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    posted a message on Forming Raid Team
    Still looking for people
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Forming Raid Team
    Yeah as the title states im forming a raid team.
    I have a server with a base where I already have a nice amount of enchanted diamond armor, weapons, tools and what not.
    But we can go to a new server if needed. (Note: Im using cracked)
    I will be recording and editing and uploading to YouTube.
    I can make a new account to upload on so we can a team name.
    Im look for two to three people possibly more:
    Time Zone:
    PVP Skill:
    Raid Skill/Experience:

    Heres mines:
    IGN: ZebrasEatPandas
    Age: 14
    Skype: I'll message you on Skype if your'e accepted.
    Time Zone: EST
    PVP Skill: 7/10
    Raid Skill/Experience: 9/10
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Help?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Help?
    Computer lags a lot when im gaming. Probably not the best computer for gaming but is an acer aspire 5560.
    Specs are
    • ProcessorAMD A6-3400M 1.4 GHz ( Quad-Core )

    • Memory4 GB / 8 GB (max)

    • Hard Drive500 GB - 5400 rpm

    • Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Edition

    • Display Type15.6 in TFT active matrix

    • Max Resolution1366 x 768 ( HD )

    • Graphics ProcessorAMD Radeon HD 6520G
    Optical DriveDVD±RW / DVD-RAM - Integrated

    I dont know anything about computers, should I invest in a new computer?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on 13+ Minecraft lets play partner.
    I found a partner.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on 13+ Minecraft lets play partner.
    Still looking for a partner.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on 13+ Minecraft lets play partner.
    Looking for a minecraft lets play partner. I can record and upload to youtube. I can also host a hamachi server. My skype name is zebraseatpandas please add me if interested for more details.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Lets play partner(s)
    Looking for a couple of people to do raiding and griefing videos on cracked hardcore pvp servers. Not really any requirements except decent mic quality. I can record and upload the videos. Message me on Skype if interested or have questions zebraseatpandas.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Help with HyperCam 2?
    Whenever I record anything my audio is off. I think the video plays too fast. Like when I say something, the video goes so fast, that what I'm saying I actually said when the video was at a different time. It's hard to explain. Is there a way to configure the settings with HyperCam so this doesn't happen?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Looking for a YouTube series partner(s)
    IGN: EvilZebras47
    Skype Name: zebraseatpandas
    Youtube Name (If you have one): ZebrasEatPandas (But I don't have any videos.)
    Name: Matea
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Why I should choose you: Because I am zebra.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Lets Play partner.
    Need someone to do some lets play videos with. You need to have skype and be able to play semi often. I already know of a server to play on and I can record. Message me on skype if your interested. My skype name is zebraseatpandas.

    I found someone, don't message me for lets play partners.
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on Help with ideas?
    I just built this house in the shape of a chicken. But I dont know what to put in the rooms. Theres 5 rooms, two inside the head and a area on its back and on top of its head. Help with ideas? I thought of making it like a modern house on the inside, but it doesnt seem to work of it being inside a giant chicken. xD
    Some pictures:
    The back of the chicken http://i48.tinypic.com/e1dbfp.png
    Front view http://i48.tinypic.com/2n06fr9.png
    A room inside the body http://i45.tinypic.com/xcpq2e.png
    A room inside the head http://i48.tinypic.com/ajp2pw.png
    The head of the chicken http://i49.tinypic.com/9u3pfd.png
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Help with making labtop better for gaming?
    Hmm. Alright. Thanks for the help.@wolley74That's probably the problem, alot of software needed to be updated when I received my labtop.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Help with making labtop better for gaming?
    So for my birthday I got an Acer Aspire 5560 Series and I need help to make it better for gaming. Minecraft tends to lag, Dc universe would make it heat up alot(Eventullay had to uninstall) and took seven hours to install, Maplestory crashed just trying to install. It has 4 ram and a AMD Radeon HD 6620G graphics card. Is there anything I could try to make gaming better?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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