Hey guys this is my first animation i know its not long but it still took a little while to make, if you like it well them like it! here's the link and thanks for reading/watching
Hey dude i have been thinking of making a youtube mincraft redstoning tutorial channel for awhile now and i really need a skin something unique and blue i don't really have much info for what i want but i thought i would give you a try' thanks if you make me one thanks for reading if you don't.
Dear taco i have been using these rules of map making since i started making maps also i would add some photos but i am new to minecraft forums and currently do not know how' so if you would be kind enough to leave a comment on how to do such things it would be very helpful. thank you
Hey people of minecraft come here and try this creeper soccer map it's pretty awesome if i do say so myself so give it a try and have fun messing around with it. it can be played with 1-6 people depending on if you have any friends (we both no its a big NO) Creeper soccer: https://www.mediafir.../creeper_soccer
Hi guys i have been thinking of starting a youtube minecraft redstoning tutorial account and was wondering if somebody could make me a minecraft skin i would be very thankful of anyone who would give it a try Thankyou for reading
can you please allow animated capes for me thanks!