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    posted a message on SyroCraft - [Survival] [Semi-Vanilla] [Events] [Economy] [Community] Now on 1.12!

    A new thread and a redone dungeon? Guess I picked a good time to come back and be active on the server again. Can't wait for all these new things!

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.11] Soartex Fanver - Smooth and Clean


    It's actually updated for 1.9 I believe. There might be one or two things missing, but we have a released version for 1.9.x, which you can find here: https://soartex.net/downloads/

    Also, just nitpicky things. Soartex is one pack, Invictus is another. They are not the same thing. It looked like you were using the Soartex Pack in your video, which was very nice :)

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Your WEIRDEST Minecraft Habits
    Quote from Branog
    Whenever I skype with my friends, I am never playing the game they are playing, so I just end up running around my MC World for hours while the call is on.

    Haha! I can just see that on a multiplayer server:
    "Hey why is Branog just running around?"
    "Oh, he's on a Skype call"
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Your WEIRDEST Minecraft Habits
    Quote from PyroLink

    I always keep my inventory organized like this:


    I know there is 9 slots, but if I have multiple types of food or blocks or something like that, I would put them in the remaining slots.

    Lots of organized hotbars on this thread, maybe I should try!
    Quote from ShortstopGamer

    I have completely messed up my controls. For example-
    Break is space
    Jump is left shift
    Place is left click
    Sneak is left control
    etc, etc

    Also, I tend to jump in my chair whenever I get snuck up on or startled and for some reason I like to move my head IRL as if I can see different things on the screen. Not sure why :P

    Yeah, those controls are definitely quite different that mine and the default. And nice with the IRL stuff.
    Quote from Betsylitho

    In an old survival of mine I had to mine all Iron, I and nearly 8 stacks but mined everything I came across. In a survival with my bros I have mined around 100 diamonds, made armour, tools and blocks and still have 30 left over, the thing is I never use my diamond armour coz I don't want to break.

    I only use diamond armor when I make it almost god-like with enchantments and enchanting books. But, like you, I mine everything I come across.
    Quote from NiallTheAwesome

    Whenever i am in bed in-game i type zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in chat...

    I've noticed that there are a few people that do that, haha.
    Quote from SoaringArmor

    I usually play without sound.

    Me too! Well, no Minecraft sounds, but sometimes I play music...
    Quote from justin13

    I ALWAYS need a empty space in my hot bar and when I'm on peaceful I always walk with my hand out and I always have a habit if I need something I go into game mode and I'm never proud of that

    To each their own, I guess. While I don't change game modes, I personally don't see anything wrong with that - it's your map and what you want to do.
    Quote from Helios_the_first

    (I have sneak set to control and and sprint set to shift)

    I always hold shift, no matter if I'm building, caving, or anything. Always.

    Can't risk falling off and dying! Because when I first began playing, I never held shift and when you build a house on the side of a cliff...
    Quote from ORabbit

    I refer to shovels as spoons.

    I talk to myself while I play.

    I've named many of my horses after alcoholic drinks. A few of them: Brandywine, Whiskey Sour, Vodka Tonic, Moonshine, Chouchen, Sazerac, Ouzo, Applejack (I had no idea there's a MLP named this until someone told me recently--my MC horse is named after the booze).

    I name iron golems after female charaters from cartoons and comics I watched/read as a kid and will give them name tags if I have any to spare.

    I talk to myself sometimes as well. But it's nice that you name things, that's always good!
    Quote from einsteinsci

    I always type "stuff", "something", or "zzzzzz" into the chat whenever I sleep. I usually can press enter before waking up.

    I can't play SSP without Inventory Tweaks because I can't sort my inventory and chests. FTB has spoiled me.

    I always name my horse Shadowfax. Even if it's a donkey.

    Whenever I don't know what to do, or (more likely) forgot what I was going to do, I parkour everywhere. On top of the house, on hills, in caves, and especially on trees. This is even more true in my creative worlds.

    I keep my inventory in this order:
    [sword] [pick] [torches] [shovel/axe] ... [food] [bow]

    I talk to myself, calling myself 'we' instead of 'I'. Apparently I'm Gollum.

    Lots of habits you have. Another hotbar. As for inventory tweaks, I sometimes play with that as well, especially on a world or server where I have tons of stuff because I cannot manually sort without going mad!
    Quote from saucylemon

    Haha, same with me :P been playing for years yet haven't quite gotten used to PvP. I start to get the shakes, even :/

    Sweaty fingers are a little common
    Quote from saucylemon
    I ALWAYS keep my sword in the second slot, no matter what. I sometimes follow the order of [sword] [pick] [axe] [shovel] [hoe], but idk as long as i have my sword in the second slot. i also don't keep anything in my first slot, no matter how much crap i need. Maybe it's from my PvPing days, when i have to be ready to pull it out any second? idk

    Very interesting :D

    (Again, sorry if I missed any! You guys just constantly fill up this thread and I can't keep track!)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [128x, 64x, 32x, 16x] [1.3.2] Adriorn's Basico
    (Sorry for necroposting!?)
    Soartex Fanver*, but no worries on the spelling.

    If you do decide to compile textures into a resource pack version of Basico, I would advise you to be very careful with which textures you use. There are textures from the original creator, Soar49, that you are free to use, but many of the new textures aren't really allowed to be publicly redistributed, as per the license (http://soartex.net/license).

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or visit our website at http://soartex.net.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on SyroCraft - [Survival] [Semi-Vanilla] [Events] [Economy] [Community] Now on 1.12!
    Well, after pulling a codewow and dying, I got resurrected and I'm back and will be popping on hopefully soon.

    (I actually just had a lot of other stuff happening, I didn't really die)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on SyroCraft - [Survival] [Semi-Vanilla] [Events] [Economy] [Community] Now on 1.12!
    God, it's really been a year already. Woo, happy birthday!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.11] Soartex Fanver - Smooth and Clean
    Okay, for those of you players who could not run the normal Soartex Fanver because it was too big, I have good news for you. We have just released the first Soartex Fanver Lite!

    The Lite version is a smaller pack that hopefully should work for you guys. Click to find out more: http://soartex.net/news/#soartex-lite

    Download can be found at http://soartex.net/downloads/.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.11] Soartex Fanver - Smooth and Clean
    Quote from Soartex

    In the past we supported a 32*32 version called Modjam but it fell a bit behind since we focused mostly on Vanilla. Everyone is invited to contribute to both versions though, as well as mod support.
    I can't assist with that error as I do not posses the knowledge but I will forward it to our Tech Support Person, and see if there's any workaround for now.

    Also, if I remember right, there's a Soartex Lite floating around somewhere that we'll have to find. Until then, I would say remove ALL CTM folders and whatnot and that will decrease the pack size and should help you load it. Let us know if that works for you!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on What block looks best as flooring for a house?
    Depending on the situation, I use either wool, stained clay, planks, sand/sandstone, or stone/stone brick. Again, depends entirely on what I'm building
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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