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    posted a message on Gang Wars Server Plugin Development Staff Needed

    Hey guys, my partner (my boss) and I recently ran into a bit of trouble with the development team we had for our current project, which is a PvP-based server revolving around gunplay and growing and harvesting contraband (drugs), and we are now looking for a new team.

    We are looking for a dedicated development team (or individual) that is willing to work at a reliable pace to create plugins as they are needed for the server. A flat sum would be paid to whoever is interested in assisting in our project, and the terms of this deal would be negotiated in private once an agreement to work together has been made. Experience is preferable and proof of past work would be very much so appreciated.

    We have a reliable staff that is willing to work on the details within the server, we are simply looking for plugin developers that are quite experienced with Java and creating Bukkit/Spigot plugins and would be willing to do basic configurations for already existing plugins. We are looking for developers who are capable of configuring plugins that as world edit regions for setting up player plots, permissions related to various rank trees, and creating protections for a large-city hub that would be where much of the gameplay is taking place. The kind of plugin creation we are looking for would be a modern version of the plugin InstaEat, more seamless interaction between the guns plugin we utilize and kits, and solutions for issues that present themselves as we continue to develop.

    I appreciate the time taken to read this lengthy post, if you are interested please either respond to this post or send a direct message and we can exchange discords and discuss payment as well as exchange proof of experience and such. Thank you!

    Edit: Here's our discord server that has all the members of the team in it, please join if you are interested!: https://discord.gg/5U55Nm

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking For An Economy Plug-In.
    I suggest using EssentialsEco like StealthBravo said and I suggest ChestShop for making the banks. They are both very easy to use/set up and I believe you can change the currency name with Essentials, or really any Eco plugin.
    Essentials - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/
    ChestShop - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/chestshop/
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Looking For: Dedicated/Experienced Staff & Coding/Plugin People
    How much experience do you have: I have plenty of experience when it comes to the field I am applying for, which is the Coder section you were talking about. I am an Intermediate Java coder and I am great with plugins. By doing plugins I suppose you mean like setting them up. (CODER DUDE, I'M APPLYING FOR CODER. LIKE LEGIT)

    Name: Andrew (I'm interested in Coder if you missed it)

    MC name: andrewvh1 (I'm interested in Coder if you missed it, that Head Dev bit up there, below all the other ranks)

    What you can do: I can code most plugins you think of. Name it, I know it. PermissionsEx, Factions, Essentials, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Payday, Chestshop, Vault, most Economy plugins, etc. Like I said I know Java decently well and may be able to make a few custom plugins for the server as needed. Although I'm not necessarily willing to make custom plugins just in case you want/need them. I'm an on the go person, do things they're needed. (Coder man, I'm applying for coder.)

    Why you want to help: Like I'm saying in one of the questions below, I used to Co Own a server with my pal from the interwebs (imma nerd :P) and just as that server was rising up with more regular people, we all of a sudden run out of money and dropped. D: . That was a sad day. i remember the messages I had with him on Skype, those very disappointing messages. I also love helping rising up servers and am very experienced in the field, and alot of servers need that extra person to piece it all together. (CODER. CODER. CODER. CODER. CODER. CODER)

    How often you can help: I can help very often, considering I'm on Summer broke. A note is though next week I'm off to Europe for two weeks but will be able to help via Skype and Minechat as needed. During a regular week I can devote 3 - 4 hours almost every day of the week. Life is Life though, and unexpected things happen, so I may not always be active. XP I'll help as often as possible and as needed. (I'M APPLYING FOR CODER, LIKE LEGIT YO)

    Concerns/Questions: I used to Co Own a server with my internet pal and just when we were starting to get more successful the darn thing shut down. D: . This is why I applied here because I miss helping with my old server and I want to help with this server, which has an almost identical idea. Also I have OCD when it comes to a few things :P (APPLYING FOR CODER IF YOU MISSED IT)

    Where I can contact you: You can contact me on Skype at im_awesome56 or Steam at andrewvh1 (If you still don't know what I'm applying for, shame on you. CODER)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    1st post! haha! People join this server its epic! It looks so awesome!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Isolation Rebooted! [1.5] [Prison Server] [Custom Plugins] [Unique]
    Well guys I've been pretty inactive the past few days because I've been learning Java so I can make custom plugins, but now I decided that I'll continue Java but not completely stop being inactive from all my servers, so I'll now be more active.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Western Wars! (F.K.A Gang Wars) [Custom Ranks] [Drugs] [Police] [Western Environment] [Events]
    Western Wars
    Ip: (Not in Full Release, For Beta Testers)
    Story Line:
    We originate in the small town of Dry Valley, but most people call it Death Valley. Depending on the friends you make and the enemies make, you may never come out of here alive. Start out a noob, make a gun, get involved in fight club, start smoking cigarettes, tobacco, and marijuana. Start to get well known in
    Governor: andrewvh1
    Sheriff: ssundlie
    Marshall: kufupanda12
    Mayors: DaneDawg, MAXIMUSSPRIME, and Bailey280899
    Path Of The Thief:
    Citizen: Free: A regular man in the settlement of Dry Valley. A new person, people don't take kindly to you.
    Bandit: $5,000: You start commiting small crimes, pickpocketing, stealing from restuarants. Maybe an assault here or there. People start to know your name.
    Outlaw: $15,000: You get your name on wanted posters, you start getting recognized by the cops walking around town. You start murder and full out robbery, and get good at escaping and at fighting.
    Vigilante: $30,000: You are the boss, everyone knows your name. Even the police officers are scared of you, no one wants to get near you. You go on mass murder, killing plenty of people. You are the king!
    Path Of Justice:
    Trainee: Welcome to the police force! You are the lowly of the ranks, Deputies and Officers give you the cold shoulder. You often just watch the restaurants and patrol town.
    Officer: You are now an official member of the police force, bandits start to fear you. You walk around with a confident look on your face. The Sheriff starts to take notice to you.
    Deputy: Outlaws are terrified of you. You walk around with tough armor on and a solid blunderbuss in your hand, and you are known throughout the force and the town. The Sheriff talks to you on a regular basis.
    Marshall: You are the Chief of town. People know who you are, and all sorts of evil are terrified of you. People in the force look up to you and hope to be you one day. You are a huge role model to many who want to follow the path of justice.
    Sheriff: You are the head honcho. You make the decisions on who gets to be in the force, and who doesn't. The Marshall listens to your orders, and all the evil people are afraid to go near you.
    Path Of Staff:
    BountyHunter: You take bounties from the local people to put people of justice and people of evil. If people who know they have done wrong see you, they run immediately.
    You are the mayor of town. People ask you for final orders and you put people of evil out of their misery. Officers look up to you and Thieves are terrified of you.
    Governor (Not Achievable): No one wants to go near you. You walk with a mischievous grin on your face and put people of all ranks and age to justice. Your word goes hard into the heart of everyone who knows your name.
    Special Ranks:
    Judge: You are the one who decided whether the crime these people have committed are punishable by time, death, or to be exiled from Dry Valley. You have almost unlimited power, and you must be an experienced member of the force. You must have played for at least 1 month.
    Lawyer: You are the protector of the innocent... or the guilty. You are the one who decides the lives of many people, and don't care if your victim is guilty or not, you are in for the money. You get payed money for any job, so you be as convincing as possible.
    Buildings: Built by us and a professional map maker.
    Plots: You may buy your own house in spawn!
    Events: Custom events to make fun happy time.
    Factions: Team up with others to become powerful!
    No Hacked/Modded Clients
    No Spamming
    Cool with cursing, not to much though.
    No PvP abuse
    Your skin must be visible
    Don't rage if you die
    Say "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" In Your Police App
    Beta Application
    Have you played on any of the old Gang Wars?
    If so, what was your position:
    Have you had any experience in this field:
    Why do you deserve this over others:
    Police Application (Or Lawyer Application, Just change the words from police to Laywer):
    Why do you deserve this position:
    Experience as a Police Officer (Guards Count):
    What can you offer to the force:
    Have you read the rules:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Isolation Rebooted! [1.5] [Prison Server] [Custom Plugins] [Unique]
    Quote from Rapper1010

    Not the only one that thibks anithceat sucks

    Your grammar hurts me
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Are you looking for a friendly mature players server?
    I am not even sure what happened I tried to break blocks in a protected area and I was jailed and kill constantly and smitten constantly by an admin. Wtf
    Than banned
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Looking for Two Admins that Can help me build and has Hamachi
    Skype:Don't have one
    How you can help: I am a great builder and a good leader.
    Why you are a responsible admin:I have been admin on several other servers and I own a server myself and know how to deal with grievers, hackers, etc.
    Has been banned (do not lie, I will check otherwise):From all servers ever? Who hasn't been banned atleast once. A server called GlobalDomination and a server called NemesisCraft
    PLS ACCEPT. thank u
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Gang Wars [Gang/Drug server] [First Gang server with guns] [Spoutcraft]
    Guys, i just commented to say that maximussprime should be an admin. He has been the most helpful out of all of the mods. Especially better than most. :Pig:

    Hey it says i cant connect right now. It says operation timed out. Help?!?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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