Since the last post (only a week ago), I've also found out that I may be moving, and it may have to be very soon (possibly 2-3 weeks).
I'm afraid at this point, I cannot pretend that in the near future I will be able to re-acclimate myself to Java and update to 1.7.x. (I have not started Minecraft since March, so I haven't even seen 1.7.)
I'm sorry, but I haven't even started Eclipse (or Minecraft) since a few days before my post back in March, and now I'm looking at code I have not touched in six weeks. As it is, in addition to what was going on during that post, now I am indirectly dealing with an in-law who is having health issues. (I want to avoid personal discussions, but it is a bad reaction to chemotherapy, so it could potentially become very bad.)
Just to give some context, in the past week, I've found myself sitting next to a book, and just staring at it, because opening it and reading is just too much effort.
I will try again tomorrow if I can get some rest tonight but I also think that at this point it is best to say:
If anyone wants to take over any or all of my plug-ins, I will freely relinquish them to someone else's control.
You don't need a video. I think I know the part of the code you are talking about.
It may be Thursday until I get a good block of time i can work on this. (This stuff really has to be done when I'm home alone.) I will let yo know as soon as I have something.
Hey akka, I hope I'm not asking too much with this, but could you add my links to Ashenwheat and Steely Glint x16 to the main post?
Thank you. Your link to x16 Ashenwheat is in the main post, and for Steely Glint is in that thread post. (It will get migrated to the main post eventually.)
I'm still not sure....When i installed some of your mods. {Arsenic, Hadite, Sterling,Cthon, and classic alchemy} mobs started spawning in wearing those armors...only they weren't really....
They were wearing what i would like to call, phantom armor. Client sided armor that wasn't really there.
It took me a while to realize this, until i noticed a zombie wearing one of the mods helmet, BURNING in daylight. So, i checked his nbtdata, and according to it...the zombie was wearing NOTHING at all.
I apologize for not responding earlier. I've had to deal with other things that have forced me to put Minecraft aside for a while. (I had to find my login for this site.)
I made some changes based on Mob equipping based on Zot's code. (At this point, please remember that even single-player games work as your own machine being a server, and you are a client. It is always client/server.) Apparently, at least as I understood it, there was an issue with the client side spawning mobs when the server side did not (I may have that backwards), and the mobs being "phantom spawns". Zot made a change that when these phantoms would spawn, they would not be equipped, which only wastes address space in memory.
When I would test, I would set the mob equip rate to about 99%, and then spawn a lot of skeletons and zombies. I don't recall seeing what you described, but since I had them in a pen, the mobs may have spread fire by contact, so I cannot be sure.
I will look into this. Akitori, are you playing single-player? Do you have any other mods that make significant changes to how armor works? Did you see this occur on AleXndr's materials? What about Zot's Only Silver?
I have posted Steely Glint. However, when I tried to update the main thread, something tried to push something to the page, and McAfee suddenly gave me a blocked re-direct. I will try to update the main page later this week.
Yes, the posting is a bit sloppy. The images are not final, and I do not have recycling images.
Due to events today, I am having to deal with a personal event that will take much of my time and energy for a while. I will still be around to answer questions, address bugs, and I will make the Steely Glint posting more proper. I will also be adding the Forestry lines to Ashenwheat, and adding a recipe to turn Cobalt into Lapis chunks.
However, my interactions will no longer be daily.
I apologize to those to whom this will be a disappointment. I also want it clear that this is a personal matter, and I want no negative reflections upon the fine work of AleXndr, Zot, TheOldOne, or the others I have encouraged.
If any emergency updates must be posted in my stead, my only requirement is that the source code also be updated. In that line, I will be re-uploading my entire build environment to my GitHub environment. Otherwise, it is my intent to make sure everything in my main post gets updated to MC 1.7.x.
It is not my intent to leave, but I foresee no development of new material at this time.
(Wootz Steel is a plugin by TheOldOne, added for comparison.)
Steely Glint combines the Fusion Forge and Crafting Table to convert multiple iron ingots into Refined or Carbonized iron, and then Low or High Steel.
The process starts with Carbonized Iron and Refined Iron.
Combining an Iron Ingot, using Gunpowder as a catalyst, with coal or charcoal produces a Medium Carbonized Iron Chunk. With bonemeal, a Medium Refined Iron Chunk is produced.
These chunks can be combined, using an additional compounding catalyst, to make a large Carbonized or Refined Iron Chunk.
As they are, Carbonized Iron has a superior durability, while Refined Iron has a better cutting edge.
However, using more complex recipes, Low and High Steel can be produced.
The recipe requires one bonemeal per Medium Refined Iron Chunk. Low Steel uses and additional Gunpowder as a compounding catalyst, while High Steel uses a lump of Redstone Dust as a catalyst. The rest of the table is filled with coal and/or charcoal. These recipes produce Large Low Steel (left, above) and Large High Steel chunks. (Note that at this time, Low Steel has a greenish tint, while High Steel has a blueish tint, to make differentiation easier. The images will be updated in the future.)
Low Steel has a very high durability, close to Mythril, making it an excellent utility material. High Steel is much more brittle, but has a much sharper cutting edge, including a harvest level of 3. High Steel will mine Obsidian.
While the Irons can only be used to make tools, the Steels can be used to make tools and armor.
There is an additional recipe, the Gritty Soot.
The fusion recipe for this is four sugars, four coal / charcoal, and two flint as the catalyst. These ten items combine to form one Gritty Soot. The lump of Gritty Soot can then be smelted into:
At this point, Steely Glint items do not appear in chests, and the appearance on mob generation is very limited.
Recycling can be enabled through the config. The Irons use coal / charcoal as a recycling catalyst. The Steels use gunpowder as a catalyst.
The downloads will be eventually moved to the main post.
Max Level: 1
Effect: Dropped equips with this enchantment would immune to all kinds of damages. The lifespan is also extended as thrice to usual. If you gather a block or kill a mob with this enchantment, the drops would also temporarily immune to all kinds of damages.
Acquisitions: Enchant silver items with an enchant table. Or, enchant any item with Incantation.
Thank you for the descriptions.
Does this mean that, if a zombie drops a shovel, and you pick up the shovel, the shovel has an infinite durability?
Or, the zombie drops a shovel. The shovel falls into lava. The shovel has Everlasting, so the shovel does not burn up and get destroyed?
Also, "The lifespan is also extended as thrice to usual" means the dropped shovel will sit on the ground (and not disappear) for 15 minutes, not 5 minutes?
Max Level: 2
Effect: If you kill a mob with this enchantment on melee, the drops would be enchanted. Certain amount of durability would be consumed in this process. And with level 2, you get better enchantment with greater cost. An unbreaking enchantment would be sufficient to reduce the durability cost.
Acquisitions: Enchant either silver sword, axe, pickaxe or shovel with an enchant table.
To clarify: Your sword looses more durability when you kill a zombie, but the shovel the zombie drops is more likely to be enchanted?
Both of these are very good ideas.
I also go back to something I posted here long ago: I suggest you do a Silver Un-Enchanting Anvil. Slot 1 is your enchanted item. Slot 2 is either a blank book, or a Journal (book + ink + feather, which I think would be better). You loose a lot of experience, the original item vanishes, but the item's enchantments end up on the book.
I think this involved moving the custom recipe section to the init or postinit section, as the custom recipes could only see content that had already been loaded. This meant that any of the plug-ins, or anything loading after Fusion Furnace, would not work. I rather thought that moving the custom recipes to postinit would work. :-(
A suggestion: cobalt ore should have a chance to give arsenic dust since it is commonly found with cobalt.
And, by that logic, Tungsten should have a small chance to give Cobalt. Actually, before buying a tungsten or tungsten steel ring, it's important to see if there is a certificate of purity. Cheap tungsten often contains cobalt. The problem with jewelry is that cobalt not only has its own skin allergy ("contact dermatitis"?), it also often triggers a nickle allergy. (Tungsten Carbide is actually safer to wear.)
Since the last post (only a week ago), I've also found out that I may be moving, and it may have to be very soon (possibly 2-3 weeks).
I'm afraid at this point, I cannot pretend that in the near future I will be able to re-acclimate myself to Java and update to 1.7.x. (I have not started Minecraft since March, so I haven't even seen 1.7.)
The GitHub:
All I ask it some degree of attribution if you use my code. All I can do is again apologize to those this disappoints.
Just to give some context, in the past week, I've found myself sitting next to a book, and just staring at it, because opening it and reading is just too much effort.
I will try again tomorrow if I can get some rest tonight but I also think that at this point it is best to say:
If anyone wants to take over any or all of my plug-ins, I will freely relinquish them to someone else's control.
It may be Thursday until I get a good block of time i can work on this. (This stuff really has to be done when I'm home alone.) I will let yo know as soon as I have something.
Thank you. Your link to x16 Ashenwheat is in the main post, and for Steely Glint is in that thread post. (It will get migrated to the main post eventually.)
Thank you.
I apologize for not responding earlier. I've had to deal with other things that have forced me to put Minecraft aside for a while. (I had to find my login for this site.)
I made some changes based on Mob equipping based on Zot's code. (At this point, please remember that even single-player games work as your own machine being a server, and you are a client. It is always client/server.) Apparently, at least as I understood it, there was an issue with the client side spawning mobs when the server side did not (I may have that backwards), and the mobs being "phantom spawns". Zot made a change that when these phantoms would spawn, they would not be equipped, which only wastes address space in memory.
When I would test, I would set the mob equip rate to about 99%, and then spawn a lot of skeletons and zombies. I don't recall seeing what you described, but since I had them in a pen, the mobs may have spread fire by contact, so I cannot be sure.
I will look into this. Akitori, are you playing single-player? Do you have any other mods that make significant changes to how armor works? Did you see this occur on AleXndr's materials? What about Zot's Only Silver?
Thank you.
I know Steely Glint is not on my main thread yet. I was hoping to get that tonight, but I was an hour late at work. It's "official", though.
I have posted Steely Glint. However, when I tried to update the main thread, something tried to push something to the page, and McAfee suddenly gave me a blocked re-direct. I will try to update the main page later this week.
Yes, the posting is a bit sloppy. The images are not final, and I do not have recycling images.
Due to events today, I am having to deal with a personal event that will take much of my time and energy for a while. I will still be around to answer questions, address bugs, and I will make the Steely Glint posting more proper. I will also be adding the Forestry lines to Ashenwheat, and adding a recipe to turn Cobalt into Lapis chunks.
However, my interactions will no longer be daily.
I apologize to those to whom this will be a disappointment. I also want it clear that this is a personal matter, and I want no negative reflections upon the fine work of AleXndr, Zot, TheOldOne, or the others I have encouraged.
If any emergency updates must be posted in my stead, my only requirement is that the source code also be updated. In that line, I will be re-uploading my entire build environment to my GitHub environment. Otherwise, it is my intent to make sure everything in my main post gets updated to MC 1.7.x.
It is not my intent to leave, but I foresee no development of new material at this time.
This is an early, yet fully functional, plug-in to add Steel to Minecraft. It is for MC 1.6.4, SO 1.3.
The graphics are slightly off. Low Steel has a greenish tint, and high steel has a blueish tint. The images will be updated at a future time.
Please quote relevant pieces of this article if asking questions, thank you.
..............Mining Lv...Uses...Mining Speed...Damage....Enchant..From
Iron ............ 2 [L1] . 250 ..... x6 .......... 2 ...... 14 .... (V)
High Steel ...... 3 ...... 375 ..... x10.5 ....... 3 ...... 22 .... SG
Refined Iron .... 2 ...... 450 ..... x8.5 ........ 3 ...... 18 .... SG
Wootz Steel ..... 2 ...... 500 ..... x8 .......... 2 ...... 10 .... HC
Carbonized Iron . 2 ...... 600 ..... x5 .......... 2 ...... 8 ..... SG
Low Steel ....... 2 ...... 750 ..... x7.5 ........ 2 ...... 14 .... SG
.................Ench....Dur...Helm Def...Chest Def...Leg Def...Boot Def
Chain (Iron) .... 12 .... 15 ... 1.0 ....... 2.5 ........ 2.0 ...... 0.5
Iron ............ 9 ..... 15 ... 1.0 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.0
High Steel ...... 23 .... 16 ... 1.5 ....... 3.5 ........ 3.0 ...... 1.5
Wootz Steel ..... 10 .... 16 ... 1.5 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.5
Low Steel ....... 13 .... 17 ... 1.5 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.5
(Wootz Steel is a plugin by TheOldOne, added for comparison.)
Steely Glint combines the Fusion Forge and Crafting Table to convert multiple iron ingots into Refined or Carbonized iron, and then Low or High Steel.
The process starts with Carbonized Iron and Refined Iron.
Combining an Iron Ingot, using Gunpowder as a catalyst, with coal or charcoal produces a Medium Carbonized Iron Chunk. With bonemeal, a Medium Refined Iron Chunk is produced.
These chunks can be combined, using an additional compounding catalyst, to make a large Carbonized or Refined Iron Chunk.
As they are, Carbonized Iron has a superior durability, while Refined Iron has a better cutting edge.
However, using more complex recipes, Low and High Steel can be produced.
The recipe requires one bonemeal per Medium Refined Iron Chunk. Low Steel uses and additional Gunpowder as a compounding catalyst, while High Steel uses a lump of Redstone Dust as a catalyst. The rest of the table is filled with coal and/or charcoal. These recipes produce Large Low Steel (left, above) and Large High Steel chunks. (Note that at this time, Low Steel has a greenish tint, while High Steel has a blueish tint, to make differentiation easier. The images will be updated in the future.)
Low Steel has a very high durability, close to Mythril, making it an excellent utility material. High Steel is much more brittle, but has a much sharper cutting edge, including a harvest level of 3. High Steel will mine Obsidian.
While the Irons can only be used to make tools, the Steels can be used to make tools and armor.
There is an additional recipe, the Gritty Soot.
The fusion recipe for this is four sugars, four coal / charcoal, and two flint as the catalyst. These ten items combine to form one Gritty Soot. The lump of Gritty Soot can then be smelted into:
At this point, Steely Glint items do not appear in chests, and the appearance on mob generation is very limited.
Recycling can be enabled through the config. The Irons use coal / charcoal as a recycling catalyst. The Steels use gunpowder as a catalyst.
The downloads will be eventually moved to the main post.
x16 tile set by Big_Bantha (thank you!)
"Here, please hold this."
*!! WHAM! !!*
"Ooh! Efficiency 2!"
Your skills are much greater than mine. I think you would be able to implement this faster and better than I could.
Thank you for the descriptions.
Does this mean that, if a zombie drops a shovel, and you pick up the shovel, the shovel has an infinite durability?
Or, the zombie drops a shovel. The shovel falls into lava. The shovel has Everlasting, so the shovel does not burn up and get destroyed?
Also, "The lifespan is also extended as thrice to usual" means the dropped shovel will sit on the ground (and not disappear) for 15 minutes, not 5 minutes?
To clarify: Your sword looses more durability when you kill a zombie, but the shovel the zombie drops is more likely to be enchanted?
Both of these are very good ideas.
I also go back to something I posted here long ago: I suggest you do a Silver Un-Enchanting Anvil. Slot 1 is your enchanted item. Slot 2 is either a blank book, or a Journal (book + ink + feather, which I think would be better). You loose a lot of experience, the original item vanishes, but the item's enchantments end up on the book.
That would go with your enchantments very well.
Good point. I will update the description this weekend. My apologies.
I have two ongoing 1.6.4 games that run Aquaculture just fine. (I actually caught a giant squid not long ago.)
And, by that logic, Tungsten should have a small chance to give Cobalt. Actually, before buying a tungsten or tungsten steel ring, it's important to see if there is a certificate of purity. Cheap tungsten often contains cobalt. The problem with jewelry is that cobalt not only has its own skin allergy ("contact dermatitis"?), it also often triggers a nickle allergy. (Tungsten Carbide is actually safer to wear.)