Hey guys, my partner (my boss) and I recently ran into a bit of trouble with the development team we had for our current project, which is a PvP-based server revolving around gunplay and growing and harvesting contraband (drugs), and we are now looking for a new team.
We are looking for a dedicated development team (or individual) that is willing to work at a reliable pace to create plugins as they are needed for the server. A flat sum would be paid to whoever is interested in assisting in our project, and the terms of this deal would be negotiated in private once an agreement to work together has been made. Experience is preferable and proof of past work would be very much so appreciated.
We have a reliable staff that is willing to work on the details within the server, we are simply looking for plugin developers that are quite experienced with Java and creating Bukkit/Spigot plugins and would be willing to do basic configurations for already existing plugins. We are looking for developers who are capable of configuring plugins that as world edit regions for setting up player plots, permissions related to various rank trees, and creating protections for a large-city hub that would be where much of the gameplay is taking place. The kind of plugin creation we are looking for would be a modern version of the plugin InstaEat, more seamless interaction between the guns plugin we utilize and kits, and solutions for issues that present themselves as we continue to develop.
I appreciate the time taken to read this lengthy post, if you are interested please either respond to this post or send a direct message and we can exchange discords and discuss payment as well as exchange proof of experience and such. Thank you!
Edit: Here's our discord server that has all the members of the team in it, please join if you are interested!: https://discord.gg/5U55Nm
Is it going to be all cubish like regular Minecraft? Or is it just using Minecraft Mechanics like the crafting system? Seems like a pretty good idea, good luck on it. Also, it needs women. So keep that in mind.
AddictCraft.pt is rehosting this server, feel free to join, first right there is a portal leading to the prison world where this server is located, if you previously had a donor rank you will be given it back, everything is exactly the same as before.
Yesterday I set up a Tree Farm using the WorldGuardTreefarm Flag, and it worked fine. This morning, however, I moved the world files to a different world, and had to redo all the regions. And now this time when I set up the tree farm, the trees just don't break. No error message, no red text, just I try to break it and it replaces itself automatically. Here is a link to what the region looks like: http://pastebin.com/vbpxnsdd . The only reason I thought something might be wrong is because there is two regions surrounding that have build set as deny, but I double checked and the treefarm has a higher priority than both of the others regions surrounding it. I included those in the pastebin as well. I have absolutely no idea what I did wrong, I even redid the tree farm region twice, and still to no avail. Can someone please help me?
So I'm really considering stopping the server, I'm downloading the files now and will be putting them up for download at the bottom of the page here and on the PMC page.
So yeah, the files may go down eventually, so I'd suggest just downloading them even if you don't feel you can (or want to) run a server right now.
Thanks for the good memories!
Damn its Unitycraft all over again. Well see ya guys. Thanks for all the memories I had on this server. Hopefully I can see you guys around sometime. Byee Melle, Queerzo, Epic, Rollener, and anyone who I may not have mentioned. <3 YOU MAXXYPOO WE CAN STILL F**K B**CHES TOGETHER
Thanks you for replying and can you try to tell me whats wrong with this I used notepad++. My friends joined and we couldnt do any commands and we didnt have our prefix.
Please use http://pastebin.com to post your Permissions file as they are very confusing and difficult to read on the forums. Then it will be easier to deal with your issue.
He can also make you a special rank and if he is using the PermissionsEx plugin, then he can just add to your group "permissions.*" and you have permissions to create ranks in game.
I stongly recommend not using that software. I have seen it cause random connection problems, not to mention that the default IP range it uses conflicts with the internet itself (the range it uses is a valid address space that has been assigned).
This doesn't even touch upon the security implications it brings.
if you can port forward, that is the vastly preferred method.
I agree I ran a Hamachi server on my computer and my internet started having spams the next day, and ever since my internet will just randomly crash for a few minutes before I can use it again. Hamachi has ruined many aspects of my computer, I give two thumbs down.
You can make an essentials kit, let's say Starter, that they can use only once, and it could have 15 gold ingots. Its very easy to set up this way, many people use kits.
IP is, everyone is playing.
BETA times will be posted soon so stay vigilant!
Hey guys, my partner (my boss) and I recently ran into a bit of trouble with the development team we had for our current project, which is a PvP-based server revolving around gunplay and growing and harvesting contraband (drugs), and we are now looking for a new team.
We are looking for a dedicated development team (or individual) that is willing to work at a reliable pace to create plugins as they are needed for the server. A flat sum would be paid to whoever is interested in assisting in our project, and the terms of this deal would be negotiated in private once an agreement to work together has been made. Experience is preferable and proof of past work would be very much so appreciated.
We have a reliable staff that is willing to work on the details within the server, we are simply looking for plugin developers that are quite experienced with Java and creating Bukkit/Spigot plugins and would be willing to do basic configurations for already existing plugins. We are looking for developers who are capable of configuring plugins that as world edit regions for setting up player plots, permissions related to various rank trees, and creating protections for a large-city hub that would be where much of the gameplay is taking place. The kind of plugin creation we are looking for would be a modern version of the plugin InstaEat, more seamless interaction between the guns plugin we utilize and kits, and solutions for issues that present themselves as we continue to develop.
I appreciate the time taken to read this lengthy post, if you are interested please either respond to this post or send a direct message and we can exchange discords and discuss payment as well as exchange proof of experience and such. Thank you!
Edit: Here's our discord server that has all the members of the team in it, please join if you are interested!: https://discord.gg/5U55Nm
I'll check it out I suppose.
Damn its Unitycraft all over again. Well see ya guys. Thanks for all the memories I had on this server. Hopefully I can see you guys around sometime. Byee Melle, Queerzo, Epic, Rollener, and anyone who I may not have mentioned.
Freakin YOLO man
Essentials - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/
ChestShop - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/chestshop/
Please use http://pastebin.com to post your Permissions file as they are very confusing and difficult to read on the forums. Then it will be easier to deal with your issue.
I agree I ran a Hamachi server on my computer and my internet started having spams the next day, and ever since my internet will just randomly crash for a few minutes before I can use it again. Hamachi has ruined many aspects of my computer, I give two thumbs down.