Which I have not, but thank you for clearing that up, do keep informed when the process of changing hosts is complete.
- _Tom_
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Member for 13 years
Last active Fri, May, 3 2019 23:02:11
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Noipe posted a message on [Beta 1.7.3] Minecraft Beta 1.7.4 Custom Update Mod!Posted in: Minecraft Mods
Konami_Kode posted a message on [Beta 1.7.3] Minecraft Beta 1.7.4 Custom Update Mod!Posted in: Minecraft ModsQuote from Mikedude1998»
I haven´t played minecraft in a long time, I kinda lost interest with the newer versions. (I joined when the game was at beta 1.5)
I like this mod a lot!
What I would like to see added is the old fire spreading mechanics. Where you could burn down entire forests. I think it was nerved in beta 1.6.
This would be pretty good to add, but maybe make it toggable?
citricsquid posted a message on Represent -- reputation faces for topics!This topic is for reporting issues with, giving feedback on and getting questions answered for represent system.Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
Please read the FAQ (http://represent.mcf.li/) first!
Example can be seen below, if you +rep this topic and wait an hour or so your face will show up too
[represent] - To post a comment, please login.
Been building a very long rollercoaster thanks to the boosters
The point of the mod is it to be a beta mod for 1.7.3.
For players that prefer the old style minecraft but don't like the lack of boosters and updates
I think the ink should only spray from behind where the mouth part is. So players have a strategy to squid hunting and don't always get sprayed
Its hard enough to cycle through the Super Secret Settings. A command with some creative names for the shaders would be nice
Nice, looks very detailed!
Click [Here] to get it or click the link below:
To enable offline saving this code in com.mojang.minecraft.gui.LoadLevelScreen
Has to return 5 strings separated by ";" and can be done by commenting out that line and adding this code:
and comment out the .readline in the next line(s)
Compile and run with those changes and you will be able to save offline!
Oh and you probably need to rename this.minecraft.host and this.minecraft.session.username to their obfusticated values.
Online saving code is in com.mojang.minecraft.level.LevelIO, and it refers to http://www.minecraft...level/save.html
It sent a POST request to that address. (I unscrambled the code and got it working)
- Level Name
- Host name (com.mojang.minecraft.Minecraft.host)
- Session username (com.mojang.minecraft.SessionData.username)
- Session ID (com.mojang.minecraft.SessionData.SessionID)
- Size of level class
- Level Button ID (Top is 0, second is 1 third is 2 etc)
Returned "ok" in case of success.
In same class file, there is level loading code, referring to http://www.minecraft....html?id=&user=
ID was equivalent to number of button in Load level menu, first button = 0, second button = 1 etc.
It downloaded gzipped stream of (in order):
- Level name
- Username of creator
- Time of creation
- X dimension of the map
- Y dimension of the map
- Z dimension of the map
- Block array
Oh and just in case you don't believe me: