arcane nature, in an attempt to break it into making the minecraft world I always wanted to see.

    the world is generated in sections. the first section is the land vs air section, which creates only 2 block ids, air and stone. somewhere after that a section substitutes bedrock for the bottom few levels of the map. making a world generator that didnt do that would be fairly simple.


    I made another mod, that people who use IRC will be very pleased to have. This mod adds tab complete to the chat while in SMP. simply start typing a player's name, press tab, and the rest of the name will fill in automatically. If multiple users match what you type, it will display all of the matches so you can sift through them. Download link coming shortly to OP. The names that fill in match those on the user list (viewable by holding tab). If their name has a prefix like: "[admin] Derp", "@Derp", "{MOD}Derp", etc it will be filtered out, to tab complete them, use their actual name (in this case, derp). Case insensitive. If you encounter any bugs, please tell me. Also, the version number on this one is right. :biggrin.gif:

    Updated WugApi to be better, DerpWorld to use the new API, and TabComplete because it had a bug. If you use any of those, you should redownload them.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from Blueblade11

    I havent dropped by this thread for a while...

    When did Derpworld come up? From the screenshots, i can tell im going to be falling a lot...
    And why dont you have more comments here? These mods are awesome!
    *more rambling words of encouragement :tongue.gif:*

    Derpworld was an experiment that I did in 1.8. I like floating islands so I decided to change the world gen to have more of them. It's really hard to live there (as you pointed out, many many falling deaths ensued) so I added a little resource boost as well. I have a server version of it as well that I still haven't updated because I'm lame. Only issue that I don't now is that I'd have to port the api I did to SMP for it to work properly. At that point I decided to rewrite how it added itself to the world, so I expanded guiapi to handle dimensions as well and used the functionality I added with it to add derpworld as a new dimension "the right way."

    On a different note, if you have download flexibleportals or wugapi since I updated them yesterday, I have updated them again with a fix that makes portals that are more than one block thick possible. (they worked before the bug fix but were invisible)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from 5dhans

    Will this continue to 1.0.0? Great mod! =-)

    Updated for 1.0.0. Support for horizontal portals is finally here too. I suggest you try DerpWorld (it's not as derpy as it sounds). The new portal rules take a little bit of getting used to, but aside from those necessary complications of adding more dimensions, everything is the same. It has flexible portals built in as well, you will not need to download both (as a matter of fact, if you do that, it won't work XP).

    Portal Type ==> Portal Destination
    Smooth Stone => Overworld
    Obsidian =====> Nether
    GlowStone ====> "DerpWorld" (or Wasteland)

    End Portals still work exactly the same way, as does nether distance compression. Wasteland is 1:1 with the Overworld. There are no longer any restrictions about building portals from the end to other places, just keep in mind that the only way TO get to the end is via end portals.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    yeah my dyndns account expired. I'll update the links soon


    Download links are all fixed, I've gotten a new domain :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Serious Minecraft Security Issue
    Quote from AntyCrix

    I don't think this belongs in the servers section.. but wow.

    EDIT: You should probably notify Notch via email/twitter!

    I have. You should too!
    I put it here because the information is especially relevant to server admins.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Serious Minecraft Security Issue
    I made a video regarding some security issues with SMP servers. All servers are vulnerable because these exploits indicate a vulnerability in the protocol, not a specific server software. In summary, the vulnerabilities allow someone to gain access to an SMP server through another user's account. You can imagine what kinds of problems this can cause.

    Watch the .

    This issue is rather serious. There is no limit to the damage that someone could cause with something like this.

    Server admins: BE VERY CAREFUL when logging in to servers other than your own. If someone tricks you into doing this, they could log in to your server as you and raze the place. I highly recommend whitelisting your account by ip address if possible.

    I wrote the mods in use in the video, and no, they're not available for download.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from inawordnope

    That'd be awesome. But don't Nether portals take five seconds or so to begin teleporting you? I wonder if this time could be taken out.

    If you suspended it a block off the floor in a pit it would be very difficult to get out, especially since you cannot place blocks over the portal blocks.

    In order to make horizontal portals work (as well as fix the weird graphical glitches) I'd have to mess with the rendering code, which would make it incompatible with every mod ever. My implementation is therefore a bit rough around the edges.

    If you think this idea is cool, you should tweet mojang about it. Features people like do get added.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from inawordnope

    Here's the spotlight video I was talking about. Enjoy!

    For the record, there is already an SMP version but it is not updated for 1.8.1 because 1.9 is supposedly right around the corner.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Bumping because I finally updated to 1.8.1 (Modloader version only).

    There is no server version this time. 1.9 is coming right up (there is already a prerelease available) and I'm waiting for that to update the server version.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, but it has been compatible with 1.7.3 the whole time as far as I know. 1.7.3 changed only a small portion of minecraft's code, changing some of the way mobs and special blocks work, and leaving the parts this depends on untouched.

    I.E. it should work for 1.7.3 unmodified, but if it doesnt, tell me.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    I'll poke at it a bit to get it to work properly. You mileage may vary when using it with other mods, but I'll do my best to make it work right. I've been reusing code from older versions a bit... :smile.gif:

    Furthermore, I cant fix the mis-oriented 1 block wide portals without playing with the rendering logic, which is a complicated mess I'd rather stay away from. I'm sorry if it irks people, but I'd rather not go anywhere near it. It/s on my to do list, but it's a 'distant future' thing.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from Rhindon

    upgrade to version M.C. 1.7.3 pleasee

    It's probably already compatible. Has anyone tested?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.0.0 SSP] apocalypse_r's Mod Thread
    Quote from CHCHpcguru

    the modloader link is pointing to
    it should be
    note the underscore instead of a dot between the 7 and 2
    erm, k .

    Fix'd. Nice catch.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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