I actually just updated it to 1.12 a couple days ago, and have released it here. Any and all future updates I make will be there, so please (future posters asking about new versions) check there before asking.
Maybe there are some issues on curseforge, its doesn't show up.
Not entirely true -- there's a server plugin that allows you to restrict certain features of voxelmap, as well as other LiteMods that support this feature.
I've try'd searching for it but the only result i found was a way to enabe cave, radar etc for reis minimap and a 3 years old thread
how to disable these things on voxelmap.
Didn't work either.
To the Crashin issue ppl above talking about:
Minecraft keeps crashing after the newest nvidia g-force driver update, when voxelmap is installed. Many other users on my server reporting the same issues. Could you figure out what the problem is? (Minecraft 1.11.2, Newest forge and liteloader is installed also Optifine).
Something different i may ask, would it be a problem to roll out a "Fair Play" version of this map, without the entity radar and cavemap?
Could you add the function to teleport to an location i want by kicking on the Map?
also the Map doesn't save correctly the Imagafiles after restarting the whole Worldmap is gone (all the explored parts)
um... i just tried this today with the following setup running official 1.10 client connecting to world on 1.10 SpigotMC server:
1 x Golden Hoe - give @p 294
1 x Golden Hoe named Bamstick - give @p 294 {display:{Name:Bamstick}}
1 x Golden Hoe with Efficiency - give @p 294 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:3}]}
1 x Golden Hoe with both - give @p 294 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:3}],display:{Name:Bamstick}}
i am trying to clear the 294s from the inventory that have the custom names, regardless of whatever else might be there. i've used this on the triggered command block:
/clear @p[r=3] 294 0 -1 {display:{Name:Bamstick}}
this does NOT get rid of the named 294s, nor can i target just the Efficiency ones. when i change the data value to -1, it clears just the vanilla 294 (so at least we know the command block is working and targeting correctly; no redstone cockups). i can't find any configuration that will clear any of the modified 294s from the inventory. what the heck am i missing??
I solved your problem. its an known bug with commandblocks and essentails.
try this: /minecraft:clear @p[r=3] 294 0 -1 {display:{Name:Bamstick}}
if you want run essentails or bukkit commands you need to put /bukkit:help or /essentails:warp in the commandblock.
With Vanilla commands simly put /minecraft: in frot of the command
when can we expect the update to 1.10 version of this mod?
and could you add the ability to re-positioning the EXP counter and the other fixed objects.
if its not a big deal for you.
Maybe there are some issues on curseforge, its doesn't show up.
is there an way to toggle the skin layers?
for toggleing the head layer on an off etc
I've try'd searching for it but the only result i found was a way to enabe cave, radar etc for reis minimap and a 3 years old thread
how to disable these things on voxelmap.
Didn't work either.
To the Crashin issue ppl above talking about:
Minecraft keeps crashing after the newest nvidia g-force driver update, when voxelmap is installed. Many other users on my server reporting the same issues. Could you figure out what the problem is? (Minecraft 1.11.2, Newest forge and liteloader is installed also Optifine).
Something different i may ask, would it be a problem to roll out a "Fair Play" version of this map, without the entity radar and cavemap?
Could you add the function to teleport to an location i want by kicking on the Map?
also the Map doesn't save correctly the Imagafiles after restarting the whole Worldmap is gone (all the explored parts)
I dont have the option to teleport to an location on the map i want to.
is this feature missing in 1.11.2?
Found an bug in the 1.11 Version.
Cant remove any buttons or labels on the chat-GUI
Steps i made: Edit GUI -> click on the button for deleting elements -> klicked on the element itself (noting happed)
i think OP isnt active anymore ;( rly sad.
wanted this mod so bad. and now i wish i could have it on 1.11.2
I solved your problem. its an known bug with commandblocks and essentails.
try this: /minecraft:clear @p[r=3] 294 0 -1 {display:{Name:Bamstick}}
if you want run essentails or bukkit commands you need to put /bukkit:help or /essentails:warp in the commandblock.
With Vanilla commands simly put /minecraft: in frot of the command
and could you add the ability to re-positioning the EXP counter and the other fixed objects.
if its not a big deal for you.
As an Admin and Builder i like this mod so much. unfortunately is the mod not available for 1.9.4.
Hope OP is updating it quickly or somebody else who is able to do this.
Is there an way to toggle the skin Overlay for every bodypart individually or/and all togetter?
so i can make a script for changing my jacket or pants with one simple buttonpress