Two things:Quote from mrbaggins
But this doesn't follow at all. If you make a colossal screw up like that, you start getting down and licking boots. You beg for forgiveness and cry for permission. You don't set up a profit turning venture and continue to go against the wishes of those you have wronged.
- The screwup was Yogscasts's, not the Technic crew's. Having a bunch of people screaming at you for something you didn't actually do does not put you in a frame of mind to beg for forgiveness.
- Technic does not and has not ever generated a profit. On the other hand, FTB donations bought Slowpoke a vacation.
Mekanism is an independent tech mod that brings low, mid, and high tier machinery to Minecraft. The mod doesn't have an actual goal, and you'll understand this when you see all the random content Mekanism contains, from jetpacks to balloons. However, I can assure you that you'll notice all the content blend together as you get to know the mod better!
Mekanism uses a tier-based system when organizing several of its core features, including Energy Cubes and Factories. There are four tiers: basic, the simplest tier, advanced, the second-most basic tier, elite, the second-most complex tier, and ultimate, the most complex tier. You can upgrade tiers by placing the component in a crafting grid and surrounding it with the necessary resources for the next upgrade (I recommend NotEnoughItems!).
By the time you've been using Mekanism for a while, you'll have a near-instructible suit of Obsidian Armor, be obtaining four ingots for each ore you mine, have the ability to fly wherever you want with the hydrogen-powered jetpacks, and have a cute robotic friend following you around while you mine.
Ore Processing Mekanism features an extremely advanced, extensive ore processing system. From simple machines used to process ores into ingots electronically, to complex chemical-based ore injection used to gain four ingots for every ore mined, Mekanism covers basic smelting, as well as 2x, 3x, and 4x duplication. All machines have configurable input and eject sides, allowing you to have complete control over how you want to manage your machinery. Mekanism also features the Combiner, which allows you to recreate the ores you've already processed.
Here's a cool picture of an automated ore processor I set up (using purely Mekanism) that can create four ingots for every ore.
Factories Although this really belongs in the "Ore Processing" section, Factories are just too cool to be mixed together with other content. Mekanism introduces the concept of "factories," which are multi-operation machines that can process multiple stacks of ores simultaneously. In a single machine, you can be smelting several stacks of ore into ingots, enriching several stacks of ores into dusts, or crushing several stacks of cobblestone into gravel. The Factories follow base Mekanism tiers, with the Basic Factories processing three stacks at once, the Advanced Factories processing five stacks at once, and the Elite Factories processing seven stacks at once. In other words, the Factory can be seen as seven machines in one in it's elite tier.
Here's a screenshot of an Elite Factory interface; it's too awesome to not show off.
Ores All Mekanism ores have configurable spawn rates and disable options in the config (Mekanism.config). It's pretty self-explanatory.
Mekanism is founded off the resource "Osmium" which generates pretty commonly at any Y level below 60. Osmium can be used to create tools and armor, but it is primarily used in the makings of machinery. If you have NEI, you'll see that you really can't do much without Osmium.
Mekanism also generates Tin and Copper, both of which can be easily disabled (and I'm assuming many people will since 99% of mods have their own form of tin and copper).
Armor and Tools Mekanism brings five new sets of armor and tools to the table, as well as the ever-famed Paxel (an all-in-one tool).
However, as Mekanism is a "tech mod," it has to have some cool techy gadgets. The Atomic Disassembler is an expensive, electronic multi-tool that can be set to mine at different speeds. The Walkie Talkie is a super fancy device that allows for SMP-based voice chat. Can't forget the Jetpack and Scuba Mask/Tank combination (which don't need a description).
Here are a few pictures that highlight the Jetpack and the Scuba Mask - note the Walkie Talkie in the second picture.
Robit A cute little electronic robot that will follow you around and collect item drops for you. He also serves as a portable furnace, workbench, anvil, chest, and spirit lifter.
Here's a screenie.
Mining Mekanism introduces the "Digital Miner" - an automated mining machine that can sort through terrain and pick out the resources you specify. It uses a filter-based system, and will then go through the range you specify and mine the blocks it needs to. It can be configured with ItemStack-based filters, which will check to match the block ID and metadata of the blocks it mines with the stack you define in the filter, and OreDict filters, which allow you to only mine blocks with certain flags registered in the Ore Dictionary. You can find OreDict keys of items and blocks by using the Dictionary, a handy tool Mekanism provides. Examples of OreDict keys below:
Here's a screenshot of the Miner itself as well as it's Config interface. Note the ItemStack and OreDict filter in the interface. She's a beaut, eh?
Dynamic Tanks Dynamic Tanks are the best of both worlds: whatever is in between Multi-Tanks and Iron Tanks. These are multiblock tanks that can be shaped as any rectangular prism (capping at 18x18x18). Use Dynamic Glass, Dynamic Valve, and Dynamic Tank blocks to create a tank fit for you!
Here's a screenshot of a 4x4x4 Dynamic Tank.
Transmitters Mekanism features ways of transmitting items, fluids, gasses and energy from once place to another, devices we call "transmitters." Transmitters all have some similar characteristics, and these are as follows:
Universal Cable: Capable of transferring, well, universal energy from one place to another. These guys are super fancy and can be configured on their sides to behave differently.
Pressurized Tubes: Capable of transferring gasses from one place to another.
Mechanical Pipes: Capable of transferring fluids from place to another. These guys are a feat of rendering, they look way cool.
Logistical Transporters: Capable of transferring items and blocks from one place to another. These function identically to RedPower tubes, and have a fully-implemented color-coded sorting system.
Here's a screenshot of all the current Mekanism transmitters.
Sorting: Don't lie, you miss RedPower. Everyone does. For me, the biggest hit was the loss of the Pneumatic Tubes, which were the core of my sorting systems until development stopped. Well I did my best to replace them, and with it I've created a system possibly even better than RedPower had. Here are some of the features:
Other things I wanted to put here Mekanism's Bins, also known as "complete ripoffs of Factorization Barrels" by some, are actually really cool (and in my opinion unique) devices. Not only do they serve as barrels do, but they work as portable storage units. Upon breaking them, they maintain their contents, and you can retrieve them as items by simply placing them in your crafting grid. You can then take individual stacks of items out of the Bins, and put them back in by combining a Bin and another stack in your crafting grid.
Balloons. You heard me.
Energy Cubes are also cool. Aside from just looking awesome, they serve as universal power converters in their block form. Even cooler, they keep their energy when broken, and work as batteries.I'm done writing here, but this barely touches what Mekanism can do. Trust me, you'll find Mekanism satisfactory. You're gonna like the way your Digital Miner looks, I guarantee it.
Mekanism has its very own wiki! Please contribute if you know anything at all about the mod.
Official Mekanism Wiki!
Source Code & Modpacks
Mekanism is under the MIT license, giving you, as a user or developer, near-absolute rights to my mod. This means you can go through my source code and learn from it yourself, even take some of its code and use it in your own public works. This means that I encourage modpack owners to use Mekanism in their packwithout asking me. It's annoying to approve every single owner's modpack request, and I honestly may just say no if you send me a PM asking. If you need proof, just link this page.
View Source on GitHub!
Please submit pull requests if you have any ideas for my mod. This is the easiest way for me to add new features. 99% of the time I will put your code into my mod!
Mekanism now has its own website, hosted by GoDaddy and based in WordPress. Kudos to Tyrantelf (IonGaming) for hosting my build server at a great price.
Download from Official Site!
Other Things
I have a blog!
Please check it out if you're interested in knowing what I'm up to, I try to update it as often as I can!
If you want to get in contact with me, IRC is the best way! Mekanism's channel is pretty obvious: #mekanism,
Due to popular demand, I have included a donate button below. I pay about $20/month for website and server hosting, as well as an additional yearly fee to keep my domain name. All donations are greatly appreciated, and if you include a message with your username on any donation over $5, you'll get your very own MekaCape™
Stalk me on twitter!
Thanks for reading!
DefenseTech is a Minecraft mod bringing high-tech, advanced defense systems into the game through missiles, powerful explosives, and other nifty gadgets. The mod serves as a classic continuation of Calclavia's ICBM mod with a few tweaks here and there to help things run nicely.
This entire project has been built on the Mekanism libraries, meaning everything will run smoothly, but you'll need the core module of Mekanism to play.
Source Code & Modpacks
DefenseTech is a bit tricky in its licensing nature. The skeleton of the mod is based on the 1.6.4 version of Calclavia’s ICBM mod, which was passed onto DarkGuardsman through an agreement made back in 2014. I am permitted to develop and distribute this software as per special terms laid upon me by DarkGuardsman, and as a result, any requests to modify and publicly distribute this source code will have to go through him. Note that this is temporary, and only until I have rewritten most or all of the old mod’s source code. You can read the agreement discussion here.
Some people really don't like others to review or distribute their mods, something which I honestly don't understand. You are the ones who help get this mod into the Minecraft community's hands, which seems like a good thing from my perspective. So go ahead, do whatever you like. I honestly just don't want you messaging me on IRC or on the forums, asking my permission. If you need proof, just provide a link to this page.
View Source on GitHub!
DefenseTech is available for download on my official website, along with my other mods.
Download from Official Site
Other Things
I have a blog!
Please check it out if you're interested in knowing what I'm up to, I try to update it as often as I can!
If you want to get in contact with me, IRC is the best way! I try to idle on Mekanism's channel: #mekanism,
Due to popular demand, I have included a donate button below. I pay about $20/month for website and server hosting, as well as an additional yearly fee to keep my domain name. All donations are greatly appreciated, and if you include a message with your username on any donation over $5, you'll get your very own MekaCape™
Stalk me on twitter!
Thanks for reading!
Enjoy the update
Just pushed out 8.1.4, should fix those issues.
v8 is out. Exciting!
PlowmanPlow, why are you so upset about this? To think you have the nerve to request the making of a third-party jenkins just for the dev builds, and state it here on my post...I don't get it. You state that they include fixes, and this is very true. This is why I have pushed out two major release versions in the past week. I will always push a release if there are fixes ready for issues. However, new content will continue to be developed in the development branch.
I have created a changelog on the download page that includes a summary of all release information. It's updated automatically whenever a release is pushed. If, however, someone does decide to make a third-party jenkins system, I will be forced to make development a separate closed-source job for the same reasons I put on my blog post. Note that Thermal Expansion functions in the same way (with a closed development branch), aside from the fact that its main branch is closed source as well. Please don't make me restrict the development any further!
Developer builds contain WIP features that are not yet ready for release. These are only intended to be used by confirmed testers or those who have signed up for Mekanism Premium (about 9 so far). I explain this in more detail on my latest blog post - it's so that there aren't an influx of bug reports for known issues, and so that hype can be maintained for big releases
If you are indeed a developer and wish to test Mekanism against your stuff or are just an experienced user, nothing is stopping you from just hopping over to the GitHub repo, cloning the development branch, and testing the bare source in Eclipse. The mod is and will remain open source - the developer build server is simply a perk you get upon donating over $10.