I see. Yeah, worth holding onto for the far future.
Yeah, lmk if you think of a way to polish it. What’s this soulsand mob you mention?
Howdahs would work, but yeah that’s much less interesting...
The Wayfarer, I believe, could be a super cool and interesting mob depending on which direction it is taken!
As for the soulsand mob, I don't have an exact name for it yet, but I was thinking that these ambush predators could stand in-between the height of a player and an Enderman. They start off hiding beneath the sand in Soulsand Valleys, waiting for prey to walk by them before jumping out of the ground to begin attacking. Aside from general swiping attacks, they also come with the deadly ability to coil up before spinning rapidly, performing a Sonic-spindash like attack straight at their target while leaving behind a trail of soul fire.
Although they have moderate amounts of health, they usually come in packs of 4-5 mobs in them. As for their drops... idk yet. Either a new weapon which fires saw blade like projectiles made of soul fire, or a new block which spawns soul fire sawblades when activated with a button, lever, or redstone.
I even drew a rough sketch as to what they could look like! (it's a wip, so it could end up looking more skeletal possibly)
Truuue I figured that the Wayfarer wouldn't be possible with the current engine, but I still wanted to try creating a cool idea which incorporated the torterra-like idea and applying it to a Nether mob XD
As for the Incinerator, he would be a miniboss! As well as an uncommon mob found in Nether Fortresses. As for the mechanical part, it could work depending on how it's designed; it mostly made of nether bricks and netherite armor for the torso and head, with some cogs thrown in on some parts. Lorewise, I also had the idea that they were powered by the souls of Blazes trapped inside of them, and the Netherite Core item contains the actual soul of the Blaze controlling it!
As for for Glow Beetle, you are definitely right about that XD. I kinda wanted to try creating a peaceful mob that would have a really cool function/mechanic the player could take advantage of, but I didn't really think too creatively in regards to it, I feel. I also had another idea for a creepy hostile mob which would spawn in Soul Sand Valleys and would have a flaming blue, Sonic spindash attack.
EDIT: Perhaps for an alternative function for the Wayfarer, instead of being able to place blocks on, it, you could instead give it some kind of howdah? Which can then be equipped with chests and stuff?
Back at it again with some mob ideas, only this time they're going to be Nether themed! These are all pretty ambitious ideas, and I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of them end up not being possible in Minecraft's engine XD
The Wayfarer
A neutral mob and a distant cousin to the Strider, Wayfarers are massive dark-orange colored mobs whose bodies consists of a large flat torso with long, double-jointed front legs and one back leg. Wayfarers can be found migrating across vast oceans of lava in the Nether in small herds, using their long legs to kick any mobs that threaten them or their young. To tame these towering creatures, the player will need to feed it a Warped Fungus Cake, a new food block made from 3x warped fungus , 2x sugar, 3x milk buckets, and 1 egg. The the player must place the cake down near the a Wayfarer on the ground or on any solid platform, attracting it to it and causing it to bend down to eat the cake.
Once tamed, the player can place a ladder that will allow the player to reach atop the Wayfarer, where they can place blocks on top of the Wayfarer's 6x6 head; chests, furnaces, crafting tables, etc.. The player could even build a small house on top of the Wayfarer's head to have a mobile home in the Nether. However, the more blocks the player places on the Wayfarer's head, the slower it will move due to the weight.
The Incinerator
A new rare threat found in chambers within Nether Fortresses, Incinerators take on the form of blazing quadrupedal constructs made of Nether Bricks and Netherite, with cannons extending from either side of its torso and heads which appear like empty Netherite Helmets with horns. Being impervious to melee attacks, Incinerators switch between two attacks; charging up their twin cannons after a short windup to unleash to fire a hail of firebolts towards the player similarly to that of a gatling gun, and a close range attack where it breathes fire from it's head if the player gets too close. The damage from it's primary attack, however, will fall off over longer distances as the bullets are subject to a wide cone of fire.
To defeat an Incinerator, the player must fire arrows into its head in order to deal any damage into it. This can be done by waiting for the construct to finish shooting it's cannons to take a moment to cool down, giving the player the chance to break from cover and fire an arrow at it. 3-5 well placed arrows to the head is enough to take down an Obliterator, causing it's head to explode and it's body to crumble. Additionally, the Incinerator's arms can be shot off as well, by firing arrows at the weak spots in-between the cannons and the torso it's connected to.
Defeating an Incinerator will cause it to drops bunch of nether bricks, as well as two new rare materials; Netherite Cores and Netherite Gears. Both materials can be used to craft a new weapon and a new tool; the Nether Guzzler and the Bale Thruster. The Nether Guzzler is a two handed weapon which allows the player to use the Obliterator's primary attack, shooting hails of firebolts onto enemies, dealing high damage until it overheats; firing it for too long will result in it igniting the player for 4 seconds. the Bale Thruster is a new jetpack with two charges before it needs to recharge. On use, the player performs an initial liftoff, sending it a short distance upwards. Shortly after, the player will take off with a quick blast that launches the player in the direction they are aiming.
The Glow Beetle
A small and peaceful mob, Glow Beetles can be found all across the Nether, fluttering around until they find Glowstone to feed on. The player can use Glow Beetles to harvest Glowstone Dust by dropping a bar of any metal close to them, in which they'll chew on it in order to sharpen their fangs before going to the nearest Glowstone they can find. From there, Glowstone Dust will begin to drop as the Glow Beetle feeds, essentially allowing the player to collect Glowstone Dust without breaking the Glowstone. Killing a Glow Beetle will drop nothing.
Honestly, the Caves & Cliffs update is going to open so many doors for potential enemies! I even came up a couple of mobs themed off of the new biomes that'll be added in this update!
- Impaler: Spawning in Dripstone Caves, these weak enemies take the form of spider-like monsters with stalactites for protective shells. They like to cling themselves on the ceiling to blend in with the other stalactites before dropping down on uncareful travelers, dealing massive damage. However, in doing so they end up getting stuck in the ground for a few seconds, giving the player an opportunity to strike them down before they shoot a string of web up to the ceiling in order to pull themselves back up. They also tend to spawn in groups, too.
- Axolotl Mage: Spawning in Lush Caves, Axolotl Mages are unique and rare mobs that serve as friendly NPCs players can trade with, selling a handful of unique items and cosmetics found nowhere else in the world. Attacking an Axolotl Mage will cause it to teleport away, but not before casting a spell which turns the player into an axolotl for a few seconds! His most expensive item is the Axolotl Wand, which grants all tamed axolotls to float in the air as of they were underwater, allowing them to attack land enemies as well as aquatic ones.
- Raker: While the Warden rules over the Deep Dark, the Rakers reside within this biome as some of it's frightening denizens. Being nearly as tall as the player and armed with sharp scythes for hands, they will quietly stalk the player as the traverse through the Deep Dark and are able to crawl along the walls and upside down on the roof of the cave in pursuit of them. Although dealing with one of them can be manageable, a Raker at low health will have a chance of releasing a signal which attracts all other Rakers to it's current location, who will then attack the player if they don't escape quick enough. On death, Rakers will have a chance to drop their long claws, which can then be crafted into Climbing Hooks. Lastly, Raker naturally fear the Warden, and will flee whenever it is near.
I'm also thinking about potential mob ideas for flooded caves, too.
I like this a lot, but there are a few issues. Is the ship an entity? Or is it made of blocks? I always find ship structures in other mods to feel kinda odd; they don't move at all, and they stay there forever after you clear out the ship of mobs. On the other hand, there's no way I could program a ship entity on which players could move around and build and fight like normal; no one has heard from the Metaworlds mod developer for years. Maybe he spawns in special shipwrecks instead? I don't like when mods stop players from breaking blocks, but without doing so the Cap'n's Key won't have much purpose. Maybe it opens a special chest instead?
I was initially thinking that he could spawn in ships made of blocks, but now I'm really liking your idea a lot more in regards to him spawning in shipwrecks instead, as well as the Cap'n's Key opening a special chest. It'd be much more thematic, have breakable blocks, and also give the key a purpose!
In terms of the chest, though, I can see it having a whole bunch of valuables in it; gold nuggets, emeralds, and maybe even the Black Spot weapon!
Back at it again with another detailed idea suggestion!
Cap'n Bonebeard (wip name)
Cap'n Bonebeard is a pirate boss that can be found in the ocean aboard a ghost ship. Although one can simply find a ghost ship by chance while traveling through the ocean, because of how rare they are, the quickest way to locate a ghost ship is by obtaining the Ghastly Compass; an item that could be acquired from a Wandering Trader. The Ghastly Compass will point at the direction of the ghost ship at all times.
As for the boss itself, Cap'n Bonebeard is a large, fat skeleton dressed in a pirate captain outfit covered in rips & tears, barnacles, and seaweed. He could also have one of his arms be an octopus tentacle, maybe, and could have octopus tentacles sprouting out of his back. He is also armed with a cutlass and a flintlock pistol. When the player boards a ghost ship, Bonebeard will appear on the deck, making a jolly laugh before pointing his sword at the player, beginning the battle. He is a tanky boss with lots of tricks up his sleeve, and cannot be damaged through normal means. His attacks consist of:
Various swashbuckling sword swipes.
A pistol attack where he shoots ghostly green skulls that chase the player, inflicting blindness upon making contact. Said skulls can be destroyed by hitting them once.
A dash where he rides a wave of water forward with his sword pointed out, damaging the player if they’re in the way
His first special attack where he summons large octopus tentacles from the ground that swipe at the player before disappearing. They would behave somewhat like the Envoker's fang attack, but would spawn randomly around the player and would each have a delay before attacking.
His second special attack where he shoots out a bunch of small bombs from his pistol, which explode after a few seconds (explosions do not destroy blocks). One of these bombs, however, will have a green tint to it and can be picked up by the player and thrown back at Cap'n Bonebeard, stunning him for a few seconds and allowing the player to damage them until he recovers.
I also had an idea of him summoning skeleton deckhands to aid him in battle when he's at low health, maybe, but they would be melee only and have very low health.
Upon defeat, he could drop three items
The Cap’n’s Key: A rusty old key that will allow the player to unlock the doors that lead to the lower decks of the ship, which could be filled with plenty of resources and valuables.
The Black Spot: Cap'n Bonebeard’s pistol, this weapon will allow the player to blast enemies with ghostly skulls.
The Salty Dog's Handsome Headpiece: You get his stylish pirate hat as a new vanity item/trophy!
Lol, you are right, though I am glad you liked it!
This was mostly just an attempt on my part on trying to give a reason for the Librarian to spawn in the overworld, since most of the monsters I've suggested, including the vorpalyst and inkubus, are pretty far out there/not stuff you'd normally find in the overworld. The only two that I think would work the easiest with the overworld, I feel, are the sculptor and the tiki guardians XD
I haven't messaged here in awhile, but on top of new monsters and such, I would like to add and expand upon my idea of the Librarian boss by suggesting that he could be apart of some kind of unique dungeon; The Forbidden Archives. As the names suggests, the Forbidden Archives could be an archive of dusty books, relics, artifacts and other things the Librarian has collected over the years, with the structure itself being a labyrinth of halls and tall walls of bookshelves on every corner. Due to the arcane nature of the Forbidden Archives, the mechanic of this dungeon could involve portals that take the player to different locations within the dungeon, pools of purple goo that damage players, and illusions consisting of walls that the player can walk through.
For the enemies, I wanted to have them simple, yet unique and interesting in their own ways. Here are the ones I brainstormed so far:
Dark Tome: Ancient books possessed by evil spirits, Dark Tomes attack the player by flying out of book shelves and floating around them, occasionally firing a low-damaging magic missile. Upon death, the Dark Tome will fall to the ground and become a normal book, but can be reanimated by a Curator. To prevent Dark Tomes from reanimating, the player will need to either kill the Curator(s), or burn the book with flint and steel.
Voidling: Purple, imp-like creatures with chomping books for heads, these creatures run at the player the bite and slash at them. Upon death, however, Voidlings will split into two smaller, weaker versions of themselves. Because of this, Voidlings can swarm players who underestimate them.
Curator: Once aspiring mages and wizards who sought the Forbidden Archives in search for knowledge, they now serve the Librarian as his corrupted servants. Not only can they use a number of magic attacks, but can also reanimated fallen Dark Tomes. Curators are also very squishy in terms of health, with their only method of escape being teleporting a few blocks away from the player.
Void Mutant: Former adventurers who were also corrupted by the Librarian, these brutish enemies have slimy tentacles replacing their left arm and carry a runic mallet in their right arm. Their attacks switch between lashing the player with their tentacles, and slamming their mallet against the ground and sending a pillar of arcane fire towards the player.
Beyonder: Observers are floating balls of flesh and eyes that patrol the halls of the Forbidden Archives, searching for intruders. If one spots the player, it will spawn a bunch of Voidlings before lobbing balls of arcane energy that slightly chase the player.
I was also thinking about some kind of high-threat monster that would either look like a Shoggoth or a Dark Young from H.P. Lovecraft's work, but I couldn't figure out how to make it unique/interesting beyond it being a fleshy horror with some tooth and claw attacks. Buut with that, it'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
EDIT: I'm also really sorry if what I described seems not-very detailed/rushed; when I come up with ideas I tend to have a lot of trouble writing them down vs thinking about them XD
I've also been thinking about one of Mowzie's older ideas of a possessed suit of armor that tries to out itself on the player and I've been coming up with ideas that expand upon it XD
What if for the possessed armor, it's actually being controlled by a floating heart with an eye at the center of it that's hiding inside of it. Standing about half a block higher than the player, it could be an elite enemy that wields a longsword and shield, and it's attacks could include basic melee attacks and blocking, as well as throwing pieces of it's armor at the player. However, the player would be able to knock these pieces of armor to the ground by hitting them at the right time, causing the heart to lose a piece of it's armor.
If the player manages to wack away enough armor pieces, the floating heart will be exposed, allowing the player to go in for the killing blow. If the player fails to attack the heart quick enough, the heart will start collecting it's lost armor pieces again. This was just a quick little brainstorm I decided to post XD
I saw! I'm super glad you liked that idea! I'm also curious to see how it's obstacle courses would work in game!
And honestly, I'd imagine that warlock tower idea working more in favor for my Librarian idea, due to the stark similarities. I can definitely see how the chaotic demon design could be a bit overwhelming to deal with; my initial idea was something that was just really bizarre and uncanny, and fought the player in a way that no other monster/boss does as of yet. For my monster ideas, I try to theme them around bosses/mini bosses, in that they have their own strengths and weaknesses; Librarian is a super glass cannon that relies heavily on his collection of magic, while the Tiki Guardians rely on synergies between each other XD
Back at it again with another monster idea I came up with while at work and thinking about Majora's Mask XD
The Inkubai
A malevolent yet bizzare demon obsessed with painting, the Inkubai appears as a tall, imp-like monster with multiple arms, paint stained all over it's lanky body, and a staff-like paint brush it carries around. Pretty much, the Inkubai looks like a chaotic, abstract piece of art XD
Found within it's lair deep underground, which could appear as a large room full of works of art and paintings it has hoarded over the years. Once disturbed, the Inkubai will begin to laugh and grunt maniacally, doing bizarre dances and movements before diving into a portrait, beginning the fight. The Inkubai's abilities would go as followed:
1. Jumping into one of his portraits, the Inkubai will come out from another portrait from a random side of the room, performing one of his attacks before fleeing back into a portrait.
2. Using the portrait nearest to it, it'll start painting on it and create a random threat for the player. These threats include various paint monsters, bombs, paint projectiles, paint lasors, etc.
3. Occasionally, the Inkubai will bounce out from one portrait and begin to hop across the room towards another, creating splashes of damaging paint that fly randomly. If the player hits him with a ranged attack, though, the Inkubai will fall over and get stunned for a little bit.
4. Once at low health, the Inkubai will create two paint clones of itself; although these clones have much less health than the player, they follow the same behavior of the Inkubai, and can create absolute chaos of the player does not kill them quick enough.
Once defeated, the Inkubai will drop his brush, the Artisan's Folly, allowing the player to splash damaging paint onto enemies, as well as create paint monsters to aid them in combat!
The Wayfarer, I believe, could be a super cool and interesting mob depending on which direction it is taken!
As for the soulsand mob, I don't have an exact name for it yet, but I was thinking that these ambush predators could stand in-between the height of a player and an Enderman. They start off hiding beneath the sand in Soulsand Valleys, waiting for prey to walk by them before jumping out of the ground to begin attacking. Aside from general swiping attacks, they also come with the deadly ability to coil up before spinning rapidly, performing a Sonic-spindash like attack straight at their target while leaving behind a trail of soul fire.
Although they have moderate amounts of health, they usually come in packs of 4-5 mobs in them. As for their drops... idk yet. Either a new weapon which fires saw blade like projectiles made of soul fire, or a new block which spawns soul fire sawblades when activated with a button, lever, or redstone.
I even drew a rough sketch as to what they could look like! (it's a wip, so it could end up looking more skeletal possibly)
Truuue I figured that the Wayfarer wouldn't be possible with the current engine, but I still wanted to try creating a cool idea which incorporated the torterra-like idea and applying it to a Nether mob XD
As for the Incinerator, he would be a miniboss! As well as an uncommon mob found in Nether Fortresses. As for the mechanical part, it could work depending on how it's designed; it mostly made of nether bricks and netherite armor for the torso and head, with some cogs thrown in on some parts. Lorewise, I also had the idea that they were powered by the souls of Blazes trapped inside of them, and the Netherite Core item contains the actual soul of the Blaze controlling it!
As for for Glow Beetle, you are definitely right about that XD. I kinda wanted to try creating a peaceful mob that would have a really cool function/mechanic the player could take advantage of, but I didn't really think too creatively in regards to it, I feel. I also had another idea for a creepy hostile mob which would spawn in Soul Sand Valleys and would have a flaming blue, Sonic spindash attack.
EDIT: Perhaps for an alternative function for the Wayfarer, instead of being able to place blocks on, it, you could instead give it some kind of howdah? Which can then be equipped with chests and stuff?
Back at it again with some mob ideas, only this time they're going to be Nether themed! These are all pretty ambitious ideas, and I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of them end up not being possible in Minecraft's engine XD
The Wayfarer
A neutral mob and a distant cousin to the Strider, Wayfarers are massive dark-orange colored mobs whose bodies consists of a large flat torso with long, double-jointed front legs and one back leg. Wayfarers can be found migrating across vast oceans of lava in the Nether in small herds, using their long legs to kick any mobs that threaten them or their young. To tame these towering creatures, the player will need to feed it a Warped Fungus Cake, a new food block made from 3x warped fungus , 2x sugar, 3x milk buckets, and 1 egg. The the player must place the cake down near the a Wayfarer on the ground or on any solid platform, attracting it to it and causing it to bend down to eat the cake.
Once tamed, the player can place a ladder that will allow the player to reach atop the Wayfarer, where they can place blocks on top of the Wayfarer's 6x6 head; chests, furnaces, crafting tables, etc.. The player could even build a small house on top of the Wayfarer's head to have a mobile home in the Nether. However, the more blocks the player places on the Wayfarer's head, the slower it will move due to the weight.
The Incinerator
A new rare threat found in chambers within Nether Fortresses, Incinerators take on the form of blazing quadrupedal constructs made of Nether Bricks and Netherite, with cannons extending from either side of its torso and heads which appear like empty Netherite Helmets with horns. Being impervious to melee attacks, Incinerators switch between two attacks; charging up their twin cannons after a short windup to unleash to fire a hail of firebolts towards the player similarly to that of a gatling gun, and a close range attack where it breathes fire from it's head if the player gets too close. The damage from it's primary attack, however, will fall off over longer distances as the bullets are subject to a wide cone of fire.
To defeat an Incinerator, the player must fire arrows into its head in order to deal any damage into it. This can be done by waiting for the construct to finish shooting it's cannons to take a moment to cool down, giving the player the chance to break from cover and fire an arrow at it. 3-5 well placed arrows to the head is enough to take down an Obliterator, causing it's head to explode and it's body to crumble. Additionally, the Incinerator's arms can be shot off as well, by firing arrows at the weak spots in-between the cannons and the torso it's connected to.
Defeating an Incinerator will cause it to drops bunch of nether bricks, as well as two new rare materials; Netherite Cores and Netherite Gears. Both materials can be used to craft a new weapon and a new tool; the Nether Guzzler and the Bale Thruster. The Nether Guzzler is a two handed weapon which allows the player to use the Obliterator's primary attack, shooting hails of firebolts onto enemies, dealing high damage until it overheats; firing it for too long will result in it igniting the player for 4 seconds. the Bale Thruster is a new jetpack with two charges before it needs to recharge. On use, the player performs an initial liftoff, sending it a short distance upwards. Shortly after, the player will take off with a quick blast that launches the player in the direction they are aiming.
The Glow Beetle
A small and peaceful mob, Glow Beetles can be found all across the Nether, fluttering around until they find Glowstone to feed on. The player can use Glow Beetles to harvest Glowstone Dust by dropping a bar of any metal close to them, in which they'll chew on it in order to sharpen their fangs before going to the nearest Glowstone they can find. From there, Glowstone Dust will begin to drop as the Glow Beetle feeds, essentially allowing the player to collect Glowstone Dust without breaking the Glowstone. Killing a Glow Beetle will drop nothing.
Honestly, the Caves & Cliffs update is going to open so many doors for potential enemies! I even came up a couple of mobs themed off of the new biomes that'll be added in this update!
- Impaler: Spawning in Dripstone Caves, these weak enemies take the form of spider-like monsters with stalactites for protective shells. They like to cling themselves on the ceiling to blend in with the other stalactites before dropping down on uncareful travelers, dealing massive damage. However, in doing so they end up getting stuck in the ground for a few seconds, giving the player an opportunity to strike them down before they shoot a string of web up to the ceiling in order to pull themselves back up. They also tend to spawn in groups, too.
- Axolotl Mage: Spawning in Lush Caves, Axolotl Mages are unique and rare mobs that serve as friendly NPCs players can trade with, selling a handful of unique items and cosmetics found nowhere else in the world. Attacking an Axolotl Mage will cause it to teleport away, but not before casting a spell which turns the player into an axolotl for a few seconds! His most expensive item is the Axolotl Wand, which grants all tamed axolotls to float in the air as of they were underwater, allowing them to attack land enemies as well as aquatic ones.
- Raker: While the Warden rules over the Deep Dark, the Rakers reside within this biome as some of it's frightening denizens. Being nearly as tall as the player and armed with sharp scythes for hands, they will quietly stalk the player as the traverse through the Deep Dark and are able to crawl along the walls and upside down on the roof of the cave in pursuit of them. Although dealing with one of them can be manageable, a Raker at low health will have a chance of releasing a signal which attracts all other Rakers to it's current location, who will then attack the player if they don't escape quick enough. On death, Rakers will have a chance to drop their long claws, which can then be crafted into Climbing Hooks. Lastly, Raker naturally fear the Warden, and will flee whenever it is near.
I'm also thinking about potential mob ideas for flooded caves, too.
Will this upcoming patch also feature new creatures?
Holy moly does he look phenomenal!!!
I was initially thinking that he could spawn in ships made of blocks, but now I'm really liking your idea a lot more in regards to him spawning in shipwrecks instead, as well as the Cap'n's Key opening a special chest. It'd be much more thematic, have breakable blocks, and also give the key a purpose!
In terms of the chest, though, I can see it having a whole bunch of valuables in it; gold nuggets, emeralds, and maybe even the Black Spot weapon!
Back at it again with another detailed idea suggestion!
Cap'n Bonebeard is a pirate boss that can be found in the ocean aboard a ghost ship. Although one can simply find a ghost ship by chance while traveling through the ocean, because of how rare they are, the quickest way to locate a ghost ship is by obtaining the Ghastly Compass; an item that could be acquired from a Wandering Trader. The Ghastly Compass will point at the direction of the ghost ship at all times.
As for the boss itself, Cap'n Bonebeard is a large, fat skeleton dressed in a pirate captain outfit covered in rips & tears, barnacles, and seaweed. He could also have one of his arms be an octopus tentacle, maybe, and could have octopus tentacles sprouting out of his back. He is also armed with a cutlass and a flintlock pistol. When the player boards a ghost ship, Bonebeard will appear on the deck, making a jolly laugh before pointing his sword at the player, beginning the battle. He is a tanky boss with lots of tricks up his sleeve, and cannot be damaged through normal means. His attacks consist of:
Upon defeat, he could drop three items
Lol, you are right, though I am glad you liked it!
This was mostly just an attempt on my part on trying to give a reason for the Librarian to spawn in the overworld, since most of the monsters I've suggested, including the vorpalyst and inkubus, are pretty far out there/not stuff you'd normally find in the overworld. The only two that I think would work the easiest with the overworld, I feel, are the sculptor and the tiki guardians XD
I haven't messaged here in awhile, but on top of new monsters and such, I would like to add and expand upon my idea of the Librarian boss by suggesting that he could be apart of some kind of unique dungeon; The Forbidden Archives. As the names suggests, the Forbidden Archives could be an archive of dusty books, relics, artifacts and other things the Librarian has collected over the years, with the structure itself being a labyrinth of halls and tall walls of bookshelves on every corner. Due to the arcane nature of the Forbidden Archives, the mechanic of this dungeon could involve portals that take the player to different locations within the dungeon, pools of purple goo that damage players, and illusions consisting of walls that the player can walk through.
For the enemies, I wanted to have them simple, yet unique and interesting in their own ways. Here are the ones I brainstormed so far:
Dark Tome: Ancient books possessed by evil spirits, Dark Tomes attack the player by flying out of book shelves and floating around them, occasionally firing a low-damaging magic missile. Upon death, the Dark Tome will fall to the ground and become a normal book, but can be reanimated by a Curator. To prevent Dark Tomes from reanimating, the player will need to either kill the Curator(s), or burn the book with flint and steel.
Voidling: Purple, imp-like creatures with chomping books for heads, these creatures run at the player the bite and slash at them. Upon death, however, Voidlings will split into two smaller, weaker versions of themselves. Because of this, Voidlings can swarm players who underestimate them.
Curator: Once aspiring mages and wizards who sought the Forbidden Archives in search for knowledge, they now serve the Librarian as his corrupted servants. Not only can they use a number of magic attacks, but can also reanimated fallen Dark Tomes. Curators are also very squishy in terms of health, with their only method of escape being teleporting a few blocks away from the player.
Void Mutant: Former adventurers who were also corrupted by the Librarian, these brutish enemies have slimy tentacles replacing their left arm and carry a runic mallet in their right arm. Their attacks switch between lashing the player with their tentacles, and slamming their mallet against the ground and sending a pillar of arcane fire towards the player.
Beyonder: Observers are floating balls of flesh and eyes that patrol the halls of the Forbidden Archives, searching for intruders. If one spots the player, it will spawn a bunch of Voidlings before lobbing balls of arcane energy that slightly chase the player.
I was also thinking about some kind of high-threat monster that would either look like a Shoggoth or a Dark Young from H.P. Lovecraft's work, but I couldn't figure out how to make it unique/interesting beyond it being a fleshy horror with some tooth and claw attacks. Buut with that, it'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
EDIT: I'm also really sorry if what I described seems not-very detailed/rushed; when I come up with ideas I tend to have a lot of trouble writing them down vs thinking about them XD
I've also been thinking about one of Mowzie's older ideas of a possessed suit of armor that tries to out itself on the player and I've been coming up with ideas that expand upon it XD
What if for the possessed armor, it's actually being controlled by a floating heart with an eye at the center of it that's hiding inside of it. Standing about half a block higher than the player, it could be an elite enemy that wields a longsword and shield, and it's attacks could include basic melee attacks and blocking, as well as throwing pieces of it's armor at the player. However, the player would be able to knock these pieces of armor to the ground by hitting them at the right time, causing the heart to lose a piece of it's armor.
If the player manages to wack away enough armor pieces, the floating heart will be exposed, allowing the player to go in for the killing blow. If the player fails to attack the heart quick enough, the heart will start collecting it's lost armor pieces again. This was just a quick little brainstorm I decided to post XD
I saw! I'm super glad you liked that idea! I'm also curious to see how it's obstacle courses would work in game!
And honestly, I'd imagine that warlock tower idea working more in favor for my Librarian idea, due to the stark similarities. I can definitely see how the chaotic demon design could be a bit overwhelming to deal with; my initial idea was something that was just really bizarre and uncanny, and fought the player in a way that no other monster/boss does as of yet. For my monster ideas, I try to theme them around bosses/mini bosses, in that they have their own strengths and weaknesses; Librarian is a super glass cannon that relies heavily on his collection of magic, while the Tiki Guardians rely on synergies between each other XD
Back at it again with another monster idea I came up with while at work and thinking about Majora's Mask XD
The Inkubai
A malevolent yet bizzare demon obsessed with painting, the Inkubai appears as a tall, imp-like monster with multiple arms, paint stained all over it's lanky body, and a staff-like paint brush it carries around. Pretty much, the Inkubai looks like a chaotic, abstract piece of art XD
Found within it's lair deep underground, which could appear as a large room full of works of art and paintings it has hoarded over the years. Once disturbed, the Inkubai will begin to laugh and grunt maniacally, doing bizarre dances and movements before diving into a portrait, beginning the fight. The Inkubai's abilities would go as followed:
1. Jumping into one of his portraits, the Inkubai will come out from another portrait from a random side of the room, performing one of his attacks before fleeing back into a portrait.
2. Using the portrait nearest to it, it'll start painting on it and create a random threat for the player. These threats include various paint monsters, bombs, paint projectiles, paint lasors, etc.
3. Occasionally, the Inkubai will bounce out from one portrait and begin to hop across the room towards another, creating splashes of damaging paint that fly randomly. If the player hits him with a ranged attack, though, the Inkubai will fall over and get stunned for a little bit.
4. Once at low health, the Inkubai will create two paint clones of itself; although these clones have much less health than the player, they follow the same behavior of the Inkubai, and can create absolute chaos of the player does not kill them quick enough.
Once defeated, the Inkubai will drop his brush, the Artisan's Folly, allowing the player to splash damaging paint onto enemies, as well as create paint monsters to aid them in combat!
Can't wait to see what else is in store for this mod!