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    posted a message on What Minecraft has evolved into

    Well, maybe it's because Minecraft hasn't really finished "evolving" yet. There have been various updates adding a couple things here and there, but not really much to qualify as anything significant in the way of evolution. I enjoy Minecraft early on in the game, when you have to try to find a staple food source, get yourself some stone tools, and fight mobs that are kinda challenging.

    However, the difficulty is the first thing to be thrown out the window, as diamond armor, enchants, potions, etc. remove any potential challenge that may have existed. The game is nice, and the beginning is fun, but the mid/endgame isn't really developed enough to still be fun. Many people often complained that certain suggestions made the game too easy, or that certain weapons (such as muskets/crossbows) would be overpowered, yet the game isn't really hard in the first place.

    The problem for me is that once you have diamonds... Scratch that, once you have a dirt hut and a food source, you can't die. Mobs never try to break in, and aren't even that tough either, not like there are even that many of them anyway. The last time I played Minecraft I had diamonds within an hour, with a solid farm and a simple shelter set up as well, instantly lost interest already.

    Quite a ways back, I used to check the forums frequently just to see if there was an update, and the potentially amazing things it brought. I was disappointed far more than I wish I had been. The combat is ridiculously boring, there are only two weapon types that appear the exact same (aside from colors), armor looks the exact same, etc. Sure you can still build, but I just don't even feel motivated at that point, it isn't necessary, and I don't feel like putting huge amounts of time into a structure that I don't even need to build.

    On the outside, the game seems like a huge, never ending world with adventure and fun around every corner. What it turns out to be is absurdly boring mining, simple combat mechanics, and structures that appear the exact same as the last one you found. I definitely got my money's worth though, but just wish it had grown more than it has.

    (To think I didn't even feel like commenting at first, but made all this. To clarify any potential issues, I do still think the game is good. However, it has the potential to be so much better than just good, but I won't be checking back too often if that ends up happening soon. MP is still decent if I actually feel like getting on Minecraft [(not PvP, just like hanging with friends and building a small town]).

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How good IS Minecraft?
    Quote from Ouatcheur»

    I AGREE so much with you here.


    I'm glad you agree, but went way more in depth than I had, and really went in depth on what really could (and should?) have been improved by now. I also had noticed the other day that in 2011, I had bought both Minecraft (May 27, 2011, for about $26) and Terraria (Aug 8, 2011, for about $10), and I really still haven't been playing Minecraft at all, whereas Terraria I played till about 3 this morning.

    As you had ended your statements there, without mods it really is kinda dead for me. The only things I've done with it in the past few months were launching and seeing if the updates really had any major impact, giving one server a friend recommended a try, and playing a little modded MC via the Technic Launcher. It truly was a magical item if you merely looked at just the cover of this book, infinite sandbox, so much to explore, etc. But once you delve into said book, the lasting appeal isn't there unless others alter and add content to the book.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Hoe enchantment idea: "Salt"
    Quote from TheCubist»

    IDK, trolling? Seriously though, my thinking was simple. I wanted to use coarse dirt to make roads in my village, but diging up dirt just to put it back down seemed monotonous. A tool that just turned dirt in to coarse dirt seemed usephul to me in that context. I've also bee in situations where I was tearing down a huge pharm & had to take several minutes to tear up all the pharm land or jump around alot to turn it back to dirt so I could keep building, again monotonous (I just noticed, does anyone else think all the "o" in "monotonous" are monotonous?).

    I admit an enchantment like this would seem useless to a lot of people, but there are also people who would see use in it. There are enchantments that seem useless to me, an example would be bane of arthropods. The mob it is intended to kill is weak enough to not need specialized damage, sharpness works just fine, yet I am sure there are people who swear by their "spidey-slayer".

    Nevertheless, I understand people opinion about this enchantment being "useless". I admit it would have very limited applications, however that does mean it's not OP, so it's got that going 4 it. ;)

    I'm not trolling, so just going to start off with that one. If you really want coarse dirt, there is a simple crafting recipe that even essentially creates double the dirt you put into it (2 gravel + 2 dirt = 4 coarse dirt). Also if you need to remove the farmland for building, just building on top would easily revert it to dirt, not to mention removing the water will also allow it to dry out and revert to dirt on its own as well.

    Imagine it this way, picking up dirt on your own and crafting it seems a bit time consuming for you I guess, so that's why this is here right? People that want smooth stone, stone bricks, etc. have to mine cobble and then smelt it. Otherwise you could get a silk touch pick, but that has better applications than using it on such a material.

    However, I'll give you this, it is a fairly unique idea, it just doesn't have many major applications really in the long run (plus it would eliminate one of gravel's major uses beyond basically being a flint source for arrows and such).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on How good IS Minecraft?
    To be honest here, I barely ever play it today. Back when I originally got it, I was very excited about the possibilities, infinite world to explore, mobs everywhere to slay, tools to craft... Unfortunately, the things that appeal to me (weapon/tool variety, exploration, wide variety of entities to fight), were quite limited, and I basically don't play it very much now. Building my own multi-story home and various other structures outside of it seems to be what takes up more time really if I do play MC.

    In the end though, it basically comes down to opinion, and what you feel like you'd be more into. For the price and when I got it, I'd say I got my money's worth for the game. Also worth noting is that the base game seems to have fairly limited content, and is more-so kept alive by the community's contributions of maps, mods, servers, etc. If you prefer to have a base-game that's completely great on it's own, then this game won't be lasting quite as long appeal-wise
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Hoe enchantment idea: "Salt"
    To be honest, this seems rather pointless, why make a farm tool (let alone waste xp levels to get it) that basically would kill farms and any grass that's living on dirt? It honestly seems 100% unnecessary, and will not have my support.

    (P.S. Pharmland and Phortune are spelled with an F, sorry that just kinda bothered me ^_^)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Carpeted Stairs
    Hm, well that's definitely an interesting idea. In my wood and wool floored homes, I generally just use wood plank stairs and it looks good, but it leaves me wondering, how exactly would carpeting look on my stairs? I like the Morph In style of making carpeted stairs, as it can be easily cleaned up and changed at will just by removing the block, and no materials would be wasted. So basically, this idea has my support (although it is a little bit dated).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Do you prefer YouTube videos with an intro or without an intro?
    I don't watch Youtube videos very often, but when I do, I'd prefer to see a short intro, maybe a couple seconds or so just to help inform you of the type of video/series you'll be watching. I've seen more than enough videos with painfully long intros with extremely loud music, and it's just annoying so I just try to skip it.

    If you're doing like a series of videos or something, maybe just a short thing at the beginning would be best (such as just to help introduce the game you're doing, say a 2 second long Skyrim intro, with Skyrim music or something.) But the intro should really be relevant though, not just a random intro showing your name and Minecraft character or whatever for 5 seconds at the start of every single video, that could become tedious to deal with.
    Posted in: Other Help
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    posted a message on Minecraft pick up lines/Puns
    Hey, want to come set your spawn at my place?

    Literally just came up with that one, so don't kill me for being original xD
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on SnapShot 14W33A - Iron Golem & Creeper
    Quote from LeslieGilliams»
    There are ample examples of people totally lighting up and fencing villages and still getting mobs spawning. I see it happen all the time. A house, for example, with plenty of torches still gets a creeper or skeleton spawning inside.

    This is the last thing I want - a golem seeing a creeper in a house, villager opens door, creeper emerges and golem blows it all up.

    What possible reason is there for a mob spawned by villagers to attack mobs that are not hostile to villagers?

    I haven't seen that in any villages/towns/houses I've ever set up, maybe the light level was just a tad bit too low in one spot or something. Either way, I've already made my point of their behavior right up there. (Also it isn't just spawned by villagers, players have a use for them as well. Odds are Mojang intended for them to keep everything safe, it didn't work as creepers attack first, etc etc etc).
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on SnapShot 14W33A - Iron Golem & Creeper
    Quote from Salem_85»

    Yes, I do that too. However, what was the point in making the Iron Golem so outright dangerous (and therefore useless) to the player/villages? At least you had the option to have an Iron Golem, be it spawned or built yourself, roaming around a bit. Maybe even just for decoration or coolness, whatever your taste. Now, that is no longer possible, as all it will do is explode everything with creeper-brawling. I simply don't get the thought process behind this change. Why was this implemented/changed? It made perfect sense for Iron Golems to ignore creepers for the very obvious reason we are now experiencing.

    For me, it's one of three possibilities:

    1. They didn't think/test this change through at all before doing it, which I sadly had to agree then with some of the others would be really lazy and unproffesional.
    2. They did test it, and thought it was alright. That would make them really bad judges in terms of balance and fairness, though. Over 95% of the time the creepers just blow up in the Iron Golem's face, and everybody can see that after derping around for just a few minutes in the game. Still, if that's their idea of game balance or a good feature, I rest my case and give up.
    3. They did test it, and didn't think it was balanced, but decided to go with it anyway. Which would be awful trolling. (Highly doubt that one, but mentioned for completeness sake.)

    Choose your poison.

    (Also, sorry if my previous post sounded kind of rude to you, wasn't my intention.)

    Well if I have to choose my poison, probably 1. Odds are they had come up with the idea, took the time to put it into the game, and maybe decided to let the community test the new idea at the same time as them, get all possible feedback from both parties at the same time. It honestly seems like an excellent idea, Iron Golems keep bases/towns clear of any potential threats in sight. Unfortunately, it isn't working and the community is expressing that (albeit a bit... strangely by others, seriously, calling Notch our savior is a bit drastic). Odds are they'll change it seeing the distaste from the community, and maybe even from their own testing group/party as it could be annoying for them as well. The main issue seems to be that creepers are just exploding on Golems, correct? If so, maybe Mojang will simply change it to allow Golems to make the first strike (without creepers even being able to attack first), effectively removing the threat completely. Either that, or just make them passive towards creepers again, both would most likely prevent damage from being done my creepers and Golems.

    (Also don't worry about coming off as rude, I prefer someone to actually be rational more than anything else, as I also have no intention of being rude. However some posts/threads just drive me up the wall with their ridiculousness...)
    Quote from LeslieGilliams»

    If I find a village that has an interesting looking location I will hang out and fix things and redo most of the buildings.
    I generally get 2-3 golems spawning when I am done.
    The LAST thing I want to deal with is golems attacking creepers now.
    Only zombies are hostile to villagers so why in the hell did Mojang change this?
    Villagers spawning golems and turning the place into a war zone is plain stupid.
    There is no good reason for this other than to be intentionally hostile towards players.

    Yes, Mojang definitely wants to be hostile towards the community and drive its members away, perfectly logical. But really, if you're going to hang out and fix things, does lighting up the village and setting up a nice wall/fence come into mind? If so, then that should probably keep potential threats at bay, but I could be wrong I suppose. Also why Mojang could have changed this is that creepers are a huge nuisance for the player to deal with, especially with the holes they leave behind all the time. So if Iron Golems could perhaps just instantly kill them, they wouldn't even be a problem, unfortunately creepers can attack first and do the damage anyway.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on SnapShot 14W33A - Iron Golem & Creeper
    Quote from Salem_85»

    Thing is, this change doesn't just break farms. I couldn't care less about farms. However, Iron Golems are completely and utterly useless now. No, even worse, they are actually harmful to have around now, as all they do is turn your villages into explody-fun-land. What's the point of that? It's not like this was a bug or 'accidental' change either, it was listed in the notes.

    Also, the fact it's a snapshot doesn't mean we shouldn't voice our opinion about it. If everybody just shut their mouth all the time, how would Mojang ever know what we like and dislike? In fact, NOW is the best of all times to do that, before the update gets released and while there is still time to revert it.

    You seem to have assumed that I want everyone to be silent, and this is all good except for farms, which isn't true, as I actually did address that this change to the Iron Golem does more than just break farms, Mojang clearly wanted them to do one thing differently, which was attack creepers (as clearly stated in the change log). Instead damage is done to the world and cause more harm than the previous behavior would have created. I also never, at any point, said it was a bug or 'accidental' change. Also I never said it wasn't a good idea to voice our opinions, but when part of the thread is random comments and assumption that Mojang wants to mess with the community and randomly claiming for 'everyone' that Notch is our savior and we need him.

    It is perfectly logical to express opinions about changes, it helps to provide a bit of balance and liking toward changes to the game through the snapshot system. However, a fair amount of the community (well, mostly those who are louder than others who are satisfied/neutral with the change) decides instead of contributing positively and assessing how things were before and after the change, they just take it upon themselves to act ridiculous and contribute little by comparison to others (for example, the complaints/threads that Jeb is only bringing the game down).

    Edit: Also just a random side note about villages being turned into "explody-fun-land", I barely ever see Iron Golems spawn naturally, much less build them myself. It just seems easier to light it up and put up a wall of some sort, rather than just leave it up to the AI to protect the villages with my precious iron spent already.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on SnapShot 14W33A - Iron Golem & Creeper
    I haven't played the snapshot myself, but it seems like they were trying to do more good than bad, and as usual the community freaks out and calls them idiots and such, calling for Notch to come back and make the game "good" again. I was honestly really disappointed that they wouldn't kill creepers at first, as they are the most annoying enemy out there (debatable of course, but let's leave that out). Now bases can be completely safe, but the Golems can't handle the creepers because they attack first, causing unnecessary damage as they usually do anyway. Basically how I look at it is:

    Before the snapshot: Iron Golems kill everything BUT creepers, thus leaving you to deal with them or probably just have them sneak up behind you and explode. No damage done really unless you can't kill them quickly/effectively on your own.

    After the snapshot: Iron Golems kill everything, but can't do it effectively and the world suffers a bit more damage. Oh no, now our disk farms and iron farms and other stupid farms are broken, let's just keep getting angry because the community as a whole can't ever be happy with any changes made to the game!

    I'm fairly certain that Mojang doesn't mean any major harm to come from these changes, and it is still a SNAPSHOT after all, so not like it's permanent or anything.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on xbox one versus PS4 still deciding.
    Quote from IAMBaldur888

    I have heard the "It's not worth getting a new console for one game" statement several times. For me it is worth it. The way I look at my entertainment dollars is enjoyment per hour times cost. If I go see a movie in theatre I could spend $15 for 2 hours. That's $7.50 per hour of entertainment. Assuming that it was a good movie. I have played chess for decades so if I spent a thousand dollars for a nice chess set it would be worth it. I spend one third of my life+/- sleeping so spending 10 or 20 thousands dollars for a comfortable bed makes more sense than spending that much for a truck that I'm in only a hour or so a day. (Obviously there are some other factors here)
    So that being said I enjoy playing games I like. I have tried dozens of other games and not liked them at all. It was a chore just to keep playing for friends sake. So for me spending a thousand dollars to play minecraft is a very value oriented spendature of entertainment dollars. And if they would get some decent anti-griefer controls then buying a second or third new console to set up as 24/7 servers would be exactly what I would be doing.
    I have time and money and I LOVE (hypothetical no griefer multiplayer) minecraft. Anyway when entertainment dollars break down to cents per hour of entertaining game play then thats' a good deal for everyone. If I was going to play a game for 10 hours total then at most 3 or 4 bucks would be reasonable to me. And when I talk about cost per hour that includes power, internet, console, cooling fan, game etc.

    EDIT: example. I played Black Ops for over 55 days. So if I calculate the cost of the console, game, power etc. just based on that game then It's about $0.37 per hour. And my time in that game was much greater with combat training with friends etc. So that is 1 hour of entertainment for less than 40 cents. I have had that console for 5 years so calculating for the total time puts it well under 10 cents per hour of entertainment. Games like minecraft I don't know how much I have played but even being conservative the number would be much lower than 10 cents per hour of entertainment.

    Well there's obviously a reason you're hearing it several times (I'd certainly hope you would have heard it more than once...), but you can look at it however you wish. Still isn't exactly any less of a ridiculous amount of money to spend for one game, which you essentially already have. I personally look at it similarly, but save myself the effort of valuing my time enjoying something in relation to money. For example, I enjoyed Minecraft when I was into it way back when, but not so much now. $20 wasn't a wallet breaker or anything, so I'd say it was a solid purchase. But there's really no way I'd buy it again, I already own it.

    However, it is your money, and if you really think it's worth spending so much just for the one game, then go hard, it is yours after all and we've two different people with different mindsets, although I'd still say just get the PC version (I personally love having my own unique skin for free, any texture pack at my very wish, and the mouse and keyboard setup makes game play very comfortable by comparison for a lesser price, just for arguments sake here).
    Posted in: MCPS4: Discussion
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    posted a message on xbox one versus PS4 still deciding.
    I'd say that since you already have the 360 version, I'd say just stick with that (or just get the PC version). If your entire reason to get the new console is just for Minecraft, then it really wouldn't be worth the money at all. However if you really are stuck on getting a new console, just get the one that more of your friends would be interested in, and how comfortable the controller is, assuming the purchase is solely for MC on a new console. They both honestly seem like fine consoles, so just pick whichever works better for you.

    As for anyone else arguing over the length of Halo 3's campaign and other nonsense, quiet down and answer the guy's question or leave (I personally enjoyed it, as did the friends I played it with. We've gone back a few times and played it in the past, still a decent time. Halo campaigns are really the only one's we've ever enjoyed and went back for).

    In relation to the other console arguments, I've got an Xbox One and I see nothing wrong with it. Only reasons to not get it that a bunch of my friends had put up were that their friends were already getting it, the specs were 'better' (not like I see a difference between 720p or 1080p to justify a console purchase) (also played Destiny on my 360 and One when that was possible, it looked amazing and don't even think a new console just for better graphics or whatever were necessary), and that was it. Most went over to PS4 just because a few of their friends were already doing it, and one way or another, good riddance (kinda). They are a bit annoying as it is, and wouldn't necessarily contribute positively to the community anyway.
    Posted in: MCPS4: Discussion
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    posted a message on Do you think that jeb_ has messed up Minecraft?
    Quote from PolarFluid
    Oh boy, another one of these threads, here we go...

    Before when Markus Persson ( Creator of Minecraft / Mojang ) new items and blocks would come out not very often. This says that he took more time thinking and creating the things to improve the game.
    Okay... Or maybe he just took his time doing other things as well (slower work pace, busy life, etc.), I personally don't know. Not like it's a huge deal or anything anyway...

    Now jeb_ has control of the game and is the new owner. New items and blocks have been coming out very often, on average every couple days to 1-2 weeks. This of course means that he is not putting a lot of thought into the game.
    1-2 weeks is fast and means that there was little thought? That's more than enough time to add a few blocks or items (if they're working diligently and constantly on the game, which is cool considering the amount of time this game has been out for already with free updates). They're probably putting plenty of thought into the game (it's possible that the colored wood items, armor stands, and banners would catch the attention of many players as being fantastic additions). Besides, more content does not mean little thought, unless you are of course Jeb or a member of the Mojang team working on the game...

    jeb_ has now added rabbits! I mean come on, Minecraft did not need this.As in the latest snapshot, he added different types of doors. It has sort of messed up how Minecraft is, Minecraft is a simple game. It should not have different types of doors and rabbits! jeb_ has added many more thing that were unnecessary to add to the game.
    Are rabbits unnecessary? Yes, but they help to make the environment actually feel a little more alive, rather than dead and boring. I'm glad to see different types of doors and fences to complement the types of wood, this shows they are putting the various different types of wood to use, and showing they have reason to exist, as there are recipes to be using them for. Having more building options encourages the player to experiment with them and see how they like them, as building is essentially the main entertainment feature of MC in the long run (beyond mods and some other stuff).

    Basically what I am trying to say / ask, do you think since jeb_ has been in control the game Minecraft has got worse? What do you think made it worse? The game is doing fine, there have been more than enough threads about this sort of thing. More content certainly isn't hurting the game in any way, shape, or form. Coming from someone who does not play this game very frequently, I still see nothing wrong with the free content that the community is receiving. I personally am quite glad to finally see armor stands and banners, they're both very cool additions to the game.

    My responses are in bold, have a good day/night everyone else.
    Posted in: Discussion
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