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    posted a message on The "Not So Seecret Saturday" Mod for Alpha 1.1.2_01 - Exploring an alternative Minecraft development path [1.1.11_111-1]

    Hey, love the mod. Just wondering if there's any way to adjust the GUI size? On fullscreen it is freakishly big.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ZumbSurvival - Small Little SMP Server (1.7.10)

    Think we had a power outage during the night, nothing was lost though thankfully. Server is up again.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ZumbSurvival - Small Little SMP Server (1.7.10)
    ZumbSurvival or ZumbCraft is a small little Survival server based on the idea of creating a nice, comfy community.

    This is a server that's designed to be rather hands off as well as mostly vanilla. Leave the Spawn, Survive and Create whatever you want!

    There is a small economy based on Chest Shops and Land Claiming using the Grief Prevention Plugin.

    There is currently no Factions or PVP. I may add a PVP area down the line though.

    The server is currently limited to 12 players just to see how the server handles it. I may increase the max eventually if people like the server.


    I'm not the most experienced with MC Servers, most of my experience comes from when I was still a kid actually. I had a few staff roles but eventually made my own server but due to my terrible internet and inability to keep it up 24/7 it ended up dying. Now that I've got the opportunity to start one up again I thought, well everyone is in quarantine, why not give it a shot!

    Due to how inexperienced I am with a lot of this, I would definitely appreciate any help or advice.

    Server IP: zumbcraft.minecraftpotato.com
    Posted in: PC Servers
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