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    Hello guys! I see that your server is picking up heat! Congratulations! I really miss hanging out with you guys, and I was just wondering if you could unban me for 1 day. July 2nd. It is my birthday, and I would really just like to say hi to you guys again. I havent even asked for my donator unban. Im really sorry for what I have done...
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Hey guys! Just saying hi, and I hope that your server comes back up soon. I really miss you guys, and I wish that I could come back. Though, Im happy for you guys. Miss you! ~Love, Yuji
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on New Serious RP Server! [Whitelist]
    How old are you?: Im 12, 13 in July
    Where do you live? (Country, state.): USA, Ohio
    Why would you like to join?: Ive always loved rp, but I havent found a really good one, and I hope my search ends here.
    What race do you want to be/would like to?: An Elf
    Will you abide by the rules?: (y/n) Of course yes!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    Hey guys, just want to say congratulations! Grats to Adm on becoming Admin!!!! (I think Blue became one also!) I just wanted to say hi, and see how you guys are doing. Congratulations on a large server population. (I went advertising your server yesterday) And just thanks for the wonderful memories Guys! Ill say hi in a couple months again. C'yall later!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from VINILLY

    Yuji youve been very disrespectful. You have done things on this server you should'int of have like, you took away the faction shadovxlegend wanted and that same day after you made him rage quit you disbanded that faction, and all of its members such as pure_loser and more people had no homes to come back to and that whole area got greif because of you.

    Your reason has when ask I wanted to be admin faster so I thought be being in orphans faction I could stabing many in the back. You could of gaven the faction to somone els yuji you could of done it a better way but no.

    Your selfesh act was shunned by everyone on this server.

    The only reason that I ever said yes to you being mod/admin was because orphan wanted you to and when ask orphan, why to orphan that he would want you to become admin he didnt have anything nice to say the first words that came out of his mouth were I don't know.

    Following,he still didnt have anything nice to say sbout you, but that you would try and protect his intrest on Starwarscraft. Relative to you becoming an admin.

    I do have to admit LilChiki was the best admin/op I have had the previledge of working with and I would take him back in a heart beat.

    But what he did to DeathMist will never become undone and will always be reflected on his character.

    Another thing You have worn a skin that has been known for perverted comments. That is not admin like behavior and banable and sexes, racise or promotion of any vouger perverted acts is way behond this servers ability to be the best.

    With tah being said is the main reason you have been assest and have nee found to do wrong.

    Also if you think way back of my server rules.. we have a law implemented in this server stating.

    The King can do no wrong: meaning I have an emunity to any wrong doing.

    Not saying that Iam wrong but I know whats right from wrong and noone is truly perfect so I ask my admins and any other person to let you and orphan and Lilchiki resolve your faiths els were.

    That being said I would like to say good bye and best wishies. Bye.

    Vinilly. People thought my pedobear skin was funny. Aidan said he wasnt banned for a client. And I wrote my heart out saying sorry to you. Okay, back to the faction. I admit that I shouldnt have done that. But that was past. I know you were pissed at me for it, but I think you're just saying that because you never liked me from the beginning. Orphan, Chiki, and Shayne all told me that you didnt like me, and that if they hadn't been there to approve me I wouldnt have been that rank. I think I just replied to everything. And Vinilly, If I was banned for hacks why wasnt Aidan? Why was I banned for a pedobear skin when people didnt mind? Why did you bring up something that happened a month ago to the ban? You never told me I was banned for that. I dont even think that is against the rules. I understand what you are saying. You dont like it and I shouldnt have done it. But banned? For that? Could I at least be unbanned at like my donator rank? I mean I dont know why you hate me and want me banned when I donated the last bit of by Christmas money. Please, just unban me, I care so much about the server and EVERYONE knows it. If you ask tabz who helped her out soooo much when she just became admin I did. Who helped adm out? I did. Who cares about the server? I DO.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from Yuji

    I wont be nice? I got BANNED for doing nothing, and vinilly said it was for hacks. Let me get this straight. I got banned because I have something that the server owner has? In my opinion, if he banned me for a hacked client WHICH WAS BEING USED TO ADVERTISE HIS SERVER. He would have to ban himself and other people for hacks. When I told him about the client radar going off, he said "No big deal.". BUT, when poor little Yuji gets a client to help Vinilly out, of course, Vin says "Hacks?". I say "To advertise the server.". And then I get perm banned and banned from teamspeak. Aidan, may I ask why he just completely cut us out. He didnt even TALK to us. Can you at least unban us from teamspeak so that we can talk? I mean, all I would like to do is say goodbye to all of my friends because I know that I won't get unbanned because apparently spending 5 months of my life helping this server out isnt good enough. I mean I have been on this server longer than tabz, but yet she is still there and got admin before me. Why is this happening? I liked this server. I got told by orphan and chiki that Vinilly said that he didnt like me and was looking for a reason to ban me. I even went on Codathon's server and all of the people from Kingdom Legens were like "The ****?" when we told them what happened. Kazzy told me that Vinilly even had a hacked client. This doesnt even make sense. And to Vinilly. I am sorry about the comment that I made. I was just pissed off and vented. I am sorry. That probably ruined my chances at coming back. I loved all of the other admins, ops, jedis, and mods. They were like family, but I guess that it doesnt matter that I like everyone on this server. If I never get to come back on, I wish that all of the people on this server continue to love it and care for it like I did. I know that Chiki said that all good things must come to an end, but I really didnt want this one to end. I wanted to continue caring for it and nourishing it until it grows into something more beautiful and spectacular than it already is. If you can tell by this post that I am sad, you are right. I am heartbroken. I love this server and even though I was banned I will still continue to love the server and try to make it larger and nicer. I hope that Vinilly can find it in his heart to unban me. I care about everything this server stands for. I am even crying while I type this. I love this server and wish to have it continue for ever. Please Vinilly, I am so sorry for everything that I posted, I didnt mean any of it. I bet that Orphan didnt either. He wishes to come back too. We all do. We are all so upset that we have been banned and we wish that we can come back, but in the bottom of our hearts we know we cant. Can you please at least let us say our goodbyes. Please find it in your heart to unban me. ~With Love, Yuji_Sama. P.S. Please keep in touch with me. Add me on skype if you know me. my name is yuji_sama7. ~Love, Yuji

    Vin, can you atleast reply to me, and if you dont tell me why I am banned?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from Aidansb

    Orphan and Chiki. You were banned because you repeatedly harassed Deathmist. It was very horrible seeing you do this to her. She was swearing at you because you wouldn't leave her alone. You would use fus ro dah on her when she was trying to just mine or get something. You never left her alone. I am very sorry that you guys are banned. But that is what happens when you do this kind of thing. Yuji, I dont know exactly what to say. I am pretty much on your side. I believe your story. It is up to Vinilly to keep ou banned or unban u.
    Im not happy though about what you guys did. I hope that next time you guys can think differently about how you treat someone you dont like.

    Also yuji. Saying that kinda stuff about adin (vinilly) will not get u unbanned. By doing that, your chances grow very slim. And with me, i beleive your story, but not that you will be a nice person when u come back on the server.

    I wont be nice? I got BANNED for doing nothing, and vinilly said it was for hacks. Let me get this straight. I got banned because I have something that the server owner has? In my opinion, if he banned me for a hacked client WHICH WAS BEING USED TO ADVERTISE HIS SERVER. He would have to ban himself and other people for hacks. When I told him about the client radar going off, he said "No big deal.". BUT, when poor little Yuji gets a client to help Vinilly out, of course, Vin says "Hacks?". I say "To advertise the server.". And then I get perm banned and banned from teamspeak. Aidan, may I ask why he just completely cut us out. He didnt even TALK to us. Can you at least unban us from teamspeak so that we can talk? I mean, all I would like to do is say goodbye to all of my friends because I know that I won't get unbanned because apparently spending 5 months of my life helping this server out isnt good enough. I mean I have been on this server longer than tabz, but yet she is still there and got admin before me. Why is this happening? I liked this server. I got told by orphan and chiki that Vinilly said that he didnt like me and was looking for a reason to ban me. I even went on Codathon's server and all of the people from Kingdom Legens were like "The ****?" when we told them what happened. Kazzy told me that Vinilly even had a hacked client. This doesnt even make sense. And to Vinilly. I am sorry about the comment that I made. I was just pissed off and vented. I am sorry. That probably ruined my chances at coming back. I loved all of the other admins, ops, jedis, and mods. They were like family, but I guess that it doesnt matter that I like everyone on this server. If I never get to come back on, I wish that all of the people on this server continue to love it and care for it like I did. I know that Chiki said that all good things must come to an end, but I really didnt want this one to end. I wanted to continue caring for it and nourishing it until it grows into something more beautiful and spectacular than it already is. If you can tell by this post that I am sad, you are right. I am heartbroken. I love this server and even though I was banned I will still continue to love the server and try to make it larger and nicer. I hope that Vinilly can find it in his heart to unban me. I care about everything this server stands for. I am even crying while I type this. I love this server and wish to have it continue for ever. Please Vinilly, I am so sorry for everything that I posted, I didnt mean any of it. I bet that Orphan didnt either. He wishes to come back too. We all do. We are all so upset that we have been banned and we wish that we can come back, but in the bottom of our hearts we know we cant. Can you please at least let us say our goodbyes. Please find it in your heart to unban me. ~With Love, Yuji_Sama. P.S. Please keep in touch with me. Add me on skype if you know me. my name is yuji_sama7. ~Love, Yuji
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from VINILLY

    You were ban for abusing a little girl "deathmist" is a player on this server that you persistently attack, by

    harassing her and spamming.

    This was a huge Embaressment, to Ops/admins abusing a little girl. I can't stand for it. Not on this server not ever.

    We don't tolerate racise comments, sexes, or any type of discrimination on Starwarscraft.

    You know what Vin? If you banned him for that why was I banned? I didnt use any hacks on the server,
    I never even logged ON with hacks! And I got them so that I could flood other servers with advertisments. I didnt "abuse powers, harras, or any of that ****. I was a ****ing good admin. And you know it. I helped people out, and I miss them. Why dont you see that? I love the server. I love all you guys like family. Im even pouring my heart out into this! I got banned for trying to advertise THIS server!? Why dont you see that!
    Please please please! Im asking you to unban me. It would mean the world to me. I didnt discriminate or wasnt racist. What is up with that? I didnt do anything wrong!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Im upset because I spend my life playing on here, then I get flood FOR THE SERVER! And get banned? The ****?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Im upset because I spend my life playing on here, then I get flood FOR THE SERVER! And get banned? The ****?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    He told me to get them to spam servers with advertising
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    I dont have hacks
    Orphan told me to get hacks but I didnt. Why did you ban me from ts and mc?!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from BlueAkatsuki

    2.I haven't had much past administrative experience but I've help out a few admins on servers
    3.My current power level 109
    4.My Current rank is DarkOfficer
    5.I want to be a staff member to help out this server even more then i already am, By making really good builds, making it an even better community and helping out players in need
    6.Just everything overall, mainly the the building that are coming up and being allowed to upload my builds into the server

    Please approve my application! :smile.gif:

    Accepted!~ You are an AMAZING builder! And a even better friend!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from IxIHReeceHIxI

    Official StarWarsCraft Staff App

    1.User Name=IxIHReeceHIxI
    2.I Worked, for Blizzard Entertainment EU. Coding team's, past servers. Citycraft, HardCores server. And have, alot of knowledge as an Moderator
    3.Power Lvl=250
    4.Current Rank=DarkJedi
    5.Because i like to help people, and i've done so, quite a bit with this server, and would like to continue with what i'm doing and help create the rest of the world, and influence players, in the right direction towards helping players. and I'll continue doing so, even without this rank :smile.gif:. I Love to build and am creating quite a few projects of my own :smile.gif: Some secret and hidden, i've got all the spells (EARNABLE SPELLS) Get along with most admins and am pretty rich on the server.
    So i've done most of my stuff.
    6.I'm loving the theme and the spell's the community and the players, are friendly and everyone is Happies :biggrin.gif:.

    Appoved! You have showed you can really help the server and you are really dedicated
    Quote from Eric67

    1.User Name=Monster482
    2.Power Lvl=7
    3.Current Rank=padawan
    4. i love the server and it theme and how the admins stick with the theme

    Posted in: PC Servers
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