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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from Keyalha

    just leave flowerchild alone this mod will not be part of the yogbox live with it and let it be. IF someone does a mod he has the distrubiton rights and in his interview he clearly stated why he does not want it i watched yogscast before that happens but since this shitstorm those two guys can go where the sun does never shine. Seriously you are not entitled to decide what someone else does with his work, so please just leave it be!

    I agree. It's his mod,so leave him be. Plus yogbox isn't really geared towards this kinda stuff imo(and BTW is so much better!)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.1] CCTV Block v2.2 - video cam/screen
    You should make it so they need to be either touching each other or connected with redstone/modded block. Than you could have a security room with multiple views!! Or when you place it, you type in the name/channel, like a sign, and the camera(s) & screen(s) that have the same channel will connect. Maybe even night-vision cameras crafted with a diamond and gold or something that let yo see in the dark like a real night-vision camera, allowing you to have a camera in your mob trap/creeper test home.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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