IGN : Benny_Fantastic
Age : 17
Why you should join : Because I love playing on servers with dedicated members that just want to have some fun
How long have you played MC : Since early Alpha
IGN: Benny_Fantastic Age: 17 Country: USA Why you want to join this server: To be in a dedicated community, and have a lot of fun Things you like to do on minecraft: Build cool buildings and contraptions. Organize community events, and games etc. Why should I pick you: Because I am a fun guy, I am a pretty good builder, and love gaming with a tight community Tell me about yourself: I am 17, live in Salinas, California. I have been playing Minecraft since Alpha 1.1.1 (the unscheduled free weekend) Skype(optional): Zarien180 (I'm not on usually)
2. Ever since I was a child, I loved the idea of miniature people. I must have watched "The Borrowers" every weekend for 5 years. I used to build small villages out of twigs in the backyard, and follow ants around to find out how they live.
3. I have a glowing personality and a stunning sense of over-optimism. I have been playing minecraft since early Beta. Never a dull moment when I'm with someone who gets my humor.
4. *I ran cross country in HS, and graduated a year early.
*I love gaming and what it allows people to do.
*My favorite game is definitely Bastion, and I totally cried at the end.
*Youngest child of 5
*Have played on the server before, as "Zarien" but i felt like making a new account
5. If Tiny, you have the right to carve a home within Spawnington, its sewers, or its various hovels, so
long as the outward appearances of the aforementioned builds are not altered.
IGN: Benny_Fantastic Why do you want to join our server?: Ever since I was a child, I loved the idea of miniature people. I must have watched "The Borrowers" every weekend for 5 years. I used to build small villages out of twigs in the backyard, and follow ants around to find out how they live. Now that I can do this in minecraft, I can barely contain myself! What can/will you do to contribute?: I have a glowing personality and a stunning sense of over-optimism Tell us a little about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since early Beta. 'I like cheese' . Never a dull moment when I'm with someone who gets my humor Other: The reason for this application is that Cia said I needed to make a new application for my new account.
IGN: Zarien Why do you want to join our server?: Ever since I was a child, I loved the idea of miniature people. I must have watched "The Borrowers" every weekend for 5 years. I used to build small villages out of twigs in the backyard, and follow ants around to find out how they live. Now that I can do this in minecraft, I can barely contain myself! What can/will you do to contribute?: I have a glowing personality and a stunning sense of over-optimism Tell us a little about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since early Beta. 'I like cheese' . Never a dull moment when I'm with someone who gets my humor Other: When does the sun rise in the evening, and set in the morning?
IGN: Zarien
I've been a builder on a few different servers.
I don't have any questions about the rules, but I'm curious as to whether or not you are looking for builders.
1. Minecraft IGN: Zarien
2. Desired nickname (must start with first 3 letters of IGN): Zarien
3. Age: 17
4. Minecraft server experience: I've been on multiplayer servers since they were first added to the game
5. Why do you want to join Worlds Apart: To kill wither bosses with fun people
6. If applicable, who recommended you to *WA*? (provide IGN): NaN
7. Have you read the whole thread including all the rules: I have indeed.
3. Previous Bans from other servers (explain): NaN
4. Referral(s): Critics rave about my fondue parties
5. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? do so here! http://hc.to/vote): Yes
6.How'd you hear about Herocraft? I was browsing the internets
7 Special Key: HCZ6
8.Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA and ToS? Yes 9. Reason(s) you should be accepted:Aforementioned fondue, etc. 10. Additional Info: <(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(0_0) caterpillar...
**ONLY EDIT WHAT IS BELOW THIS** versionChecker Lbspkrs/util/ModVersionChecker;
ConstantValue mcfTopic <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft;
StackMapTable ã getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
getPriorities load onTickInGame $(FLnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft;)Z msg arr$ [Ljava/lang/String; len$ i$ f mc LMLProp; ? <clinit>
SourceFile mod_treecapitator.java z { Ghttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/20748481/Minecraft/1.5.0/treeCapitator.version w E ,http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1009577- y E È Ë K bspkrs/util/ModVersionChecker ? ? ? ? Ê Í Î Ï Ð z Ñ u v
TreeCapitator ML 1.5.0.r01 required-after:mod_bspkrsCore Ò { Ì Ô Õ Ó ? Ø D E J K M K O K Q K S K U E W X Z X \ K ^ K ` K b K d E f g i K k X m K o g q X s K Ù Ú Û Ü Ö Þ ß Ý á â mod_bspkrsCore BaseMod bspkrs/treecapitator/TCLog allowUpdateCheck ModLoader INSTANCE Lbspkrs/treecapitator/TCLog; getLogger ()Ljava/util/logging/Logger; e(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/logging/Logger;)V checkVersionWithLogging "bspkrs/treecapitator/TreeCapitator
setInGameHook (LBaseMod;ZZ)V net/minecraft/client/Minecraft init (Z)V isCurrentVersion ()Z getInGameMessage ()[Ljava/lang/String; bdp g Lbdp; Lmod_treecapitator; b (Ljava/lang/String;)V mod_treecapitator RGMCP ! B C D E F
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$ * 0 6 < B ! H # N % T ' Z * ` , f . l 0 r 2 x 4 ? ?
I'm opening it in Notepad,
What am I doing wrong!?
Age : 17
Why you should join : Because I love playing on servers with dedicated members that just want to have some fun
How long have you played MC : Since early Alpha
Age: 17
Country: USA
Why you want to join this server: To be in a dedicated community, and have a lot of fun
Things you like to do on minecraft: Build cool buildings and contraptions. Organize community events, and games etc.
Why should I pick you: Because I am a fun guy, I am a pretty good builder, and love gaming with a tight community
Tell me about yourself: I am 17, live in Salinas, California. I have been playing Minecraft since Alpha 1.1.1 (the unscheduled free weekend)
Skype(optional): Zarien180 (I'm not on usually)
Where did you hear about the server: Front Page
Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes
What's our policy on raging: Don't do it, focus your anger on plotting revenge.
2. Ever since I was a child, I loved the idea of miniature people. I must have watched "The Borrowers" every weekend for 5 years. I used to build small villages out of twigs in the backyard, and follow ants around to find out how they live.
3. I have a glowing personality and a stunning sense of over-optimism. I have been playing minecraft since early Beta. Never a dull moment when I'm with someone who gets my humor.
4. *I ran cross country in HS, and graduated a year early.
*I love gaming and what it allows people to do.
*My favorite game is definitely Bastion, and I totally cried at the end.
*Youngest child of 5
*Have played on the server before, as "Zarien" but i felt like making a new account
5. If Tiny, you have the right to carve a home within Spawnington, its sewers, or its various hovels, so
long as the outward appearances of the aforementioned builds are not altered.
6. Cheese!
IGN: Benny_Fantastic
Why do you want to join our server?: Ever since I was a child, I loved the idea of miniature people. I must have watched "The Borrowers" every weekend for 5 years. I used to build small villages out of twigs in the backyard, and follow ants around to find out how they live. Now that I can do this in minecraft, I can barely contain myself!
What can/will you do to contribute?: I have a glowing personality and a stunning sense of over-optimism
Tell us a little about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since early Beta. 'I like cheese' . Never a dull moment when I'm with someone who gets my humor
Other: The reason for this application is that Cia said I needed to make a new application for my new account.
Why do you want to join our server?: Ever since I was a child, I loved the idea of miniature people. I must have watched "The Borrowers" every weekend for 5 years. I used to build small villages out of twigs in the backyard, and follow ants around to find out how they live. Now that I can do this in minecraft, I can barely contain myself!
What can/will you do to contribute?: I have a glowing personality and a stunning sense of over-optimism
Tell us a little about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since early Beta. 'I like cheese' . Never a dull moment when I'm with someone who gets my humor
Other: When does the sun rise in the evening, and set in the morning?
I've been a builder on a few different servers.
I don't have any questions about the rules, but I'm curious as to whether or not you are looking for builders.
2. Desired nickname (must start with first 3 letters of IGN): Zarien
3. Age: 17
4. Minecraft server experience: I've been on multiplayer servers since they were first added to the game
5. Why do you want to join Worlds Apart: To kill wither bosses with fun people
6. If applicable, who recommended you to *WA*? (provide IGN): NaN
7. Have you read the whole thread including all the rules: I have indeed.
2. Location and Age: California, 16
3. Previous Bans from other servers (explain): NaN
4. Referral(s): Critics rave about my fondue parties
5. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? do so here! http://hc.to/vote): Yes
6.How'd you hear about Herocraft? I was browsing the internets
7 Special Key: HCZ6
8.Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA and ToS? Yes
9. Reason(s) you should be accepted: Aforementioned fondue, etc.
10. Additional Info: <(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(.(0_0) caterpillar...
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Æ Ç ã É axeIDList Ljava/lang/String; RuntimeVisibleAnnotations info eIDs of items that can chop down trees. Use ',' to split item id from metadata and ';' to split items. needItem Z qWhether you need an item from the axeIDList to chop down a tree. Disabling will let you chop trees with any item. onlyDestroyUpwards …Setting this to false will allow the chopping to move downward as well as upward (and blocks below the one you break will be chopped)
destroyLeaves CEnabling this will make leaves be destroyed when trees are chopped.
shearLeaves ‚Enabling this will cause destroyed leaves to be sheared when a shearing item is in the hotbar (ignored if destroyLeaves is false).
shearVines Enabling this will shear /some/ of the vines on a tree when a shearing item is in the hotbar (ignored if destroyLeaves is false).
shearIDList ¤IDs of items that when placed in the hotbar will allow leaves to be sheared when shearLeaves is true.
Use ',' to split item id from metadata and ';' to split items. logHardnessNormal F QThe hardness of logs for when you are using items that won't chop down the trees. logHardnessModified KThe hardness of logs for when you are using items that can chop down trees. disableInCreative .Flag to disable tree chopping in Creative mode disableCreativeDrops &Flag to disable drops in Creative mode allowItemDamage ?Enable to cause item damage based on number of blocks destroyed allowMoreBlocksThanDamage „Enable to allow chopping down the entire tree even if your item does not have enough damage remaining to cover the number of blocks.
sneakAction ÛSet sneakAction = "disable" to disable tree chopping while sneaking,
set sneakAction = "enable" to only enable tree chopping while sneaking,
set sneakAction = "none" to have tree chopping enabled regardless of sneaking. maxBreakDistance I _The maximum horizontal distance that the log breaking effect will travel (use -1 for no limit). requireLeafDecayCheck ìWhen true TreeCapitator will only instantly decay leaves that have actually been marked for decay.
Set to false if you want leaves to be destroyed regardless of their decay status (hint: or for "leaf" blocks that are not really leaves). damageMultiplier Axes and shears will take damage this many times for each log broken.
Remaining damage is rounded and applied to tools when a tree is finished. useIncreasingItemDamage wSet to true to have the per-block item damage amount increase after every increaseDamageEveryXBlocks blocks are broken. increaseDamageEveryXBlocks „When useIncreasingItemDamage=true the damage applied per block broken will increase each time this many blocks are broken in a tree. damageIncreaseAmount œWhen useIncreasingItemDamage=true the damage applied per block broken will increase by this amount every increaseDamageEveryXBlocks blocks broken in a tree. allowSmartTreeDetectionSet to false to disable TreeCapitator Smart Tree Detection.
Smart Tree Detection counts the number of leaf blocks that are adjacent to the
top-most connected log block at the x, z location of a log you've broken. If
there are at least minLeavesToID leaf blocks within maxLeafIDDist blocks then
TreeCapitator considers it a tree and allows chopping.
WARNING: Disabling Smart Tree Detection will remove the only safeguard against
accidentally destroying a log structure. Make sure you know what you're doing!
**ONLY EDIT WHAT IS BELOW THIS** versionChecker Lbspkrs/util/ModVersionChecker;
ConstantValue mcfTopic <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft;
StackMapTable ã getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
getPriorities load onTickInGame $(FLnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft;)Z msg arr$ [Ljava/lang/String; len$ i$ f mc LMLProp; ? <clinit>
SourceFile mod_treecapitator.java z { Ghttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/20748481/Minecraft/1.5.0/treeCapitator.version w E ,http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1009577- y E È Ë K bspkrs/util/ModVersionChecker ? ? ? ? Ê Í Î Ï Ð z Ñ u v
TreeCapitator ML 1.5.0.r01 required-after:mod_bspkrsCore Ò { Ì Ô Õ Ó ? Ø D E J K M K O K Q K S K U E W X Z X \ K ^ K ` K b K d E f g i K k X m K o g q X s K Ù Ú Û Ü Ö Þ ß Ý á â mod_bspkrsCore BaseMod bspkrs/treecapitator/TCLog allowUpdateCheck ModLoader INSTANCE Lbspkrs/treecapitator/TCLog; getLogger ()Ljava/util/logging/Logger; e(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/logging/Logger;)V checkVersionWithLogging "bspkrs/treecapitator/TreeCapitator
setInGameHook (LBaseMod;ZZ)V net/minecraft/client/Minecraft init (Z)V isCurrentVersion ()Z getInGameMessage ()[Ljava/lang/String; bdp g Lbdp; Lmod_treecapitator; b (Ljava/lang/String;)V mod_treecapitator RGMCP ! B C D E F
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I'm opening it in Notepad,
What am I doing wrong!?