Quote from bmanrules
Managed to spawn this:
by placing the Dragon Egg on top of a cauldron in a witches hut! Looks like the EnderDragon model, might just be a temporary model.
Yes, This is fake. I used my 1337 photoshop skills
What the is your problem
What the is your problem
Age?: 16
Time-Zone/Country?: PDT / USA
Time you can be on the server patrolling: 2 PM to Midnight
Current Rank?: Fugi
Do you have experience with other drug and/or prison servers?: Yes, I was law enforcement on another drug server, I don't like to brag but I'm pretty respected there and have a good connection with many of the admins and mods there.
Have you read all of the server rules?: Of course.
Can you be fair and enforce rules with a non-personal judgement?: Yes.
Why do you think you should be a cop?: I'm not a person who abuses power, and will try to make a good name for cops on your server.
Addition Information: Please don't change your server, the last drug server I frequented changed for the worse. Keep being a great server pleeease!
Say you are at the opening of a cave on the side of a mountain and lots of creepers are inside charging at you (unlikely, but just go with it), luckily you have your horse hitched below at the bottom of the mountain, and you go ahead and jump, aim for your horse, and bam, you're mounted, to ride off into the sunset.
I believe you should be impervious to damage no matter the height you jumped from. This is because if you are on a really high place, I mean really high, it would be hard to aim for your horse, and you probably wouldn't be able to land on it anyway. Taking no damage would encourage players to use the mechanic more often.
Of course, this could always change, based on everyone's opinion.
You do realize that they are an indie company, with very few staff?
· Real life age: 15
· How you found this post: Just browsing through the Objective servers
· IC Name: President Theodore Brosephelt (President Brosephelt, President Teddy, Mr. President, Mr. Brosephelt)
· IC Age: 45
· Gender: Male
· Ambitions: Make Sherlock City the best country in Minecraftia, and also to make good decisions
· Personality: Wacky, wayward, unexpected, yet noble and wise (think Teddy Roosevelt)
· Preferred Job: I think it's obvious
· Biography: Theodore Brosephelt, born Theodore William-Kant-Mill Brosephelt, is an ambitious man. He was schooled at Harvard, where he got a master's degree in hunting and protecting. He left Harvard for one month, only to realize he had not learned enough. So he returned and got a masters degree in being wise and kind. His first career was a hunter for a small town outside of Dansville, Conneticut called Ashborough. That job taught him how to protect AND to serve, by killing harmful beasts, and also gathering savory meats for the townsfolk. His second job was not a job at all, after his hunting gig, he wanted to leave Ashborough, which he served for almost 19 years. He left Ashborough, not without first hunting exactly 176 squirrels for the townsfolk and attending a goodbye festival hosted by the mayor of the town, where he barbecued the 176 squirrels. So he left, and crossed oceans, traveling across the world, getting to know every single person around the globe. He traveled for 15 years, and went back home to Ashborough once more. He came back to see that Ashborough had been sold to a big city called Sherlock. He then found out all of the people from Ashborough had been given free apartments in Sherlock City, so he figured he'd go there, to see what oppurutnities lied in store.
Age : 15
Why do you want to join? : I want to try out the snapshot with people.
How long have you been playing Minecraft : Almost 2 years now.
What Snapshot version is the current one? : 12w42b
The hard core super tough survivalists didn't want the option, even though it was only techincally removing hunger for people who didn't want to worry about it.
So the basic mechanic is that your player (if you observe in third person) would turn it's head to look at anything that is alive, mobs or other players.
This would be great as opposed to the usual 'brain dead/look straight ahead' look.
This would especially look good in combat and pvp, since the player's head is turned to the person they are attacking, looking straight into their eyes.
Now, the player has full control over their own head as long as there are no other mobs or players around (so you can spaz your head around like an idiot, just like old times)
And when you are using tools or weapons, you will have control of your head, so you look where the crosshair is.
Also, your character will get bored of certain mobs or players if it looked at them before. For example, if my character was playing in multiplayer and looks at this one other player, and a few minutes later that player comes back, my character would not look at the other player. Make sense? THis mechanic is to avoid your character from not spazzing his head around at every damn entity on the screen.
And yes this is heavily based on the Skyrim mod.
Couldn't you just steal the blacksmith's anvil? No cost to you?
Okay thanks. Congratz, you are the first owner who listened to me. Be proud XD.
Anyway I invited my friend to the server, we built a base and everything, we're having fun.
One of your admins banned me for griefing clever's house or something, when I built the entire house by myself.
I called him because it got griefed, and he came and wrongfully accused me of griefing it, when it was me who built it?
Doesn't make sense. Btw,my ign is _br0seph_. Your admin, I forgot his name but his skin is a creeper in a suit, with a headset.
Does he know how to use logblock?