Hey just wondering what these weird eggs were i throw them and little green strips come out then i'm able to collect them again and they turn into eggs i don't think it was sharks cause i'm on peaceful and i got them outside my waterfall and it not deep enough for a water mob to survive in
You ask for realism yet you want flying spiders? i think you need to get you stuff sorted before you ask for anything else. Other than that yes Minecraft is a sandbox game and you do need some sort of imagination but i mean if you get bored of it then don't play for awhile and then you might get the urge to play again
Hey man i rember this thread from ages ago anyway tried the game and i'd say the buildings fine i mean its not like every building in the city's gonna be that easy
my only problem with it is that it needs more zombies i mean this is called a zombie apocalypse right?
other than that keep up the good work and i cant wait till this is done
Hey dude big fan of your mod but i have a little req..... if you can
Could you make it possible for tamed guinea pigs to wander so there not constantly jumping at the walls of there hotel
like right click them with a flower and they wander right click em again and they will follow you
He/she means put in paragraphs so its not one massive block of test as no one likes reading through those
and it will help stop the whole spam of people going tl;dr
On topic yes this would be a cool mod but it would take a VERY very long time to make so unless you can get a big group of modders... it might not happen
I hate to be the one to say this but uhh screenshots or no download
I really wanna see what theres like in game before i download
and is it modloader comaptiable
my only problem with it is that it needs more zombies i mean this is called a zombie apocalypse right?
other than that keep up the good work and i cant wait till this is done
Could you make it possible for tamed guinea pigs to wander so there not constantly jumping at the walls of there hotel
like right click them with a flower and they wander right click em again and they will follow you
can i join to
Rinse and repeat
and it will help stop the whole spam of people going tl;dr
On topic yes this would be a cool mod but it would take a VERY very long time to make so unless you can get a big group of modders... it might not happen
mine at spawner level up to the cobble wall on the side so you can attack there feet but they cant hit you
I really wanna see what theres like in game before i download
and is it modloader comaptiable