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    posted a message on 63 Destination Teleporter
    Quote from pooch12

    Very impressive... but I'm sure it could be simpler.

    Probably. :P
    This was a result of me just putting down redstone as I needed it. I didn't come up with any design or anything.
    I just went where the logic took me. :P Which doesn't mean efficiency.

    For example, one row of AND gates can be eliminated if I don't want to check to see if the player is standing on the pad, or, I could eliminate a row of AND gates and remove the activation button, so that when you stand on the pad teleportation is initiated.

    I may even be able to keep the current functionality and reduce at least one array of AND gates to a single AND gate, but I'm not sure.

    As for the array, I'm not sure I could have made that simpler due to the inability to concatenate values into a scoreboard objective.

    But I have to go back and reduce this to use a 4 bit address rather than an 8 bit address due to the massive amounts of lag generated by the destination array. I might attempt to improve efficiency then as well. :P
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on 63 Destination Teleporter
    Once I build the 4-bit version I'll upload an MCEdit schematic file, as the 8-bit version causes far too much lag to ever be usable, and I'm sure people can work within 15 usable addresses.
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on 63 Destination Teleporter
    This teleporter has 63 possible destinations (each one of those array's which go up to the height limit from bedrock manage the destinations).

    You enter an address (the address 00000000 is unusable however as it needed to be the default address for everything to work properly) and then press the button to activate the system (you can also activate it and then enter the address, it doesn't make a difference). Once you stand on the teleport pad a sound is played, the blindness effect is added, levels are spent, and you're teleported. Upon arival an explosion is played right as the blindness effect wears off.

    Unfortunately, this thing breaks the game. However, it can be adapted fairly easily to only support 16 total addresses (15 usable), which would fix the game breaking issue. Basically rather than having addresses which are 8 bits long we use 4 bits instead, and then we only have 15 destination arrays, rather than 63. This would reduce how much space the machine takes up, and would probably prevent it from obliterating the game (upon starting the machine the destination array breaks the game due to the amount of lag it causes).

    A 4 bit machine would probably be a lot easier to manage as well as I wouldn't have over 1000 command blocks to update per address. :P

    Since concatenation is not possible in Minecraft I use 8 scoreboard objectives to store the address in. Each objective stores 1 bit, and are reset to 0 when an array is activated (all arrays need to function in order for the machine to work properly, as the address has to be reset to 00000000 otherwise you could teleport to the wrong location). The way it works is the address is checked and all the command blocks are AND'ed together, so all need to pass. If all pass the address is reset to 00000000 and then another command block checks to make sure you have enough levels to initiate teleportation. If you don't then teleportation fails and that's it, but you spent no levels and your address ID has been reset to the default so you can try again. If you do have enough levels, the levels are spent, a sound is played, the blindness effect is given for 3 seconds, you get teleported, and right as the blindness effect wears off (which is about the same time you reach your destination) an explosion sound is played.

    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on Concatenate Numbers into Scoreboard Objective?
    I found out that it's actually impossible to do concatenation in Minecraft (at least, there's no easy way of going about it), so I've changed things up quite a bit.

    Now each command block has it's own ID (so from teleIdZero to teleIdSeven), and the default value is 00000000. Upon successful teleport checking (making sure you have the right values and enough XP to initiate the teleport) your score is set back to 00000000 and then you're teleported to your destination.

    Once I finish adding a few more destination arrays I'll take another picture. :P However, there are 63 usable addresses (00000000 had to be reserved as the default), so I need to build 63 destination arrays. :V And then I need to add co-ordinates for all of them ;^; Probably wont actually do that though, but I plan to get the command blocks placed at least, and then program the ones which don't need co-ordinates (so all of them except the last two). This way I can just go back and add more destinations as I need them. But I will have to set something up so that your score is reset to 00000000 if the teleportation fails (teleportation can fail if you don't have enough levels, or chose a destination not yet implemented). However, if I build all the possible destination blocks I wont need to worry about that as all destinations will be accounted for, you just wont go anywhere (I'd have to make it not take levels for that too :P).

    But having a lack of levels is a definite risk of teleportation failing. But it should be easy enough to take care of, may have to redesign the array though, so I'll do that before I build 63 of them. :P
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Command blocks returning true when it should be false
    Nevermind, I figured it out. :P
    Forgot to add "score_" infront of the objective name.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Command blocks returning true when it should be false
    I'm having some trouble getting something I've been working on to work. I've finally fixed everything and such to the point that I have one issue left. Once this issue is dealt with everything should work, but I'm unable to figure out what's happening here.

    The way things are setup, you have to enter the code 00000001 for this particular part of the circuit to activate. The default ID is 0, the command blocks activated by switches set it as 1.

    The blocks which check for the code are all AND'ed together, so each one has to pass in order to activate the circuit.

    However, regardless as to what I put in, the circuit always passes and each command block returns true, and I can't figure out why.

    These are the commands of each block:

    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdZero_min=1,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdOne=0,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdTwo=0,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdThree=0,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdFour=0,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdFive=0,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdSix=0,lm=5]
    testfor @p[x=1122,y=13,z=-323,r=1,teleIdSeven=0,lm=5]
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Concatenate Numbers into Scoreboard Objective?
    I was wondering if there's any way to concatonate numbers into a scoreboard objective.

    I'm currently working on building a teleporter. Everything is done (except the command blocks which require an address, as well as the command block which sets a 0 rather than a 1, as I need to figure out the scoreboard thing first), but you have to enter a code to select your destination. I want to set each command block as 1 and if the command block is not activated a 0 will be put in it's place instead.

    So basically, lets say I want to go to the first destination, I would enter 00000001 and the scoreboard objective would become 00000001. And then the command block looking for this number would activate and begin the teleportation process. If I want to go to the second destination I would enter 00000010, and so on for each destination.

    Right now as far as I can tell I can only add numbers (as in, 1 + 1 and then end up with 2 as the result), which wouldn't work for what I'm trying to do as there would be repeated numbers.

    This is what I've got so far if you're interested. :P
    That array of command blocks closest to the camera are the addresses. There's 64 possible addresses (I've not put all in yet as I have to put the commands in and such first; currently only one block has an address set in it which is 11111111), so I can put in 64 possible teleport destinations (potentially more if I build more of these, but for what I'm using this for, this one will be the hub).

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Port Forwarding (please help!)
    Google "whats my IP" to get your external IP address and try connecting with that. However, if your computer is on the same network as the computer hosting the server you can just connect with the server's IP (the one you'd find by going on the server computer and looking for the IP on your own). If you're running the server from the same computer you play from you can just put "localhost" (on Windows I hear that localhost will actually work for connecting you to any game running on your network, but the same behaviour is not true for Linux or Mac, as localhost means the local host, as in, the computer that you're sitting in front of using).

    If you're unable to connect to the server on your same network there's an issue with either the server itself or the firewall (I'm assuming you're on Windows). You need to allow Java through the firewall (I think there was a specific thing you needed to allow, rather than all of Java itself though, but I'm not sure; although you'll be able to find that on Google).

    Another thing you'll want to do is make your IP address static if you don't want to have to change the IP the ports are pointing to in the router every time you restart your computer.

    On Windows 7:
    -Go to "Network and Sharing Centre"
    -Go to "Change Adapter Settings" (found in the side panel of the Network and Sharing Centre)
    -Right click on "Local Area Connection"
    -Select "Properties"
    -Click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", then click "Properties"
    -Select "Use the following IP addresses"
    -Put "" as the static IP address
    -Put "" as the default gateway, and as the preferred DNS server address
    -Put "" as the Subnet Mask

    And that should work. However, if you have other devices on the network which use a static IP (which is unlikely unless you know about them) then you might have to use an IP other than If you do need an IP you need to keep the 192.168.0. part as that identifies the network, the .2 identifies the host (your computer) on the network. You can't use,, or The first one is the network address, the second is the router's address (your default gateway), and the third is the broadcast address.

    Also, going above might cause problems as DHCP on home routers tends to assign IP's starting at around that IP (which is why I prefer to stay in the lower range of IP's). You can change the behaviour of DHCP on your network so that you avoid IP confliction if you want to use higher numbers, but you wont need to unless you run into issues (and even then, that may not solve the issues).

    That stuff is just so you don't have to change the IP the ports on your router points to however (so that it works all the time). If you move your computer around a lot I don't recommend doing it unless you know how to switch back to DHCP (as in, if you move it off your network; if you're always on the same network then a static IP will work).

    So basically
    -Check that your router is pointing to the correct IP address
    -Allow Java through the firewall (Google this as I forget exactly what had to be allowed through the firewall)
    -Go to Google and type "whats my IP" to get your external IP address; this is the IP you'll give out to friends who want to connect

    Even your external IP is likely to be dynamic, so it may change from time to time as well. There are free services out there (such as http://dnsdynamic.org/) which will give you a domain name which can update automatically as to the IP it's pointing to (you will have to run a script on your computer or on your router if you need to/want to enable this).

    Something like that. :P
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on DynMap
    Quote from blockout22

    yes ... I kind of just said there is a non bukkit version on these forums ...

    But where? I've looked before and I've been unable to find it. Do you have a link?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on DynMap
    Quote from blockout22

    you should beable to I mean you can't call it vanilla once you install it but dynmap is somewhere on these forums

    I know the server wouldn't be vanilla anymore (although the gameplay would still be vanilla), but from what I've seen I need Bukkit to install DnyMap, so I was wondering if there's a version which doesn't require Bukkit or anything like that.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Port Forwarding (please help!)
    Quote from sonicbullet534

    Its either or
    Good luck. is the localhost (your computer). That IP is used only for loopback. or are the ones it could be.

    As for the OP; get your IPv4 address and put all the numbers in except the last number. Then replace the last number with a 1.
    The best way to figure it out however, would be to look for your default gateway.

    What I mean by all numbers except the last; lets say your IPv4 address is, you'd put into your web browser as that's likely your default gateway. But again, it's always better to check.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on DynMap
    I was wondering if it's at all possible to run DynMap on a completely vanilla server. I've looked around and found nothing about it, so I somewhat doubt it.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Mai PIXEL ART

    Posted in: User Creations & Requests
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    posted a message on Mai PIXEL ART

    Need to make an internal side view as well (I finished the side view, daz wai I has a spinny version, so you can see all the sides).
    Posted in: User Creations & Requests
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    posted a message on The Furry Thread
    Quote from KaBling

    That's strange, coming from the guy who uploaded some art and should've expected comments.

    :P Sorry, just wasn't sure if you were refferring to mai art or something posted before me (*was tired, shhh*)

    Anyways, thanks. :3

    Quote from Enorym

    *Casually +watches you on Deviantart*

    Thanks for the watch :3
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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