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    posted a message on What should I do with 3,000 cobblestone?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What should I do with 3,000 cobblestone?
    Do what I do when I don't know what to do with something. Stick it in your butt!

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What is wrong with the FPS?
    Quote from Nucco »
    Letspoint, let me point out to you that, telling someone to get a new computer because theirs simply wont run a game all that well, even after optimizing everything, isn't a bad suggestion. Pretty fair, actually if you ask me.

    Letspoint, please ignore the insanity quoted above.

    Do not buy a new computer.

    To buy a new computer to play this...

    ...would be ****ing bananas.

    Your computer is not the problem. Messy code is the problem. To buy a new computer to play a sloppy Beta stage indie game written in javascript is absolutely ridiculous. You will be wasting a lot of money.

    What you need to do is just wait. The code will be cleaned up a bit in the future. They're just trying to get everything to function before they polish it. Notice how the game lagged like crazy days after the Halloween update and then subsided? That's a result of polishing the code. MineCraft is the last game on Earth that one would ever need to buy a new computer to play. Wait for the game to be officially released.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What is wrong with the FPS?
    The MineCraft code is in desperate need of optimizing. A game like this should have no problem at all running on any modern computer, even with a ton of chunks loaded. I'm sure it will all be streamlined in the future, but for now we just have to deal with all the soul crushing lock ups and lag.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I WILL ACCEPT ALL YOUR CHALLENGES!!! (and record it)
    Noteblock this.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on ██████ ☠ Occam ☠ ██████
    Quote from DestWa »
    GOO FINLAND! :tongue.gif: Just informing that Vulva here = vagina

    The external part of the vagina, to be precise :smile.gif:

    It's also Latin for "womb".
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ██████ ☠ Occam ☠ ██████
    I'm going to have to agree with jenks here, the boat does indeed look nice. The lighthouse also looks pretty cool.

    We are looking for a little more elaborate, let's say "classic" style architecture than the stadium you're working on, but that's not to say we're not open to different kind of design. I'm just going off what strikes my fancy. The stadium isn't striking me as particularly smecksy, though (which isn't to say it's bad, just not particularly enticing to me).

    And while it would all depend on the final result, the thought of building a Pantheon gets me all moist.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on NOTEBLOCK CHALLENGE
    Quote from visboerpiet »
    i can make it but slowed down

    I'll believe it when I see it :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on NOTEBLOCK CHALLENGE

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic?
    Quote from Stormsntides »
    Quote from Zahn »
    Quote from trunksbomb »
    Lul, good one. I can't help it that so many people like to bring up irrelephants that I get frustrated with their ignorance of the topic from time to time. I'm all like "Compare this apple to this apple" and they're all like "You can't compare two apples without having an orange to compare them to!"

    But really, I don't know why everyone on the Pro-Imbalance team is out solely against me. Lots of other people have brought up the same things I bring up, yet you target me.

    238 for "They're perfect. They should stay as is"

    23 for "They're overpowered. They should be less efficient."

    A tiny fraction of those total 261 users have posted in this thread, probably about twenty. Proportionally, that's about two or three people on your side, hardly what I'd call "lots". And even if "lots" of people had been on your side or brought up the same points, they would represent a disproportionately vocal super-minority. Translation: The small handful of you who are arguing against mob farms appear more relevant than you actually are simply because you're louder.

    As I have stated before pages ago, the poll has no effect on the discussion. Likewise, the discussion has no effect on the poll.

    Uh, bro... the poll numbers are entirely relevant to whether or not "lots of people" are making the same point as trunk... which, if you actually read what was written, you'd see is exactly what we were talking about... <3

    Quote from Zahn »
    Please stop talking about whether I'm on topic or not, you're getting us very off topic.

    This in turn turn draws us further off-topic.

    Yeah, I know... that was my point.

    Please, if you're going to sit here and counter me with "no, what YOU'RE saying is getting us of-topic" then make another thread about how off-topic we're all making each other and quit doing it in this thread.

    Lol, and the cycle continues.

    "You're getting us off topic."

    "Talking about being off topic is also off topic, bro."


    Lol X)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic?
    Quote from trunksbomb »
    Quote from Quazilla »
    You're going further and further off topic, so I would suggest you quit it before you get the topic locked, and our general consensus of mob farms being imbalanced is finalized.

    Lul, good one. I can't help it that so many people like to bring up irrelephants that I get frustrated with their ignorance of the topic from time to time. I'm all like "Compare this apple to this apple" and they're all like "You can't compare two apples without having an orange to compare them to!"

    But really, I don't know why everyone on the Pro-Imbalance team is out solely against me. Lots of other people have brought up the same things I bring up, yet you target me.

    238 for "They're perfect. They should stay as is"

    23 for "They're overpowered. They should be less efficient."

    A tiny fraction of those total 261 users have posted in this thread, probably about twenty. Proportionally, that's about two or three people on your side, hardly what I'd call "lots". And even if "lots" of people had been on your side or brought up the same points, they would represent a disproportionately vocal super-minority. Translation: The small handful of you who are arguing against mob farms appear more relevant than you actually are simply because you're louder.

    It's irrelevant to whether or not mob farms are imbalanced to mob hunting. Please stay on-topic.

    Please stop talking about whether I'm on topic or not, you're getting us very off topic.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic?
    Quote from Quazilla »
    You're going further and further off topic, so I would suggest you quit it before you get the topic locked, and our general consensus of mob farms being imbalanced is finalized.

    Arbitrarily speculating whether or not I'm on topic or off is the equivalent of screaming "BE QUIET OR THEY'LL HEAR US! BE QUIET! BE QUIET!" Point being, you're off topic, too. And personally, I never say this, but I think this topic should be locked. It's just a cluster**** of users trying to argue against the terrible arguments of one or two people who may or may not be trolling.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic?
    Quote from Quazilla »
    This is not a thread designed to discuss whether or not trunksbomb is a troll, so
    QUIT IT.

    This is not a thread designed to discuss not discussing whether or not trunksbomb is a troll, so back at you.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic?
    I considered the possibility that he was a troll a long time ago, but dismissed it. It just seems too sad to be true, to sit here and devote so much time to this. Then again, he's devoted a rather miserable amount of time to this whether he's for real or not. And yet it seems much more of a lonely road to commit so much of one's day to a joke with strangers on the internet than it does to simply be an unreasonable pendant. Who knows. All things considered, 35 pages is more than enough.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Is mob farming a balanced game mechanic?
    Quote from mountainjor »
    I'm firmly convinced now that this thing needs an examination by Notch. That's my opinion. Whether or not the facts supporting that opinion are themselves based on opinion is why we're arguing. wow, that should be the op.

    There's basically one person keeping this thread alive. The rest of us are just reacting to him. Hardly what I'd think worthy of Notch's consideration.

    It should also be noted that this said person pretty much avoids acknowledging every comment he isn't prepared to give a coherent reply to.

    This whole "issue" is kind of a waste of time, really. Every poll taken on the subject puts his perspective in an enormous minority. His idea does not seem very fun.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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