Quote from zachzman1
im just impatient when im excited. Sorry. just forget it, you guys suck anyways Bye.
Bye Forever im never coming back, See yall later Retards!
You wouldnt Listen when staff tried to help you, and you would randomly post stuff that no one wanted to see (Like the pac-man)
and after everyone on this forum ignored the Troll post and we tried to help you, you insult us. Sully is right in the harshness but 11 or not it is unbelievably rude. I learned manners when i was 8, I would expect the same from someone who plays a multiplayer game.
I have told the owner about this last time we were online and he is taking care of the issue.
Also needs to have the IGN in the app.
Those signs saying 'Master' and 'Expert' were from when we had a different lockpicking plugin but now we have lwc so you can choose to lock your chests, the chest with signs is i'm guessing a room in Solonir where players use to go to the quest master, accept a quest and if the quest master wasn't online when they finished the quest they would leave a sign saying their name and what quest they finished. The land of Solstheim was ravaged by deadra and that is why many of the towns and settlements have the destroyed look to them. However the settlement of Freedoms Point and the town of Bolteria have settlers and are rebuilding what they can.
You have both been banned for spawning items
Ims111: Your chest had contained a stack of golden apples.
irongiant6: Your chest had 188 diamonds in your chest, almost three stacks.
If you still want to play on the server you can post a ban appeal on the proboards forum. The link is in the front page and the post should have what crime you were commited of. Do you think you are innocent or guilty. Your explanation on why it happened. Lastly what you will do if we are to accept you back.
Ok first off why do you want to make a basketball court? It dosen't fit with the lore, the game, or even the era the elder scrolls is based on. So no I don't think a basketball court should be made in the Lordran server.