having similar issues, i feel ive lost a lot of control with
GC, BOP, And RTG, they work together, but i cant mix and match biomes, nor can i any longer use forgeamidst or similar to find good seeds. or view seeds.
Contemplating switching over to OTG, and just getting some of the custom biomes there.
GC being GrowthCraft? If so, check what I just posted. I added GC bamboo forest biome to climate control with no problem.
IDK about your forgeamidst though. I am using ForgeAmidst-1.7.10-1.4 and it works well.
hi. i've got a problem trying to set up climate control + rtg and bop. it seems like there are some biomes from biomes o' plenty who aren't generated. i found out that some biomes incidences are set to 0 at default in the config file, like mangrove, kelp forest, coral reef for example and rising that number i was able to get them in finally.
but still there are some missing like volcano, quagmire, oasis, glacier and some others. i'm not sure, has it something to do with them being subbiomes? i set suppress Bop sub-biome generation to false and installed a mod called natures compass who searches for biomes in a 10000 block radius, but still none of them are found.
i would be thankful for any tipps, because i would really love to have all the biomes.
i checked the bopincidences in the biomesoplentyInCC config file again and it looks like the missing biomes are exactly those who aren't even listed there.
namely those: brushland, canyon ravine, dry river, glacier, lush river, meadow forest, oasis, quagmire, scrubland, seasonal forest clearing, spruce woods and volcano
is there a reason why i can't find them in the conifg? and would it help if i add them there manualy?
edit 2:
hmm, alright. i think they aren't listed because they are subbiomes. i was wondering why some bop subbiomes are showing up in this list and some aren't and checking the thread again, i found out that you added some as full biomes because some people wanted them. still my problem is that i can't find bop subbiomes in my worlds and i would love to turn them on somehow. i have suppress Bop sub-biome generation on false, but still they aren't there.
Find this line in the climatecontrol config (it shows line 62 in my wordpad):
# Comma-delimited list of externalBiome Names. No quotes or line returnsYou will have to reload Minecraft after changing this.Names not in the list aren't removed from the configs but they have no effect
S:externalBiomeNames=Flower Forest,Ice Plains Spikes,Sunflower Plains,Frozen Ocean,Volcano,Spruce Woods
See where I listed Flower Forest, Volcano, etc? Put the names of all the biomes you want to add that are not already in the bop configs. (I don't think the river biomes work though. Might have to live without them.) save it. Load minecraft, then exit it.
Re-open climate control config. Under this area:
# externalbiomeclimates
You will see where to change the types and incidences of the biomes you listed. But be sure under externalbiomeids to define the biome id numbers with the names you listed.
Here are pieces of my config
# Comma-delimited list of externalBiome Names. No quotes or line returnsYou will have to reload Minecraft after changing this.Names not in the list aren't removed from the configs but they have no effect
S:externalBiomeNames=Flower Forest,Ice Plains Spikes,Sunflower Plains,Frozen Ocean,Volcano,Spruce Woods,GC Bamboo Forest
# externalbiomeclimates
Couldn't you have some kind of thing like, putting biomes of types (sandy, swampy, magical, whatevers) in clumps/chains, like mountains? I am awful at explaining things.
And omg I didn't even know about the external biomes thing
I found the way to disable HL subbiomes in HL configs, so no problem, just neurotic-ness.
Not super important to double the bands. probably not worth recoding, that sounds annoying.
I have it arranged now so I'd want to double Cool in relation to the others. Cause I have cool+snowy = snowy, warm = cool, tropical/jungle = warm, desert = hot. I'm just crazy neurotic about not wanting very wet biomes to touch very dry biomes, without something plains-like in between. This way I have it now is pretty satisfying. I assume putting in ways to arrange the humidity would be too complicated or even impossible?
Or a way to make Magical or Tropical group together (like the mountain chains do)?
And two random things:
Is it possible to add BoP Volcano like Mangrove and Tropics are? So I don't have the subbiomes on, but I can stick them somewhere.
Is it possible to make Flower Forest / Ice Spikes spawn more?
Obviously this mod is going to create some lag, but I can tell you from experience, I had much less lag and less problems in general when I stopped using Optifine. I am using fastcraft now, much better. And biomes with many many trees (jungle, roofed forest), do cause a bit more of a pause when generating.
Can someone give me any advice with the Milk config? I want thistle to spawn only in certain biomes by id.
But the S:"Biome Types" keeps confusing me. Whenever I try to change it, I either get thistle everywhere or nowhere. If I said +HILLS,-SNOWY,-HOT (and only that) that would mean thistle spawns in Hilly biomes but not hot or snowy hills, yes? Cause that's not what I'm getting to happen.
When I have banded climates on, Thaumcraft biomes only show up in the Hot zones, despite whatever I tell them to do in the config. It doesn't seem to happen when banded is off. I've been trying to figure out why on my own, because I am sure it is something I am doing. But I give up and ask for help now
I am also using RTG, but I don't think that is doing it.
configs if they help:
# Configuration file
"assorted parameters" {
# Use more random generators, better behaved rivers, and larger rare climates
B:"0.5 generation"=true
# Use 1.6 compatibility mode
# place little islands near shore rather than in deep ocean
B:"Allow Derpy Islands"=false
# Biome size, exponential: 4 is regular and 6 is large biomes
I:"Biome Size"=4
# per thousand; vanilla is 10
I:"Mushroom Island Incidence"=140
# generate as if CC weren't on; for loading pre-existing worlds or just preventing chunk boundaries
B:"No Generation Changes"=false
# add testing routines and crash in suspicious circumstances
# Generate land masses and climate zones similar to vanilla 1.7
# True for triple-width rivers
# impose Climate Control generation on the Biomes o' Plenty world type
# impose Climate Control generation on Highlands world types
# biomes not saved on edges; more than 3 has no effect; -1 deactivates saving biomes
# Number of Chunk Biome layouts cached. Above 500 is ignored. 0 or below shuts off chunk info caching
# climate not saved on edges; -1 deactivates saving climates
# Have Climate Control set the biomes for village generation; may be incompatible with village mods
# Comma-delimited list of externalBiome Names. No quotes or line returnsYou will have to reload Minecraft after changing this.Names not in the list aren't removed from the configs but they have no effect
# force small continent near origin
# max height value for allowing rivers; 10.0 allows everything; 0.75 is plains but no hills
# Maximum Number of Rescue attempts. Negative numbers mean no limit
# subbiomes not saved on edges, default 3, -1 deactivates saving sub-biomes
# suppress Climate Control generation in default, large biomes, and amplified worlds
# True for double-width beaches
# climate incidences
# Blocks of land are randomly assigned to each zone with a frequency proportional to the incidence. Processing eliminates some extreme climates later, especially for quarter size zones. Consider doubling hot and snowy incidences for quarter size zones.
"climate incidences" {
# relative incidence of cool zones like forest/plains/hills/taiga/roofed forest
I:"Cool Zone Incidence"=2
# relative incidence of hot zones like savanna/desert/plains/mesa
I:"Hot Zone Incidence"=1
# relative incidence of snowy zones
I:"Snowy Zone Incidence"=1
# relative incidence of warm zones like forest/plains/hills/jungle/swamp
I:"Warm Zone Incidence"=2
# climate zone parameters
# Full-size is similar to 1.7 defaults. Half-size creates zones similar to pre-1.7 snowy zones. Quarter-size creates fairly small zones but the hot and snowy incidences are limited
"climate zone parameters" {
# True freezes oceans in snowy latitudes. Only used with latitudinal climates.
B:"Frozen Icecaps"=true
# half the climate zone size from vanilla, unless quartering
B:"Half Zone Size"=true
# Place mountains in chains
B:"Mountains in Mountain Chains"=true
# quarter the climate zone size from vanilla
B:"Quarter Zone Size"=false
# ignore climate zones altogether
B:"Random Biomes"=false
# Number of climate zones to shift the band from the default of the warm - to - cool transition at 0. Positive numbers shift the bands up.
# Width of banded climates (climate depends on latitude). 0 or less for normal rules. Width is in terms of climate zones, whatever they are
# X offset for initial spawn search in blocks
# Z offset for initial spawn search in blocks
# ocean control parameters
# Frequencies are x per thousand but a little goes a very long way because seeds grow a lot. SeparateLandmasses = true makes an oceanic world with these settings andSeparateLandmasses = false makes a continental world
"ocean control parameters" {
# frequency of large continent seeds, about 8000x16000
I:"Incidence of Continents,Large"=0
# frequency of medium continent seeds, about 4000x8000
I:"Incidence of Continents,Medium"=0
# frequency of small continent seeds, about 2000x4000
I:"Incidence of Continents,Small"=500
# frequency of large island seeds, about 500x1000
I:"Incidence of Islands,Large"=0
# frequency of medium island seeds, about 250x500, but they tend to break up into archipelagos
I:"Incidence of Islands,Medium"=0
# True mostly stops landmasses merging.With default settings you will get an oceanic world if true and a continental world if false
# oceanbiomeclimates
# vanillabiomeclimates
vanillabiomeclimates {
S:"Birch Forest Hills M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Birch Forest Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Birch Forest M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Birch Forest climate"=cool
S:"Cold Taiga Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Cold Taiga M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Cold Taiga climate"=Snowy
S:"Desert Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Desert M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Desert climate"=Hot
S:"Extreme Hills M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Extreme Hills climate"=cool
S:"Extreme Hills+ M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Extreme Hills+ climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Flower Forest climate"=warm
S:"Forest Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Forest climate"=warm
S:"Ice Mountains climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Ice Plains Spikes climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Ice Plains climate"=Snowy
S:"Jungle Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Jungle M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Jungle climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Mega Spruce Taiga climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mega Taiga Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mega Taiga climate"=Cool
S:"Mesa (Bryce) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mesa Plateau F M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mesa Plateau F climate"=Hot
S:"Mesa Plateau M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mesa Plateau climate"=Hot
S:"Mesa climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mushroom Island climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Plains climate"=medium
S:"Roofed Forest M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Roofed Forest climate"=warm
S:"Savanna M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna Plateau M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna Plateau climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna climate"=Hot
S:"Sunflower Plains climate"=warm
S:"Swampland M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Swampland climate"=Warm
S:"Taiga (snowless) M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Taiga (snowless) climate"=Cool
S:"Taiga Hills climate"=DEFAULT
vanillabiomeids {
I:"Birch Forest Hills ID"=28
I:"Birch Forest Hills M ID"=156
I:"Birch Forest ID"=27
I:"Birch Forest M ID"=155
I:"Cold Taiga Hills ID"=31
I:"Cold Taiga ID"=30
I:"Cold Taiga M ID"=158
I:"Desert Hills ID"=17
I:"Desert ID"=2
I:"Desert M ID"=130
I:"Extreme Hills ID"=3
I:"Extreme Hills M ID"=131
I:"Extreme Hills+ ID"=34
I:"Extreme Hills+ M ID"=162
I:"Flower Forest ID"=132
I:"Forest Hills ID"=18
I:"Forest ID"=4
I:"Ice Mountains ID"=13
I:"Ice Plains ID"=12
I:"Ice Plains Spikes ID"=140
I:"Jungle Hills ID"=22
I:"Jungle ID"=21
I:"Jungle M ID"=149
I:"Mega Spruce Taiga ID"=160
I:"Mega Taiga Hills ID"=33
I:"Mega Taiga ID"=32
I:"Mesa (Bryce) ID"=165
I:"Mesa ID"=37
I:"Mesa Plateau F ID"=38
I:"Mesa Plateau F M ID"=166
I:"Mesa Plateau ID"=39
I:"Mesa Plateau M ID"=167
I:"Mushroom Island ID"=14
I:"Plains ID"=1
I:"Roofed Forest ID"=29
I:"Roofed Forest M ID"=157
I:"Savanna ID"=35
I:"Savanna M ID"=163
I:"Savanna Plateau ID"=36
I:"Savanna Plateau M ID"=164
I:"Sunflower Plains ID"=129
I:"Swampland ID"=6
I:"Swampland M ID"=134
I:"Taiga (snowless) ID"=5
I:"Taiga (snowless) M ID"=133
I:"Taiga Hills ID"=19
CC Seems to take over the biomes for all the added dimensions. So like, if I added a dimension with only snowy biomes, CC seems to still use all the biomes I enabled in the CC config (so the ones I only wanted in the Overworld). Am I making any sense
I tried to change the CCDimensions config file to this:
# Configuration file
general {
# Comma-separated list of dimension IDs, used only if include list is *
# Comma-separated list of dimension IDs, put * to use exclude list
11,12,21,22 were added with the Dimensional mod, the others are from Witchery and stuff.
I think it is something silly I am doing. If I can get CC and dimension control to work together, I will happy cry.
vanillabiomeclimates {
S:"Birch Forest Hills M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Birch Forest Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Birch Forest M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Birch Forest climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Cold Beach climate"=SNOWY
S:"Cold Taiga Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Cold Taiga M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Cold Taiga climate"=SNOWY
S:"Desert Hills climate"=HOT
S:"Desert M climate"=HOT
S:"Desert climate"=HOT
S:"Extreme Hills M climate"=COOL
S:"Extreme Hills climate"=COOL
S:"Extreme Hills+ M climate"=COOL
S:"Extreme Hills+ climate"=COOL
S:"Flower Forest climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Forest Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Forest climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Ice Mountains climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Ice Plains Spikes climate"=SNOWY
S:"Ice Plains climate"=SNOWY
S:"Jungle Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Jungle M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Jungle climate"=WARM
S:"Mega Spruce Taiga climate"=COOL
S:"Mega Taiga Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Mega Taiga climate"=COOL
S:"Mesa (Bryce) climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau F M climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau F climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau M climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa climate"=HOT
S:"Mushroom Island climate"=OCEAN
S:"Plains climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Roofed Forest M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Roofed Forest climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Savanna M climate"=HOT
S:"Savanna Plateau M climate"=HOT
S:"Savanna Plateau climate"=HOT
S:"Savanna climate"=HOT
S:"Stone Beach climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Sunflower Plains climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Swampland M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Swampland climate"=WARM
S:"Taiga (snowless) M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Taiga (snowless) climate"=COOL
S:"Taiga Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
Here is the crash log I found, if it helps.
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// You should try our sister game, Minceraft!
Time: 9/5/15 8:21 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop
java.lang.RuntimeException: Climate Control: No Biomes present for climates Deep.Ocean
at climateControl.SettingsTester.test(SettingsTester.java:98)
at climateControl.DimensionManager.patchedGenLayer(DimensionManager.java:90)
at climateControl.DimensionManager.onBiomeGenInit(DimensionManager.java:239)
at climateControl.ClimateControl.onBiomeGenInit(ClimateControl.java:208)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_140_ClimateControl_onBiomeGenInit_InitBiomeGens.invoke(.dynamic)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:138)
at net.minecraft.world.biome.WorldChunkManager.getModdedBiomeGenerators(WorldChunkManager.java:249)
at net.minecraft.world.biome.WorldChunkManager.<init>(WorldChunkManager.java:41)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilSaveConverter.func_75805_a(SourceFile:129)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71237_c(MinecraftServer.java:162)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71247_a(IntegratedServer.java:59)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71197_b(IntegratedServer.java:92)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:387)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
GC being GrowthCraft? If so, check what I just posted. I added GC bamboo forest biome to climate control with no problem.
IDK about your forgeamidst though. I am using ForgeAmidst-1.7.10-1.4 and it works well.
Find this line in the climatecontrol config (it shows line 62 in my wordpad):
# Comma-delimited list of externalBiome Names. No quotes or line returnsYou will have to reload Minecraft after changing this.Names not in the list aren't removed from the configs but they have no effect
S:externalBiomeNames=Flower Forest,Ice Plains Spikes,Sunflower Plains,Frozen Ocean,Volcano,Spruce Woods
See where I listed Flower Forest, Volcano, etc? Put the names of all the biomes you want to add that are not already in the bop configs. (I don't think the river biomes work though. Might have to live without them.) save it. Load minecraft, then exit it.
Re-open climate control config. Under this area:
# externalbiomeclimates
You will see where to change the types and incidences of the biomes you listed. But be sure under externalbiomeids to define the biome id numbers with the names you listed.
Here are pieces of my config
# Comma-delimited list of externalBiome Names. No quotes or line returnsYou will have to reload Minecraft after changing this.Names not in the list aren't removed from the configs but they have no effect
S:externalBiomeNames=Flower Forest,Ice Plains Spikes,Sunflower Plains,Frozen Ocean,Volcano,Spruce Woods,GC Bamboo Forest
# externalbiomeclimates
externalbiomeclimates {
S:"Flower Forest climate"=cool
S:"Frozen Ocean climate"=snowy
S:"GC Bamboo Forest climate"=warm
S:"Ice Plains Spikes climate"=snowy
S:"Spruce Woods climate"=snowy
S:"Sunflower Plains climate"=cool
S:"Volcano climate"=deep_ocean
externalbiomeids {
I:"Flower Forest ID"=132
I:"Frozen Ocean ID"=10
I:"GC Bamboo Forest ID"=240
I:"Ice Plains Spikes ID"=140
I:"Spruce Woods ID"=114
I:"Sunflower Plains ID"=129
I:"Volcano ID"=102
externalbiomeincidences {
I:"Flower Forest Incidence"=13
I:"Frozen Ocean Incidence"=5
I:"GC Bamboo Forest Incidence"=1
I:"Ice Plains Spikes Incidence"=10
I:"Spruce Woods Incidence"=3
I:"Sunflower Plains Incidence"=5
I:"Volcano Incidence"=5
externalbiomevillages {
B:"Flower Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Frozen Ocean hasVillages"=false
B:"GC Bamboo Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Ice Plains Spikes hasVillages"=false
B:"Spruce Woods hasVillages"=false
B:"Sunflower Plains hasVillages"=false
B:"Volcano hasVillages"=false
Clumps I'd think. Chains make sense for mountains.
How big? Maybe 4-5 biomes?
Thank you for even considering it
Couldn't you have some kind of thing like, putting biomes of types (sandy, swampy, magical, whatevers) in clumps/chains, like mountains? I am awful at explaining things.
And omg I didn't even know about the external biomes thing
Off to make Flower Forests everywhere...
I had coral reef at 50.
I found the way to disable HL subbiomes in HL configs, so no problem, just neurotic-ness.
Not super important to double the bands. probably not worth recoding, that sounds annoying.
I have it arranged now so I'd want to double Cool in relation to the others. Cause I have cool+snowy = snowy, warm = cool, tropical/jungle = warm, desert = hot. I'm just crazy neurotic about not wanting very wet biomes to touch very dry biomes, without something plains-like in between. This way I have it now is pretty satisfying. I assume putting in ways to arrange the humidity would be too complicated or even impossible?
Or a way to make Magical or Tropical group together (like the mountain chains do)?
And two random things:
Is it possible to add BoP Volcano like Mangrove and Tropics are? So I don't have the subbiomes on, but I can stick them somewhere.
Is it possible to make Flower Forest / Ice Spikes spawn more?
Is it not possible to have ocean spawn in deep_ocean climate in place of the actual deep ocean, and have BoP coral reef as ocean climate?
I've got these settings, but it still crashes and says Climate Control: No Biomes present for climates Deep_Ocean
oceanbiomeclimates {
S:"DeepOcean climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Ocean climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
oceanbiomeids {
I:"DeepOcean ID"=24
I:"Ocean ID"=0
oceanbiomeincidences {
I:"DeepOcean Incidence"=1
I:"Ocean Incidence"=100
S:"Coral Reef climate"=OCEAN
Also, with banded climates, can I have one band bigger than the others? Like if I wanted desert/hot band twice as big?
Also, can the Highlands sub biomes (or whatever it is that they are) be stopped like BoP can?
Also, thank you
Obviously this mod is going to create some lag, but I can tell you from experience, I had much less lag and less problems in general when I stopped using Optifine. I am using fastcraft now, much better. And biomes with many many trees (jungle, roofed forest), do cause a bit more of a pause when generating.
I would prefer a thistle seed very much
Can someone give me any advice with the Milk config? I want thistle to spawn only in certain biomes by id.
But the S:"Biome Types" keeps confusing me. Whenever I try to change it, I either get thistle everywhere or nowhere. If I said +HILLS,-SNOWY,-HOT (and only that) that would mean thistle spawns in Hilly biomes but not hot or snowy hills, yes? Cause that's not what I'm getting to happen.
Does a villager sell thistle?
When I have banded climates on, Thaumcraft biomes only show up in the Hot zones, despite whatever I tell them to do in the config. It doesn't seem to happen when banded is off. I've been trying to figure out why on my own, because I am sure it is something I am doing. But I give up and ask for help now
I am also using RTG, but I don't think that is doing it.
configs if they help:
# Configuration file
"assorted parameters" {
# Use more random generators, better behaved rivers, and larger rare climates
B:"0.5 generation"=true
# Use 1.6 compatibility mode
# place little islands near shore rather than in deep ocean
B:"Allow Derpy Islands"=false
# Biome size, exponential: 4 is regular and 6 is large biomes
I:"Biome Size"=4
# per thousand; vanilla is 10
I:"Mushroom Island Incidence"=140
# generate as if CC weren't on; for loading pre-existing worlds or just preventing chunk boundaries
B:"No Generation Changes"=false
# suppress Bop sub-biome generation
# Percentage of rivers prevented; changes cause chunk boundaries at some rivers
# increase smoothing steps; also shrinks unusual biomes some; changing produces occaisional chunk walls
B:"Smoother Coastlines"=true
# add testing routines and crash in suspicious circumstances
# Generate land masses and climate zones similar to vanilla 1.7
# True for triple-width rivers
# impose Climate Control generation on the Biomes o' Plenty world type
# impose Climate Control generation on Highlands world types
# biomes not saved on edges; more than 3 has no effect; -1 deactivates saving biomes
# Number of Chunk Biome layouts cached. Above 500 is ignored. 0 or below shuts off chunk info caching
# climate not saved on edges; -1 deactivates saving climates
# Have Climate Control set the biomes for village generation; may be incompatible with village mods
# Comma-delimited list of externalBiome Names. No quotes or line returnsYou will have to reload Minecraft after changing this.Names not in the list aren't removed from the configs but they have no effect
# force small continent near origin
# max height value for allowing rivers; 10.0 allows everything; 0.75 is plains but no hills
# Maximum Number of Rescue attempts. Negative numbers mean no limit
# subbiomes not saved on edges, default 3, -1 deactivates saving sub-biomes
# suppress Climate Control generation in default, large biomes, and amplified worlds
# True for double-width beaches
# climate incidences
# Blocks of land are randomly assigned to each zone with a frequency proportional to the incidence. Processing eliminates some extreme climates later, especially for quarter size zones. Consider doubling hot and snowy incidences for quarter size zones.
"climate incidences" {
# relative incidence of cool zones like forest/plains/hills/taiga/roofed forest
I:"Cool Zone Incidence"=2
# relative incidence of hot zones like savanna/desert/plains/mesa
I:"Hot Zone Incidence"=1
# relative incidence of snowy zones
I:"Snowy Zone Incidence"=1
# relative incidence of warm zones like forest/plains/hills/jungle/swamp
I:"Warm Zone Incidence"=2
# climate zone parameters
# Full-size is similar to 1.7 defaults. Half-size creates zones similar to pre-1.7 snowy zones. Quarter-size creates fairly small zones but the hot and snowy incidences are limited
"climate zone parameters" {
# True freezes oceans in snowy latitudes. Only used with latitudinal climates.
B:"Frozen Icecaps"=true
# half the climate zone size from vanilla, unless quartering
B:"Half Zone Size"=true
# Place mountains in chains
B:"Mountains in Mountain Chains"=true
# quarter the climate zone size from vanilla
B:"Quarter Zone Size"=false
# ignore climate zones altogether
B:"Random Biomes"=false
# Number of climate zones to shift the band from the default of the warm - to - cool transition at 0. Positive numbers shift the bands up.
# Width of banded climates (climate depends on latitude). 0 or less for normal rules. Width is in terms of climate zones, whatever they are
# X offset for initial spawn search in blocks
# Z offset for initial spawn search in blocks
# ocean control parameters
# Frequencies are x per thousand but a little goes a very long way because seeds grow a lot. SeparateLandmasses = true makes an oceanic world with these settings andSeparateLandmasses = false makes a continental world
"ocean control parameters" {
# frequency of large continent seeds, about 8000x16000
I:"Incidence of Continents,Large"=0
# frequency of medium continent seeds, about 4000x8000
I:"Incidence of Continents,Medium"=0
# frequency of small continent seeds, about 2000x4000
I:"Incidence of Continents,Small"=500
# frequency of large island seeds, about 500x1000
I:"Incidence of Islands,Large"=0
# frequency of medium island seeds, about 250x500, but they tend to break up into archipelagos
I:"Incidence of Islands,Medium"=0
# True mostly stops landmasses merging.With default settings you will get an oceanic world if true and a continental world if false
# oceanbiomeclimates
oceanbiomeclimates {
S:"DeepOcean climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Ocean climate"=OCEAN
oceanbiomeids {
I:"DeepOcean ID"=24
I:"Ocean ID"=0
oceanbiomeincidences {
I:"DeepOcean Incidence"=10
I:"Ocean Incidence"=10
oceanbiomevillages {
B:"DeepOcean hasVillages"=false
B:"Ocean hasVillages"=false
# vanillabiomeclimates
vanillabiomeclimates {
S:"Birch Forest Hills M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Birch Forest Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Birch Forest M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Birch Forest climate"=cool
S:"Cold Taiga Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Cold Taiga M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Cold Taiga climate"=Snowy
S:"Desert Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Desert M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Desert climate"=Hot
S:"Extreme Hills M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Extreme Hills climate"=cool
S:"Extreme Hills+ M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Extreme Hills+ climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Flower Forest climate"=warm
S:"Forest Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Forest climate"=warm
S:"Ice Mountains climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Ice Plains Spikes climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Ice Plains climate"=Snowy
S:"Jungle Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Jungle M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Jungle climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Mega Spruce Taiga climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mega Taiga Hills climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mega Taiga climate"=Cool
S:"Mesa (Bryce) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mesa Plateau F M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mesa Plateau F climate"=Hot
S:"Mesa Plateau M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mesa Plateau climate"=Hot
S:"Mesa climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Mushroom Island climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Plains climate"=medium
S:"Roofed Forest M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Roofed Forest climate"=warm
S:"Savanna M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna Plateau M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna Plateau climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna climate"=Hot
S:"Sunflower Plains climate"=warm
S:"Swampland M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Swampland climate"=Warm
S:"Taiga (snowless) M climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Taiga (snowless) climate"=Cool
S:"Taiga Hills climate"=DEFAULT
vanillabiomeids {
I:"Birch Forest Hills ID"=28
I:"Birch Forest Hills M ID"=156
I:"Birch Forest ID"=27
I:"Birch Forest M ID"=155
I:"Cold Taiga Hills ID"=31
I:"Cold Taiga ID"=30
I:"Cold Taiga M ID"=158
I:"Desert Hills ID"=17
I:"Desert ID"=2
I:"Desert M ID"=130
I:"Extreme Hills ID"=3
I:"Extreme Hills M ID"=131
I:"Extreme Hills+ ID"=34
I:"Extreme Hills+ M ID"=162
I:"Flower Forest ID"=132
I:"Forest Hills ID"=18
I:"Forest ID"=4
I:"Ice Mountains ID"=13
I:"Ice Plains ID"=12
I:"Ice Plains Spikes ID"=140
I:"Jungle Hills ID"=22
I:"Jungle ID"=21
I:"Jungle M ID"=149
I:"Mega Spruce Taiga ID"=160
I:"Mega Taiga Hills ID"=33
I:"Mega Taiga ID"=32
I:"Mesa (Bryce) ID"=165
I:"Mesa ID"=37
I:"Mesa Plateau F ID"=38
I:"Mesa Plateau F M ID"=166
I:"Mesa Plateau ID"=39
I:"Mesa Plateau M ID"=167
I:"Mushroom Island ID"=14
I:"Plains ID"=1
I:"Roofed Forest ID"=29
I:"Roofed Forest M ID"=157
I:"Savanna ID"=35
I:"Savanna M ID"=163
I:"Savanna Plateau ID"=36
I:"Savanna Plateau M ID"=164
I:"Sunflower Plains ID"=129
I:"Swampland ID"=6
I:"Swampland M ID"=134
I:"Taiga (snowless) ID"=5
I:"Taiga (snowless) M ID"=133
I:"Taiga Hills ID"=19
vanillabiomeincidences {
I:"Birch Forest Incidence"=2
I:"Cold Taiga Incidence"=2
I:"Desert Incidence"=10
I:"Extreme Hills Incidence"=8
I:"Forest Incidence"=1
I:"Ice Plains Incidence"=17
I:"Jungle Incidence"=5
I:"Mega Taiga Incidence"=5
I:"Mesa Plateau F Incidence"=4
I:"Mesa Plateau Incidence"=5
I:"Plains Incidence"=17
I:"Roofed Forest Incidence"=2
I:"Savanna Incidence"=10
I:"Swampland Incidence"=2
I:"Taiga (snowless) Incidence"=4
vanillabiomevillages {
B:"Birch Forest Hills M hasVillages"=false
B:"Birch Forest Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Birch Forest M hasVillages"=false
B:"Birch Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Cold Taiga Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Cold Taiga M hasVillages"=false
B:"Cold Taiga hasVillages"=false
B:"Desert Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Desert M hasVillages"=false
B:"Desert hasVillages"=true
B:"Extreme Hills M hasVillages"=false
B:"Extreme Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Extreme Hills+ M hasVillages"=false
B:"Extreme Hills+ hasVillages"=false
B:"Flower Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Forest Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Ice Mountains hasVillages"=false
B:"Ice Plains Spikes hasVillages"=false
B:"Ice Plains hasVillages"=true
B:"Jungle Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Jungle M hasVillages"=false
B:"Jungle hasVillages"=false
B:"Mega Spruce Taiga hasVillages"=false
B:"Mega Taiga Hills hasVillages"=false
B:"Mega Taiga hasVillages"=false
B:"Mesa (Bryce) hasVillages"=false
B:"Mesa Plateau F M hasVillages"=false
B:"Mesa Plateau F hasVillages"=false
B:"Mesa Plateau M hasVillages"=false
B:"Mesa Plateau hasVillages"=false
B:"Mesa hasVillages"=false
B:"Mushroom Island hasVillages"=false
B:"Plains hasVillages"=true
B:"Roofed Forest M hasVillages"=false
B:"Roofed Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Savanna M hasVillages"=false
B:"Savanna Plateau M hasVillages"=false
B:"Savanna Plateau hasVillages"=false
B:"Savanna hasVillages"=true
B:"Sunflower Plains hasVillages"=false
B:"Swampland M hasVillages"=false
B:"Swampland hasVillages"=false
B:"Taiga (snowless) M hasVillages"=false
B:"Taiga (snowless) hasVillages"=false
B:"Taiga Hills hasVillages"=false
# Configuration file
"assorted parameters" {
thaumcraftbiomeclimates {
S:"Eerie climate"=medium
S:"Magical Forest climate"=medium
S:"Tainted climate"=medium
thaumcraftbiomeincidences {
I:"Eerie Incidence"=1
I:"Magical Forest Incidence"=5
I:"Tainted Incidence"=1
thaumcraftbiomevillages {
B:"Eerie hasVillages"=false
B:"Magical Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Tainted hasVillages"=false
# Configuration file
"assorted parameters" {
bopclimates {
S:"Alps Forest climate"=Snowy
S:"Alps climate"=Snowy
S:"Arctic climate"=Snowy
S:"Bamboo Forest climate"=WARM
S:"Bayou climate"=WARM
S:"Bog climate"=COOL
S:"Boneyard climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Boreal Forest climate"=COOL
S:"Brushland climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Canyon Ravine (Sub-Biome) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Canyon Ravine climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Canyon climate"=HOT
S:"Chaparral climate"=WARM
S:"Cherry Blossom Grove climate"=warm
S:"Coniferous Forest (Snow) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Coniferous Forest climate"=WARM
S:"Coral Reef climate"=ocean
S:"Corrupted Sands (Nether) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Corrupted Sands climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Crag climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Dead Forest climate"=COOL
S:"Dead Swamp climate"=WARM
S:"Deciduous Forest climate"=WARM
S:"Dense Forest climate"=COOL
S:"Dry River climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Eucalyptus Forest climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Fen climate"=WARM
S:"Flower Field climate"=warm
S:"Frost Forest climate"=SNOWY
S:"Fungi Forest climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Garden climate"=warm
S:"Glacier climate"=snowy
S:"Grassland climate"=cool
S:"Gravel Beach climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Grove climate"=COOL
S:"Heathland climate"=warm
S:"Highland climate"=warm
S:"Jade Cliffs climate"=WARM
S:"Kelp Forest climate"=OCEAN
S:"Land of Lakes Marsh climate"=COOL
S:"Land of Lakes climate"=COOL
S:"Lavender Fields climate"=warm
S:"Lush Desert climate"=HOT
S:"Lush River climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Lush Swamp climate"=WARM
S:"Mangrove climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Maple Woods climate"=COOL
S:"Marsh climate"=COOL
S:"Meadow Forest climate"=cool
S:"Meadow climate"=COOL
S:"Moor climate"=cool
S:"Mountain climate"=warm
S:"Mystic Grove climate"=warm
S:"Oasis climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Ominous Woods climate"=warm
S:"Orchard climate"=warm
S:"Origin Valley climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Outback climate"=HOT
S:"Phantasmagoric Inferno climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Prairie climate"=WARM
S:"Quagmire climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Rainforest climate"=WARM
S:"Redwood Forest climate"=COOL
S:"Sacred Springs climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Savanna Plateau (Sub-Biome) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Savanna climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Scrubland climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Seasonal Forest climate"=COOL
S:"Seasonal Spruce Forest (Sub-Biome) climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Shield climate"=COOL
S:"Shore climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Shrubland climate"=COOL
S:"Silkglades climate"=warm
S:"Sludgepit climate"=WARM
S:"Snowy Coniferous Forest climate"=SNOWY
S:"Spruce Woods climate"=cool
S:"Steppe climate"=Cool
S:"Temperate Rainforest climate"=WARM
S:"Thicket climate"=COOL
S:"Tropical Rainforest climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Tropics climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Tundra climate"=cool
S:"Undergarden climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Visceral Heap climate"=DEFAULT
S:"Volcano climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Wasteland climate"=HOT
S:"Wetland climate"=cool
S:"Woodland climate"=WARM
S:"Xeric Shrubland climate"=HOT
bopincidences {
I:"Alps Forest Incidence"=5
I:"Alps Incidence"=5
I:"Arctic Incidence"=1
I:"Bamboo Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Bayou Incidence"=6
I:"Bog Incidence"=0
I:"Boreal Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Canyon Incidence"=5
I:"Chaparral Incidence"=0
I:"Cherry Blossom Grove Incidence"=10
I:"Coniferous Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Coral Reef Incidence"=9
I:"Crag Incidence"=0
I:"Dead Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Dead Swamp Incidence"=0
I:"Deciduous Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Dense Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Eucalyptus Forest Incidence"=2
I:"Fen Incidence"=0
I:"Flower Field Incidence"=5
I:"Frost Forest Incidence"=5
I:"Fungi Forest Incidence"=1
I:"Garden Incidence"=1
I:"Grassland Incidence"=0
I:"Grove Incidence"=5
I:"Heathland Incidence"=2
I:"Highland Incidence"=5
I:"Jade Cliffs Incidence"=5
I:"Kelp Forest Incidence"=3
I:"Land of Lakes Incidence"=0
I:"Land of Lakes Marsh Incidence"=0
I:"Lavender Fields Incidence"=10
I:"Lush Desert Incidence"=0
I:"Lush Swamp Incidence"=0
I:"Mangrove Incidence"=1
I:"Maple Woods Incidence"=2
I:"Marsh Incidence"=0
I:"Meadow Incidence"=9
I:"Moor Incidence"=4
I:"Mountain Incidence"=5
I:"Mystic Grove Incidence"=9
I:"Ominous Woods Incidence"=2
I:"Orchard Incidence"=0
I:"Origin Valley Incidence"=0
I:"Outback Incidence"=0
I:"Prairie Incidence"=3
I:"Rainforest Incidence"=0
I:"Redwood Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Sacred Springs Incidence"=0
I:"Seasonal Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Shield Incidence"=0
I:"Shrubland Incidence"=0
I:"Silkglades Incidence"=3
I:"Sludgepit Incidence"=0
I:"Snowy Coniferous Forest Incidence"=0
I:"Steppe Incidence"=0
I:"Temperate Rainforest Incidence"=0
I:"Thicket Incidence"=0
I:"Tropical Rainforest Incidence"=0
I:"Tropics Incidence"=1
I:"Tundra Incidence"=0
I:"Wasteland Incidence"=0
I:"Wetland Incidence"=4
I:"Woodland Incidence"=0
I:"Xeric Shrubland Incidence"=10
bopvillages {
B:"Alps Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Alps hasVillages"=false
B:"Arctic hasVillages"=false
B:"Bamboo Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Bayou hasVillages"=false
B:"Bog hasVillages"=false
B:"Boneyard hasVillages"=false
B:"Boreal Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Brushland hasVillages"=false
B:"Canyon Ravine (Sub-Biome) hasVillages"=false
B:"Canyon Ravine hasVillages"=false
B:"Canyon hasVillages"=false
B:"Chaparral hasVillages"=false
B:"Cherry Blossom Grove hasVillages"=false
B:"Coniferous Forest (Snow) hasVillages"=false
B:"Coniferous Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Coral Reef hasVillages"=false
B:"Corrupted Sands (Nether) hasVillages"=false
B:"Corrupted Sands hasVillages"=false
B:"Crag hasVillages"=false
B:"Dead Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Dead Swamp hasVillages"=false
B:"Deciduous Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Dense Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Dry River hasVillages"=false
B:"Eucalyptus Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Fen hasVillages"=false
B:"Flower Field hasVillages"=false
B:"Frost Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Fungi Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Garden hasVillages"=false
B:"Glacier hasVillages"=false
B:"Grassland hasVillages"=false
B:"Gravel Beach hasVillages"=false
B:"Grove hasVillages"=true
B:"Heathland hasVillages"=true
B:"Highland hasVillages"=false
B:"Jade Cliffs hasVillages"=false
B:"Kelp Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Land of Lakes Marsh hasVillages"=false
B:"Land of Lakes hasVillages"=false
B:"Lavender Fields hasVillages"=true
B:"Lush Desert hasVillages"=false
B:"Lush River hasVillages"=false
B:"Lush Swamp hasVillages"=false
B:"Mangrove hasVillages"=false
B:"Maple Woods hasVillages"=false
B:"Marsh hasVillages"=false
B:"Meadow Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Meadow hasVillages"=true
B:"Moor hasVillages"=false
B:"Mountain hasVillages"=false
B:"Mystic Grove hasVillages"=false
B:"Oasis hasVillages"=false
B:"Ominous Woods hasVillages"=false
B:"Orchard hasVillages"=false
B:"Origin Valley hasVillages"=false
B:"Outback hasVillages"=false
B:"Phantasmagoric Inferno hasVillages"=false
B:"Prairie hasVillages"=true
B:"Quagmire hasVillages"=false
B:"Rainforest hasVillages"=false
B:"Redwood Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Sacred Springs hasVillages"=false
B:"Savanna Plateau (Sub-Biome) hasVillages"=false
B:"Savanna hasVillages"=false
B:"Scrubland hasVillages"=false
B:"Seasonal Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Seasonal Spruce Forest (Sub-Biome) hasVillages"=false
B:"Shield hasVillages"=false
B:"Shore hasVillages"=false
B:"Shrubland hasVillages"=false
B:"Silkglades hasVillages"=false
B:"Sludgepit hasVillages"=false
B:"Snowy Coniferous Forest hasVillages"=false
B:"Spruce Woods hasVillages"=false
B:"Steppe hasVillages"=false
B:"Temperate Rainforest hasVillages"=false
B:"Thicket hasVillages"=false
B:"Tropical Rainforest hasVillages"=false
B:"Tropics hasVillages"=false
B:"Tundra hasVillages"=true
B:"Undergarden hasVillages"=false
B:"Visceral Heap hasVillages"=false
B:"Volcano hasVillages"=false
B:"Wasteland hasVillages"=false
B:"Wetland hasVillages"=false
B:"Woodland hasVillages"=false
B:"Xeric Shrubland hasVillages"=true
If there are mountain chains now, would it be possible to make Magical biomes group together? I don't think I'm wording that right...
Is there any way to add a middle climate zone? So some biomes won't ever touch Snowy and Hot zones?
I'm pretty sure it's the dimension mod. Same kind of thing happened with Terrain Control.
When I use Climate Control with this mod: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/Minecraft/229588-dimensional-control
CC Seems to take over the biomes for all the added dimensions. So like, if I added a dimension with only snowy biomes, CC seems to still use all the biomes I enabled in the CC config (so the ones I only wanted in the Overworld). Am I making any sense
I tried to change the CCDimensions config file to this:
# Configuration file
general {
# Comma-separated list of dimension IDs, used only if include list is *
# Comma-separated list of dimension IDs, put * to use exclude list
11,12,21,22 were added with the Dimensional mod, the others are from Witchery and stuff.
I think it is something silly I am doing. If I can get CC and dimension control to work together, I will happy cry.
I can't get you the config, because I changed it back right after the crash.
I know I had changed deep_ocean incidences to 0, then put about 10 biomes as deep_ocean climate.
Here I will try to show what I did.
oceanbiomeclimates {
S:"DeepOcean climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Ocean climate"=OCEAN
oceanbiomeids {
I:"DeepOcean ID"=24
I:"Ocean ID"=0
oceanbiomeincidences {
I:"DeepOcean Incidence"=0
I:"Ocean Incidence"=100
oceanbiomevillages {
B:"DeepOcean hasVillages"=false
B:"Ocean hasVillages"=false
vanillabiomeclimates {
S:"Birch Forest Hills M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Birch Forest Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Birch Forest M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Birch Forest climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Cold Beach climate"=SNOWY
S:"Cold Taiga Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Cold Taiga M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Cold Taiga climate"=SNOWY
S:"Desert Hills climate"=HOT
S:"Desert M climate"=HOT
S:"Desert climate"=HOT
S:"Extreme Hills M climate"=COOL
S:"Extreme Hills climate"=COOL
S:"Extreme Hills+ M climate"=COOL
S:"Extreme Hills+ climate"=COOL
S:"Flower Forest climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Forest Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Forest climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Ice Mountains climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Ice Plains Spikes climate"=SNOWY
S:"Ice Plains climate"=SNOWY
S:"Jungle Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Jungle M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Jungle climate"=WARM
S:"Mega Spruce Taiga climate"=COOL
S:"Mega Taiga Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Mega Taiga climate"=COOL
S:"Mesa (Bryce) climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau F M climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau F climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau M climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa Plateau climate"=HOT
S:"Mesa climate"=HOT
S:"Mushroom Island climate"=OCEAN
S:"Plains climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Roofed Forest M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Roofed Forest climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Savanna M climate"=HOT
S:"Savanna Plateau M climate"=HOT
S:"Savanna Plateau climate"=HOT
S:"Savanna climate"=HOT
S:"Stone Beach climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Sunflower Plains climate"=MEDIUM
S:"Swampland M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Swampland climate"=WARM
S:"Taiga (snowless) M climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
S:"Taiga (snowless) climate"=COOL
S:"Taiga Hills climate"=DEEP_OCEAN
Here is the crash log I found, if it helps.
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// You should try our sister game, Minceraft!
Time: 9/5/15 8:21 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop
java.lang.RuntimeException: Climate Control: No Biomes present for climates Deep.Ocean
at climateControl.SettingsTester.test(SettingsTester.java:98)
at climateControl.DimensionManager.patchedGenLayer(DimensionManager.java:90)
at climateControl.DimensionManager.onBiomeGenInit(DimensionManager.java:239)
at climateControl.ClimateControl.onBiomeGenInit(ClimateControl.java:208)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_140_ClimateControl_onBiomeGenInit_InitBiomeGens.invoke(.dynamic)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:138)
at net.minecraft.world.biome.WorldChunkManager.getModdedBiomeGenerators(WorldChunkManager.java:249)
at net.minecraft.world.biome.WorldChunkManager.<init>(WorldChunkManager.java:41)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilSaveConverter.func_75805_a(SourceFile:129)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71237_c(MinecraftServer.java:162)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71247_a(IntegratedServer.java:59)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71197_b(IntegratedServer.java:92)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:387)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.7.0_79, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 1806461400 bytes (1722 MB) / 2134114304 bytes (2035 MB) up to 2134114304 bytes (2035 MB)
JVM Flags: 7 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M
AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 23 mods loaded, 23 mods active
States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
UCHIJAA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
UCHIJAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10-
UCHIJAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10-
UCHIJAA Baubles{} [Baubles] (Baubles-1.7.10-
UCHIJAA BiomesOPlenty{2.1.0} [Biomes O' Plenty] (BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10-
UCHIJAA Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry_1.7.10-
UCHIJAA BinnieCore{2.0-pre14} [Binnie Core] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
UCHIJAA Botany{2.0-pre14} [Botany] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
UCHIJAA ExtraBees{2.0-pre14} [Extra Bees] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
UCHIJAA ExtraTrees{2.0-pre14} [Extra Trees] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
UCHIJAA Genetics{2.0-pre14} [Genetics] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
UCHIJAA Botania{r1.7-219} [Botania] (Botania r1.7-219.jar)
UCHIJAA climatecontrol{0.4} [Climate Control] (ClimateControl-0.4.beta28.jar)
UCHIJAA doggytalents{v1.9.0h} [Doggy Talents] (DoggyTalents-1.7.10-v1.9.0h-universal.jar)
UCHIJAA doorsoplenty{0.1} [Doors o Plenty] (doorsoplenty-1.0.jar)
UCHIJAA InventoryPets{1.3.2} [Inventory Pets] (inventorypets-1.7.10-1.3.2.jar)
UCHIJAA ironbackpacks{0.5.0} [Iron Backpacks] (Iron Backpacks-1.7.10-1.0.4-universal.jar)
UCHIJAA journeymap{@JMVERSION@} [JourneyMap] (journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.0-unlimited.jar)
UCHIJAA magicalcrops{1.7.2 - 0.1 ALPHA} [Magical Crops] (magicalcrops-1.7.10_0.1.jar)
UCHIJAA MemoryCleaner{1.0} [Memory Cleaner] (MemoryCleaner-1.4-mc.1.7.10.jar)
UCHIJAA cfm{3.4.8} [§9MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod] (MrCrayfishFurnitureModv3.4.8(1.7.10).jar)
UCHIJAA witchery{0.24.1} [Witchery] (witchery-1.7.10-0.24.1.jar)
UCHIJAA worldedit{6.0-beta-01} [WorldEdit] (worldedit-forge-mc1.7.10-6.0-beta-01.jar)
GL info: ~~ERROR~~ RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Player Count: 0 / 8; []
Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'