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    posted a message on Thoughts on Dwarf Fortress?
    Quote from EnCminecraft

    I think you should quit DF, it's seriously outdated. Try playing King Arthurs Gold, It's based on a mixture of DF and Terriara. Best of all it's free. Go too here then download and regester.

    1. It's not outdated. It's still being updated. It's merely that, because it's the coder's life's masterpiece, it'll be at least 20 more years before it's out of alpha, but it'll also be awesomer than the games they'll have in that time and age.
    2. The graphics are bad because:
    2a. The author was making a 3D game but found that graphics detracted too much from making the actual game.
    2b. The game already tends to be laggy, it would only be worse with actual graphics.
    3. How is King Arthurs Gold a mixture of DF? You've never played DF, have you?

    Quote from EnCminecraft

    This is the Minecraft forum, a very casual game.

    1. It depends on the context. Some people spend lots of time on their creations.
    2. Minecraft is an indie game with no in-game tutorial, no simple way to get any info other than research, and no advertising other than word of mouth. It used to be a lot more hardcore.
    3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_256/7622-Hardcore-Maleness
    Quote from CSieg

    Someday...they'll update the interface to this game and I'll finally be able to play it. The convoluted keyboard controls are just too much for me to get into it right now.

    1. You'll get it after a while.
    2. Loosing is fun. That's actually the official motto to the game.
    3. They won't update the interface. The author stated that he like doing whatever he wants to do. You should stick to texture packs for now.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Notch Steps Down, Jeb Takes Lead Developer Position for Minecraft
    Is Notch working on Scrolls?
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Notch Steps Down, Jeb Takes Lead Developer Position for Minecraft
    I feel like I should be very enraged and yell a lot about corporate businessmen who don't know what they're doing, but, really, I don't...really...care. I guess it doesn't matter.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Mojang, Yogscast In Dispute
    What's so good about BlueXephos anyway? I guess they might have been funny...once.

    They basically play Minecraft while acting.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Mojang, Yogscast In Dispute
    Quote from Hodhad1

    There has been tons of fanboyism, don't be blind. The forums here were filled with it and taking Notch's word for gospel. And Notch has been action very unprofessional, especially with the personal attacks. He's only made it worse for himself. Even before the Yogcast respond people have the right to call out Notch on his behaviour.

    Oh, great. There is some extent of fanboyism, but once again, calling a bunch of people fanboys doesn't bypass people being skeptical about what you said. Basically, you are pretending to be an expert while insulting Notch, when real experts understand that someone isn't a fanboy just because he agrees with someone who happens to be famous.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on To clear up some things
    1. Notch will not add the Aether. Someone suggested it and he said he wanted a dream world (probably The End)

    2. Notch's entire motive for working on this game is because he wants to. If he cared about money he would have made another WoW or something. He is also not making it for the sake of us.

    3. Notch does not endorse trolling.

    4. An rpg is not a game where you have a roll. An rpg is a game where you grind and stuff, according to the troll/person posting the topic.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The End Replaced Sky Dimension
    Notch said he would not add a sky realm a long time ago. He said he wanted a dream world.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on So..Are npc's supposed to do anything?
    They're supposed to inspire modders.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Theory: The Game Goal of Minecraft
    1. There is no proof Minecraft will have an endboss of an enderdragon.
    2. The goal of Minecraft might also be to make an epic building, or to pwn on your pvp server, or to make awesome redstone stuff, or stuff.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on gold nuggets=RP currency?
    Wrong place.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Code freeze?
    They're still working.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on [Guide] How to hack experience gain! WORKS WITH SMP
    Cheat+smp=not allowed
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on For everyone who bought the Beta
    I wasn't thinking of custimizable, not to mention that by making Mojang's servers do more you're making Minecraft more unstable.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on 4D realm
    I prefer real 4d (like This).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on A small tweak to the behaviour of Endermen
    How about if it applies to everyone, but smart ones, like certain mobs and all npcs, will avert their face.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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