I will wait until 1.01 comes out I will also make a separate video on how to install it :smile.gif:
no dont bother with the install vid because ive already done one and it will be uploaded soon
and also can you both mention my youtube in the show case http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSuperMiners
how do you make a crafting item with dye like ive got different gems that i have made and i want them to be craftable by get like diamond and a green dye to make my emeraldGem how do i do that
nice thx :biggrin.gif:
no dont bother with the install vid because ive already done one and it will be uploaded soon
and also can you both mention my youtube in the show case http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSuperMiners
yes yes we do
thx do you like the textures?