IGN: Hammerassalt
OT: excellent builder, close friends with rubikkcube <3
was OP on my old server till it shut down, just lookin for a place to hang with friends once in awile.
Age:12 IGN:jakegotSKILLZ other:Im really excited and really hope i can get onto this server. I Like building huge and crazy things. Have been playing for quite a while now. Have administrated lots of servers. Would mean alot to get on.
I don't know how much information I'm supposed to put here but...
Well, I haven't played Minecraft in a long time, so I will not know about certain things, so sorry in advance if I ask too much. ;n;
I hear a lot that I am mature for my age, some people have thought that I'm in my late teens or early 20s. I'm a serious person most of the time, but I also have a silly side~. I am a proud gamer and otaku, so if anyone else is like that, I would have a lot to talk with them I guess. XD
Long back I used to be a mod in a Minecraft server, but I don't think that I shouldn't have been. e.e But I have matured a lot since then, at the moment I'm a staff member in a social guild in a MMO I play daily, so I have some skills in that direction...
Anyway, that's me. Btw would be appreciated if I can be called Fally instead of my ign. Well, I guess that's all that's left to say is. I can't wait to see you guys in game! 8D
Hey, thanks for you your app! Accepted, and hoping you find what you're looking for.
Added! Welcome
Added! Sorry for the wait
Added! Welcome
All three added! Welcome
Added! Welcome
Added! Welcome
Hey, thanks for you your app! Accepted, and hoping you find what you're looking for.
Added! Deadpool is the bomb
Added! Welcome
Added, welcome!
All added! Welcome friends
Both added!
Added! Welcome