Great mod! I have a few suggestions and a possible bug to report. First, I'll start with the bug.
I was testing this mod on a server, making sure everything worked, when i suddenly saw something called "contributor activate" (Or something like that, I can't remember very well), also I was using not enough items, that's how I saw this. I went to right click it to see if it worked for people without contributing (Not to exploit it, to report it), when suddenly, my server crashed! I'm not sure if this happens in singleplayer or not, but it certainly does in a server...
Right now on to the suggestions. First, can you make a creative item to instantly level you up? It's really annoying when I want to test out a clan in creative and I have to grind really hard (Using a sharpness 1000 stick for insta-kill) or use NBTExplorer to change the data.
Second, an idea for the "itemless jutsu" that you spoke to someone about (I think i found it in the comments of this forum). I was thinking you could make an item called a "Jutsu Scroll" which is soulbound to a player when they make it (Or they don't even need to have it on them for it to work). This item would open a gui when you right click it, where you would have slots in which to place jutsu. Then, to activate jutsu, you would press a certain key (Or maybe punch with the item if it's soulbound). To scroll through your jutsu, maybe the left and right arrow keys, or hold shift and mouse wheel.
Third, more of a question then a suggestion, but still somewhere around there. Are you going to make the shadow possession jutsu for the Nara clan? If so, is it possible to make it so anything caught in it actually mimics the players movement? I was thinking maybe you could have it so the jutsu only travels in a straight line, and will only go in front of you, to save you the trouble of certain bugs that could arise.
Right I think that's it, I'll edit this post if I get any more ideas, good job, good luck, and good day!
I'm sorry to say that Math, and his staff, do not support cheating in anyway, that's why the mod is like that, and for your 3rd question is I believe he will be working on that when he can.
Is there a gedo statue and if not how do you get the ten tails?
Xwolf sorry to bum you out but there is currently no way from what I'm aware of to obtain the Rinnegan, I'm not sure if he add the Gedo Statue, and he has added the Ten tails but you can only Fight it, and I'm sure if he updated it yet so idk.
We should also go and support him on patreon so that he has money to work on the mod.
I'm sorry to say that Math, and his staff, do not support cheating in anyway, that's why the mod is like that, and for your 3rd question is I believe he will be working on that when he can.
Xwolf sorry to bum you out but there is currently no way from what I'm aware of to obtain the Rinnegan, I'm not sure if he add the Gedo Statue, and he has added the Ten tails but you can only Fight it, and I'm sure if he updated it yet so idk.
I'm not sure what math is planing, but I can assure you that he will come around to it. so thank you for Bring you thoughts forward