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    posted a message on [1.5.1] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard - Roleplay/RP - Custom Lore - War - Friendly Staff - 99.9% Uptime - Adventure - Q
    Quote from Greeno96

    Guys I have serious news.
    Me and Pickles have left from staff and the server. We went through a lot in the 6 months we have been managing the server, and i will not go into detail, but know we love this server and you guys, and it is sad to have to leave. I wish you all luck with the server, and luck against all it has to fight RPly. Pickles and myself will miss you all.
    ~Greeno96 and _Mr_Pickles
    I am sorry for this everyone. I know things will soon be very different and it seems others have decided to leave too, although it's sad to hear this I hope the best for you wherever you go next. I don't know what will happen to the College of Magic. Without greeno, myself and calla it will probably become barren. Also from what i've heard Silent_Shino is your new head admin. I expect every damn player on this server to give her the respect she deserves and follow her directions as she has been one of our hardest working staff in bringing more players in and starting the podcast for everyone. And hell while i'm at it do you guys know why Archmage_Sanchez was so friggin old?!?! He was a vampire. Yup. He was secretly a vampire for an extremely long time since early solstheim, he was using illusion magic to keep his eyes and face different and a potion of blood he was replicating in secret which kept him in stage one vampirism so he wouldn't be outed but he was still a bit paler from it. Luckily he spends so much time indoors that most people assumed that was why. If you ask online he actually knew too but I told him he couldn't tell anyone since the character that knew I killed. Oh and charger that ghost that was in your hideout earlier today... yeah that was me. I had written down your conversation while I was invisible and I had revealed your whole plot to overthrow the council and government >:3
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Quote from InsaneArtist

    Should I make Mobs harder but more scarce? Harder and less scarce? Leave them be and more scarce? Leave hem be and less scarce?
    Hmm I would say mobs are pretty good where they're at right now maybe up the spawn rates just a tad and also bring back wolves.
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    We should add an anti greifing and anti theft plugin, mudders milk, and if you could work with that create your own rpg plugin you added so we can have classes that would be fantastic.
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Quote from Xtronify

    Not bad, but no one is perfect and there are a few problems.

    1. Elder scrolls race please.
    2. Read the rules.
    3. How does your character come across Solstheim?

    Like I and the other whitelister have told others, just fix your app and repost it. But for now: Denied.

    Quote from dombo813

    perhaps you should define elder scrolls race eg a list of the races as people seem to be getting confused with the variants of 'human'

    I have told the owner about this last time we were online and he is taking care of the issue.
    Quote from Xtronify

    Not bad, but no one is perfect and there are a few problems.

    1. Elder scrolls race please.
    2. Read the rules.
    3. How does your character come across Solstheim?

    Like I and the other whitelister have told others, just fix your app and repost it. But for now: Denied.

    Also needs to have the IGN in the app.
    Quote from dombo813

    well i think they need all the publicity they can get i mean i checked and at most theres what? 10 people online at a time? their plugins aren't well thought out at all, the entire place is practically air blocks, theres no roleplay left at all and only a new map could solve this problem, along with at least two grief protection plugins in case people make their way round one, an actual lockpick sytem... the entire server is based on the hope that people don't want to grief and think oh no a chest with a sign above saying lock level master i must not open it because i am not level 30...

    i went to the first city and followed the quest sign thinking maybe its just a seiged portrayal. no the quest thing is a chest of signs and a chest of maps.

    and no, i don't think gladiators had 1-ups. i also said people in prison were to fight in a hungergames thing, so they would not be volunteering or sacrificing anything. it would also stop people in prison staying logged on but watching youtube videos and moving a couple of blocks now and then to stop them logging off. and theres no point to the prison anyway. people can just hit the door and walk out. everything except the first boat thing is grief.

    what a disappointment this server is.

    i am however volunteering to help either fix the map and find plugins that would make it a better server, or help build up a new map. i believe the lack of players comes from the condition of the server, not a lack of interest. i mean 536 pages of apps etc? thats quite a lot. and each person wants to get on, as they have re-done their apps a few times each. i believe it is from a lack of fun. its almost like you've been deserted as the only person on an island. you extract every tiny bit of fun on the starting boat. after that you just deflate from seeing the state of the map. the only non-griefed structure i found was a hole in the ground with a roof of cobble and iron bars.

    Those signs saying 'Master' and 'Expert' were from when we had a different lockpicking plugin but now we have lwc so you can choose to lock your chests, the chest with signs is i'm guessing a room in Solonir where players use to go to the quest master, accept a quest and if the quest master wasn't online when they finished the quest they would leave a sign saying their name and what quest they finished. The land of Solstheim was ravaged by deadra and that is why many of the towns and settlements have the destroyed look to them. However the settlement of Freedoms Point and the town of Bolteria have settlers and are rebuilding what they can.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Attention ims1111 and irongiant6:
    You have both been banned for spawning items
    Ims111: Your chest had contained a stack of golden apples.
    irongiant6: Your chest had 188 diamonds in your chest, almost three stacks.

    If you still want to play on the server you can post a ban appeal on the proboards forum. The link is in the front page and the post should have what crime you were commited of. Do you think you are innocent or guilty. Your explanation on why it happened. Lastly what you will do if we are to accept you back.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Quote from Greeno96

    And guys all the cities have to be demo-ed before people can go into them.
    They can still hang around and RP in certain areas while we are doing the demoing. Also to answer the question I should have at least 22 or so nickels that I know off by annoying people on servers or friends.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    If I had a nickel for every time I heard that XD
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Quote from Minecart

    Go make me a sammich.
    ...I told her the same thing and she told me she was going to kill me with a rusty spork she used to scape bits of brain matter off her victims.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Quote from CaveExplorer2346

    We kinda wish you had told us earlier that you came back safe from Arizona...a couple of us thought that something happened to you like your plane crashed or you got kidnapped by banditos D:
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    posted a message on Switching to different topic - [1.4.5] The Elder Scrolls: Era of the Vanguard RP War Dragons Dedicated 24/7 Enchanting Que
    Quote from Chargerman123

    Anyone else think we should make a basketball court?

    Ok first off why do you want to make a basketball court? It dosen't fit with the lore, the game, or even the era the elder scrolls is based on. So no I don't think a basketball court should be made in the Lordran server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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