Last night. Exploring a new cave. got to a 4-way intersection, the one I decided to look into first was blocked and you could only see to through a 1x1 block into the other side. Got near to place a torch before breaking the block to allow access when out of the dark a potion of poison was thrown at me, i jumped back and then got scared in a corner as my life plummeted to half a heart in the middle of an intersection with two obcsure unexplored branches from which I was hearing a mini zombie... Nothing happened though, luckily cause I had travel 3000 blocks to find a jungle and had full inventory including melons, coca, jungle saplings, diamonds, and more.
In the same cave I somehoe fell in lava, 30 seconds after I dumped my water bucket to pick up lava. I paused the screen to reflect upon all the stuff I would be losing, but the protection in my gear allowed me to reach the water I had just dumped.
I collect food while looking for the perfect spot for a base. I ignore the easy to outrun monsters in the night and skip the first dirt house and only start branch mining after I find my spot.
Inspiration cannot be learned, its a spontaneous moment when you visualize something that does not yet exist. Or something like that.
For example, when I spawned in my survival world I had nothing planned, I just climbed the tallest tree to look at the scenery and the first thing I saw was an extreme hills mountain with a single tree on top. I was inspired to build a base all over that mountain using the tree as a main feature. I climbed the tree on top of the mountain to get a picture of the top of the mounatin and decide at what level I would flatten the top to start a base. Once flattened I went about 100 blocks away from the mountain on all 4 directons to look at the sides and visualize what sort of things I could do with it, like where the Main entrance would be, the pool, balconies, etc... And thats how I began my survival world, no big plans or anything, just looking at the scenery and imagining how I could turn it into something else without losing the mountainous look. Eventually I visualized a spiraling stair around the tree so I cleared a 9x9 chunk below the tree all the way to the bottom of the mountain and although I initially wanted to keep the tree intact I customized to be a 100ish block high Birch tree with a 5x5 trunk and a hollowed center to serve as a mob drop with a hidden platform within the tree leaves and the spiraling stair around it all the way from the top of the mountain to the bottom where my farms are at the moment. The rest of the mountain has been developed the same way, random inspiration moments.
Long story short: I watched a minecraft video, got interested, downloaded a cracked launcher, started building an epic base, got sad when I discovered I couldn't mod, save screenshots, log into servers or even change skins with the launcher, started contemplating buying the game, saw this thread, decided to buy game after I get out of work today. It'll be hard replicating my current cracked launcher base with the same seed, but I guess I can make a formal journal now that I have to restart. Thank you for your inspiration sir.
The problem with that is that if you make the blocks right next to each other the block updates will make the water flow, thus not making a complete roof or walls. I must give credit though, that's a very good suggestion for being new.
Hmmm... What if you make 2 layer roof/walls? Instead of putting blockes next to each other you put them next to each other in the layer above. Like a 2 layer chessboard where white blocks are on Y1 and black blocks are on Y2.
Edit: Thanks for the credit, I'm a structural engineer lol. You should see my first and only survival house on top/around/inside an extreme hills mountain. I'm currently working on a 80ish block high, 5 block wide stair spiraling around a 4x4 100ish block high Birch tree. Too bad I started playing on a cracked launcher and cant save screenshots, I'm going to be buying the game soon though.
Edit 2: Correction, the Birch tree is 5x5, forgot I changed the design to turn tree into a stealth mob drop. The tree is hollow inside, the mob spawning platform will be hidden within the tree leaves.
On the water house. Im fairly new, but I read somewhere that when you break ice floating in the air water will not flow, it will stay like a floating block of water.
Or something along those lines. Figure out how it works and you can make the roof without fences.
The fist obviously, without it you'd never be able to chop down your first tree, or dig down your first night's cave, etc... you can do without any other item, but without the fist you can't play the game at all.
Was cruising safely in the nether on a 1x1 bridge, suddenly I saw a lonely pigmen on the edge of an island and for some reason I felt like a superhero and decided to jump down to do a critical while knocking it into the lava, but... I missed the hit... and he pushed me into the lava... I was carryong a lot of stuff, a diamond sword and pickaxe... typically I panicked and died 10 more times trying to reclaim my stuff, losing yet a lot of iron armor and weapons and another diamond sword... then came the rage quit... my girlfriend was getting nervous for my screaming at the computer.
I decided to make my house on top of a mountain in extreme hills biome, flatten the top, lit it up with torches and I was done making my starting base. The top of an unreachable mountain, I didn't need no walls or doors, I made a 10x10ish square with chests, ovens and crafting tables. All was fine for days, then one night a creeper crawled to me while attending to a chest. Blew out the portion of chests containing the most valuable items. Lost quite a few items. After that I did a 2 block high trench around the top of the mountain, put glass panes on the perimeter of the top of the mountain to function as a guardrail on top of the 2 block high trench, lit up suspicious spawning areas, did an 18x18 underground room on the top with glass roof and underwater entrance and switched chests into it. Never again you stupid creepers, never again!
a. If ghast is over lava, I move 2 blocks to the left, fireball misses and I ignore the ghast as I go away.
b. If ghast is over an easily rechable area to pick the loot, I hit the fireballs back.
In the same cave I somehoe fell in lava, 30 seconds after I dumped my water bucket to pick up lava. I paused the screen to reflect upon all the stuff I would be losing, but the protection in my gear allowed me to reach the water I had just dumped.
For example, when I spawned in my survival world I had nothing planned, I just climbed the tallest tree to look at the scenery and the first thing I saw was an extreme hills mountain with a single tree on top. I was inspired to build a base all over that mountain using the tree as a main feature. I climbed the tree on top of the mountain to get a picture of the top of the mounatin and decide at what level I would flatten the top to start a base. Once flattened I went about 100 blocks away from the mountain on all 4 directons to look at the sides and visualize what sort of things I could do with it, like where the Main entrance would be, the pool, balconies, etc... And thats how I began my survival world, no big plans or anything, just looking at the scenery and imagining how I could turn it into something else without losing the mountainous look. Eventually I visualized a spiraling stair around the tree so I cleared a 9x9 chunk below the tree all the way to the bottom of the mountain and although I initially wanted to keep the tree intact I customized to be a 100ish block high Birch tree with a 5x5 trunk and a hollowed center to serve as a mob drop with a hidden platform within the tree leaves and the spiraling stair around it all the way from the top of the mountain to the bottom where my farms are at the moment. The rest of the mountain has been developed the same way, random inspiration moments.
^^^That! Definitely that!!!
Hmmm... What if you make 2 layer roof/walls? Instead of putting blockes next to each other you put them next to each other in the layer above. Like a 2 layer chessboard where white blocks are on Y1 and black blocks are on Y2.
Edit: Thanks for the credit, I'm a structural engineer lol. You should see my first and only survival house on top/around/inside an extreme hills mountain. I'm currently working on a 80ish block high, 5 block wide stair spiraling around a 4x4 100ish block high Birch tree. Too bad I started playing on a cracked launcher and cant save screenshots, I'm going to be buying the game soon though.
Edit 2: Correction, the Birch tree is 5x5, forgot I changed the design to turn tree into a stealth mob drop. The tree is hollow inside, the mob spawning platform will be hidden within the tree leaves.
Or something along those lines. Figure out how it works and you can make the roof without fences.
1 - Shovel/Axe/Tools
2 - Sword
3 - Pickaxe
4 - Bow
5 - blocks
6 - Torch
7 - Bucket
8 - Empty - Free for special items depending on the situation.
9 - Food
I decided to make my house on top of a mountain in extreme hills biome, flatten the top, lit it up with torches and I was done making my starting base. The top of an unreachable mountain, I didn't need no walls or doors, I made a 10x10ish square with chests, ovens and crafting tables. All was fine for days, then one night a creeper crawled to me while attending to a chest. Blew out the portion of chests containing the most valuable items. Lost quite a few items. After that I did a 2 block high trench around the top of the mountain, put glass panes on the perimeter of the top of the mountain to function as a guardrail on top of the 2 block high trench, lit up suspicious spawning areas, did an 18x18 underground room on the top with glass roof and underwater entrance and switched chests into it. Never again you stupid creepers, never again!