Hay Everyone I'm Xx_ChickenNinja_xX and I've made a texture pack
please give me feed back on it and
ideas on what i should do to it
to improve it
so please download my texture pack!
Very Nice Flowing Textures
* Nice Wood and leaves
* Grass Flows
* Cobble looks more Cobbly
* Looks Like its Actually Breaking
* Ores Looks Like Ores
- Download MiniCraft
- Copy the ZIP file of this pack into your "texturepacks" folder of your ".minecraft" folder.
- Launch Minecraft and select MiniCraft in the "Mods and Textures Packs" section.
Nice, Cutlet cows now should render better and perfecly...
And im going to work on some code but I NEED the textures for portal! :dry.gif:
Part of tweaks to the original game got failed and i had to remove these... :angry.gif:
Nice texture packs Angus and I will eventually download and install them, just give me time. Other than that I really like them and to the guy who was trying to discourage Angus, I DOWNLOADED THE TEXTURE PACK AND I AM SOMEBODY.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...
Quick update:
I was coding and...
We gonna have new DIMENSION with a PORTAL!!!
At start will be really basic generation and no caves - basically pretty flat land of 3materials? :dry.gif:
i didn't blur the terrain.png though
nice thx sounds good
can you download it for me and give me feed back on it plz
please give me feed back on it and
ideas on what i should do to it
to improve it
so please download my texture pack!
Very Nice Flowing Textures
* Nice Wood and leaves
* Grass Flows
* Cobble looks more Cobbly
* Looks Like its Actually Breaking
* Ores Looks Like Ores
Screen Shots:
[1.9 PRE] MiniCraft 1.00
Old Downloads:
* First Release
- Download MiniCraft
- Copy the ZIP file of this pack into your "texturepacks" folder of your ".minecraft" folder.
- Launch Minecraft and select MiniCraft in the "Mods and Textures Packs" section.
nah keep it 1.03
damn cant wait to release the new dimention
yeh any requests?
ok i thought we were calling them black cows
finished all of the basic texture for the "new Dimention"
Thanks for the feed back
yeh if i can figure out how to do the texture
i think im going to make the portal colour red
thx and its called infintecraft because we are going to have a whole range of things in it